Apple iPhone 5S, budget iPhone and gold iPhone appear again

23 July, 2013
Images of iPhone 5 successor , the upcoming budget iPhone and the gold iPhone have been spotted.

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  • A
  • Android Man
  • mqM
  • 27 Jul 2013

Android have no worries with a budget iphone as knowing apple there budget will £300-£400

    • D
    • AnonD-151727
    • mfF
    • 25 Jul 2013

    NM, 24 Jul 2013Come on! Apple with low end phone like Android &samsung... more1.500.000 million new users a day buddyboy...join us..we know you want to, but are afraid off what your buddies would say

      • N
      • NM
      • sUU
      • 24 Jul 2013

      Come on! Apple with low end phone like Android &samsung?
      its for cheap ppl who love theie cheap phone & copy OS.

      removing restrictions on Apple iOS will make them Android OR jailbreak product, so called free OS Android has 87% of malware issue where apple iOS has 0.07%
      so check where android standing n where apple is rulllinhggg

        • D
        • AnonD-151727
        • 6j6
        • 24 Jul 2013

        mahboobeh, 24 Jul 2013 hello.pleese tell me: When will the iPhone 5s be releasedaccording to rumours 2014

          • D
          • AnonD-151727
          • 6j6
          • 24 Jul 2013

          the metallic shells shown from the inside is not made by the same machine/machines which is strange (because routers have the same programming) so these are pretty sure made mainly by hand in some place

            • b
            • bhArat
            • uCr
            • 24 Jul 2013

            A widget with all necessary omfpatiom

              • j
              • jaxon
              • MVg
              • 24 Jul 2013

              mahboobeh, 24 Jul 2013 hello.pleese tell me: When will the iPhone 5s be releasedno

                • M
                • Mark
                • 86v
                • 24 Jul 2013

                pukemon, 23 Jul 2013Who cares. Bring it on already.Android has no chance. Apple has a computer , Labtop , ipad , imac computer , mini Mac , mini ipad , apple routers , itunes Match music , all made of quality and they all work together. TELL WHO HAS THAT !!
                COME ON GUYS

                If you notice non tecky people have android. Like your stupid brother in law Who is still using windows and all there updates.

                  • a
                  • androidboy123456
                  • 3Ax
                  • 24 Jul 2013

                  they should make a bronze iphone as well, would be cracking.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uus
                    • 24 Jul 2013

                    i pod rip off...

                      • m
                      • mahboobeh
                      • IaA
                      • 24 Jul 2013

                      hello.pleese tell me: When will the iPhone 5s be released

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PUm
                        • 24 Jul 2013

                        Anonymous, 24 Jul 2013The iphone was already made by a chinese company...Taiwanese company's china plant.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uFj
                          • 24 Jul 2013

                          Anonymous, 23 Jul 2013This is a rip off of the Apple iPhone which is going to be ... moreThe iphone was already made by a chinese company...

                            • p
                            • professor
                            • 0V3
                            • 24 Jul 2013

                            guys, these look akward.. btw, which one of dem is golden lol? they have a long way to go to their rivals' level..

                              • D
                              • AnonD-105611
                              • gGj
                              • 23 Jul 2013

                              yeah, 23 Jul 2013but they have lied before. they have denied stuff in the pa... moreDidn't they repeatedally say there will be no smaller iPad? And that was even a week before the actual announcment of iPad mini?

                              I like all three, especially yellow, it's Nokia Lumias trademark color though, so I don't know how they are going to react to this.
                              If apple does release iPhone# in silver and gold and black and white or whatever and 'cheaper' iphone in yellow, green and other neon colors, even I may consider it, and I can't stand iOS. Colors = awesome, black&white = boring.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1825
                                • p77
                                • 23 Jul 2013

                                "Quarterly iPhone unit sales reached 31.2 million, compared to 26 million in the year-ago quarter,

                                “We are especially proud of our record June quarter iPhone sales of over 31 million"

                                Apple is doomed ;)

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-72581
                                  • mxn
                                  • 23 Jul 2013

                                  Apple could make there phones out of paper and ifans would still say how good iphones are. So sad and full of non tech minds who own these products

                                    • v
                                    • varun cms chandigarh
                                    • uuN
                                    • 23 Jul 2013

                                    with this news eveybody who have i4 or i5 want to try sale their iphone

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • n{5
                                      • 23 Jul 2013

                                      Wtf is a Zenevo processor????

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • t1$
                                        • 23 Jul 2013

                                        This is a rip off of the Apple iPhone which is going to be made by some unknown Chinese company. Lol