Snap's new Spectacles 5 AR glasses bring massive improvements, you still can't buy them

18 September 2024
These have a much wider field of view than the 4th gen Spectacles and the image is sharper to boot. Run time on battery is 50% longer too.

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I remember than Apple was pushing this AR gimmicks 10 years ago or so, showing some crappy AR games which looked awful by the way, this AR stuff is juts pure laughable. VR is where should everybody focus, this is there you litteraly can experience something amazing not some half ass AR stuff nobody cares about.

    The Advertisement look like a counter to Apple Vision.

      • D
      • Des
      • D0b
      • 23 hours ago

      Is it because of the chip( and having to provide cooling chambers) the specs are bulky? Well atleast the stems?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3SI
        • 18 Sep 2024

        This is not very practical but also much more impressive than a VR headset because it is so much closer to the vision of normal glasses with AR capabilities. Though at double the weight, that is a pretty big difference and I hope that’s not the start of a new direction of them becoming another full-size VR headset with AR capabilities.

          Akinaro, 18 Sep 2024""which wants to be the leader of the AR market, ... moreAR is popular amongst thr corporate industry or in medical.

          Microsoft Holo is used by Dell, Nike for sneakers design, mining industry for underground mining, medical procedures using laser scale. Etc.

          The consumer industry never took off because the hardware wasn't good enough, and the software developers kept focusing on "games" and didn't see the real payout for revenue or profits as it wasn't sustainable.

          This is a lesson that if you build it they'll cones does NOT work anymore.
          .hardware was atrocious until recently,
          Not scalable for pricing under $500 or 300 and of course no real world tangible use cases - games isn't everything. No mobile OS currently can use it.

          Thats why it's not popular in thr consumer space.

            ""which wants to be the leader of the AR market, as soon as that AR market starts to exist.""

            AR exist for almost 30 years as specialized tool for industry, and for like 10 years as something that is available for average consumer. 5-6 years as something that can be used on mobile devices.

            Why it never got popular? Because lack of content, as 90% of games ad apps are 2-4 minutes things that get boring and its quality is low, as its mostly badly made cartoonish mess of assets. You have like maybe 50 VR games worth your time, maybe 10 apps that are actually useful, and AR? almost nothing as its all quickly made demos.