Google wins apppeal against EU's €1.5B fine from 2019

18 September 2024
The US company overturned an antitrust penalty for AdSense.

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Either swap judge or go voting again.
Google cannot win it does not deserve that.

    Anonymous, 18 Sep 2024Small beer for Google, but vast sums of cash for ordinary f... more“ Not going in the pockets of "disadvantaged" companies or consumers I think”

      MrSTTEK, 18 Sep 2024What is the main income of IT sectors in EU? Fines collecte... moreQuestion of the day! They fine and tax to death but never produce anything from it.

        Kekma, 18 Sep 2024what about cucking Apple?They are fine with the evil Apple… everyone else is innocent

          Akinaro, 18 Sep 2024Small reminder that Goggle, just like Apple, dont really pa... moreThe tax laws are the same for every company. It they do something illegal then they will be punished. Apple for example now has to pay $14 billion in back taxes to the Irish government. If the companies are following the rules they won't. Basically, all companies try to reduce their tax bill. As long as they do it within the law it's ok but if it becomes tax evasion then they will be punished. The new Pillar 2 tax rules and minimum global corporate tax rate will make it more difficult to avoid taxes going forward.

            earworm, 18 Sep 2024The only way any of these punishments are going to have any... moreThey actually can. But it would be long and tedious, it's easier to fine.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • sXb
              • 18 Sep 2024

              Small beer for Google, but vast sums of cash for ordinary folk. I wonder where those billions of euros to be paid in fines go. Will the EU share it proportionally with member states or does it just disappear in their accounting. Not going in the pockets of "disadvantaged" companies or consumers I think.

                The only way any of these punishments are going to have any effect is if they start issuing jail time for the suits responsible, or make them pay fines out of pocket. The EU can't do that to an american company though, even if they had the balls to try.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 05a
                  • 18 Sep 2024

                  MrSTTEK, 18 Sep 2024What is the main income of IT sectors in EU? Fines collecte... moreThe main "income" should be taxing, like it is for common people. Unfortunately elected leaders colluded with these offshore corporations to let them run trillion dollar businesses in the EU nearly without any expenses. That is the reason these antitrust rulings are dropping everywhere now. The corruption is being dealt with, unfortunately decades after they should have.

                  Fun fact: The Irish government has held back legislated expenditures in the billions on housing, while they've given these corporations tax breaks in the tens of billions. This mean the average rent in Dublin is now up around 2,500 euros per month for new contracts, because nothing sensibly priced has been built for over a decade. That is the cost of this corruption to people. Thankfully they weren't corrupted all the way up to the top of the EU.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • thY
                    • 18 Sep 2024

                    Even if Google pays out the €1.5B fine, it's still just chump change for a $T (Trillion Dollar) company.

                    What really is fining Google (and other tech companies) right now, is the sunk cost fallacy called AI.
                    They just can not stop hallucinating (cuz they keep feeding AI with digital psychedelic mushrooms).

                    Not to mention that Google has a graveyard of Apps and Software, so they are fine throwing money away.
                    AI is just sucking Google dry faster than they can replenish them with their false and scam ads.

                      Small reminder that Goggle, just like Apple, dont really pay taxes in EU, as they registered in "tax heaven" of Ireland. So every year, they just slap around 300-600m$ there even if they earn every year around 200-300 BILLIONS. And even after cutting from it expenses and extra bonuses for CEOs(few millions per person for just being there) they still could pay that fine and not really feel that next year, as they would just rise some services by 1 cent and earn it again...

                      Oh and we should not forget due to some government systems in US, like GAAP, FASB etc. we dont really know REAL earns as they can apply the last years losses to offset profits in the current year tax return. and as google separated it self to smaller sections under alphabet name, they can have separate company that make huge lose every year(for doing nothing really, as they just rotate money from one company to another under R&D expenses) and apply that lose to google so they can probably earn more than 300 billions just write it off as last year lose.

                        Apple had also won (about the Irish tax case) at the General court before the EU supreme court overturned the decision and ordered Apple to be fined like they should be.

                        I'm pretty sure the same would happen if the commission decided to appeal.

                          What is the main income of IT sectors in EU? Fines collected from China and US?

                            wow even Google won appeal, they still can steal privacy data from EU people quietly

                              • K
                              • Kekma
                              • nyf
                              • 18 Sep 2024

                              Phone Critic, 18 Sep 2024EU bunch of Losers especially in Courtswhat about cucking Apple?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • YQK
                                • 18 Sep 2024

                                Phone Critic, 18 Sep 2024EU bunch of Losers especially in CourtsAmericans are mostly Europeans by DNA😁😁

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3gj
                                  • 18 Sep 2024

                                  So, where's the Shopping button ? Google actually has the power to correct Consumerism by scaling properly the prices of everything in terms of their real worth.

                                  I hope the Law will actually force that.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Iby
                                    • 18 Sep 2024

                                    Phone Critic, 18 Sep 2024EU bunch of Losers especially in CourtsAnd if they resort to rigging the courts then you'll see multinational tech companies simply pulling out of the EU. It's already very difficult to be a tech company there. See what happened to X/Twitter in Brazil if you need an example.

                                      • F
                                      • FRODO
                                      • I2c
                                      • 18 Sep 2024

                                      so they did accept the same letter they send to Elon musk?

                                        EU bunch of Losers especially in Courts