Play Store beats Apple App Store by downloads for the first time

01 August, 2013
Still, the iOS store makes a lot more money - 2.3x the revenue of the Play Store.

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  • k
  • king
  • vxt
  • 02 Aug 2013

i wont ever pay apple apps...... never!!!!!!!!! if we dont want delete.. im just wasting my money!!!!

we are just making them richer...

    • T
    • True Facts
    • PGX
    • 02 Aug 2013

    Android developers know their customers will not pay up, because most of them are young kids or stingy people who cannot afford iphone/ jealous of it.

    So they decided to farm those unknowning people looking for a cheap deal. by taking their personal details/phone numbers, and sell them to advertisement company and spam them day and night.. or the better ones, just install malware and spy on what kids are doing nowadays.

      • D
      • AnonD-151727
      • nvy
      • 02 Aug 2013

      Anonymous, 01 Aug 2013Google is the one who controls your device not you. It chec... moreas does the company whos device you are usimg so..
      what's up bUddyboy

        • s
        • samsung rules
        • 07B
        • 02 Aug 2013

        That is because appstore has 80% paid apps which more people preferred the free versions

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IV8
          • 02 Aug 2013

          gilda, 01 Aug 2013Not surprising when you have to pay for a lot of apple's cr... moreProbably u r still using Nokia 3310

          Google play more download but less people pay for it

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • kg3
            • 02 Aug 2013

            Every OS has their pros and cons but it's so hard to go back to iOS and Android after I used WP8.


              • D
              • AnonD-81729
              • kg3
              • 02 Aug 2013

              Most Android apps are crap apps like UI themes for launchers, wallpapers, live wallpapers, task killers, and battery apps. There are way too many "force closes" and "freezes" comments or reviews left by users in Play Store because of hardware and software fragmentation on Android. Grass is greener on other sides on WP8 and iOS for me even though they have less features.

                • g
                • gilda
                • 0mw
                • 01 Aug 2013

                Not surprising when you have to pay for a lot of apple's crap. Honestly I don't understand how people buy their products. If apple ever becomes the only smartphone maker in the world, i'm going back to a Nokia 3310!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4QS
                  • 01 Aug 2013

                  Anonymous, 01 Aug 2013Currently I have an iPhone while my girlfriend has an Andri... moreFor starters duh! That's because you use your own device way more. Not to mention tablets are different in area and preference.

                  Next 99% of apps have description and most being crap is just exaggerated crap. The only difference is more paid and more expensive apps on IOS. Android apps are set up well and coded well to. The quality is great. There are dinky ones too, but to say IOS doesn't have any or the difference you claim is just ridiculous fallacies.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4QS
                    • 01 Aug 2013

                    Anonymous, 01 Aug 2013Yeah whatever whatever. Google doesn't review applications ... moreBut then you realize malware is no where near the threat on Android everyone loves to exaggerate it to just so they have some form of an argument to use to prove some ridiculous ramble. I've never had malware nor ran into anyone that did. Now due to IOS's strict control it is less susceptible, but not even close to immune.
                    When you go on like that it's obvious you know very little of what you are saying, and very high chance of being jealous and but hurt over Android.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Jx2
                      • 01 Aug 2013

                      Anonymous, 01 Aug 2013Yeah whatever whatever. Google doesn't review applications ... morelol... like every windows computer. It is always the same, if you know what you are getting and where you get it from, you dont really have to worry, just like on PCs. People are just freakin out, but most of em still use windows PCs^^

                        • i
                        • ibawon
                        • N9@
                        • 01 Aug 2013

                        i love my Android for life, why do i have to pay for useless apps on itunes.Here in Nigeria,the Android market is leading thanks to Tecno.almost every thing you imagine on google play is an app and also free.#androidforlife

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t1$
                          • 01 Aug 2013

                          AnonD-87800, 01 Aug 2013I own a Samsung Galaxy note 2 and 90% of the apps I install... moreYeah whatever whatever. Google doesn't review applications manually and developers gets their apps live within an hour of submission and processing. That could be a malware created to invade your privacy. Tell you what? Most Anti-virus on Android just drains the battery and doesn't actually detect malwares. PC Anti-virus are created for PC however it can scan regular media formats present in your SD or Internal Memory of the phone such as music, videos etc., it doesn't scan applications stored in your Android phone because of the fact that most PC Anti-virus software don't even recognize .apk files. Do you see the ridiculous permission required by most of the games and apps on Android? It's scary. In Android, any Tom and Harry can create an app or a virus and make it look legit with a PC. Android OS has most of the malwares, you can't look at them. Recently, the Facebook app for Android would directly get your phone number once you install and open the app for the first time. Some apps takes pictures randomly on Android. It's not a secure OS. It's the reason i am gonna sell my droids and get a WP8 device.

                            • F
                            • FYI
                            • LHf
                            • 01 Aug 2013

                            Anonymous, 01 Aug 2013Google is the one who controls your device not you. It chec... moreYou know, Android is not Google, and you can install AOSP without any GAAP. I use 1Mobile Market which is much better than Play.

                              • N
                              • NP
                              • 988
                              • 01 Aug 2013

                              Ohhh vibe.

                                • n
                                • naik
                                • 7qL
                                • 01 Aug 2013

                                inaldusi, 01 Aug 2013Where is wp8 store? :-) Supper

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-87800
                                  • sgn
                                  • 01 Aug 2013

                                  laggdroids, 01 Aug 2013True...most of the apps are free and malwares too :) I own a Samsung Galaxy note 2 and 90% of the apps I installed are free. Despite that, I don't  get malwares. How do I know? Because I have an antivirus installed in my device plus the fact that each time I plug my phone in my computer it is being scanned by my computer antivirus and found absolutely NO MALWARE. Obviously, you are not an android owner and just exaggerate things just to lie.
                                  Why can't you guys accept that IOS had lagged behind especially it's devices in terms of specs, innovation and functionality.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • DQn
                                    • 01 Aug 2013

                                    Currently I have an iPhone while my girlfriend has an Andriod tablet. I rarely use her tablet and only happens if Im charging my phone, when I had the chance to tinker on Play Store, was really surprised by the search results on how many can actually come up, but honestly speaking, most of them are like crap. Some dont even have a description and some have comments like "Dont download due to being harmful to device". Not to bash Play Store but yeah, they need to sometimes think that quality is better than quantity. Its also the first time here after reading a comment that Android is actually open source, I thought it was the same as iOS where developers need to pay, so now we know why there are a lot of crap out there on Play Store.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • DQn
                                      • 01 Aug 2013

                                      Currently I have an iPhone while my girlfriend has an Andriod tablet. I rarely use her tablet and only happens if Im charging my phone, when I had the chance to tinker on Play Store, was really surprised by the search results on how many can actually come up, but honestly speaking, most of them are like crap. Some dont even have a description and some have comments like "Dont download due to being harmful to device". Not to bash Play Store but yeah, they need to sometimes think that quality is better than quantity. Its also the first time here after reading a comment that Android is actually open source, I thought it was the same as iOS where developers need to pay, so now we know why there are a lot of crap out there on Play Store.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-92143
                                        • 8RH
                                        • 01 Aug 2013

                                        Anonymous, 01 Aug 2013They're free because of piracy. So many games that have bee... moreStop spitting out nonsense!

                                        I use Android since the beginning, and I'm a heavy downloaded of the Play Store, having bought so many apps during the years and downloading thousands of free others, and I've yet to download a malware. If you don't pirate, if you keep yourself restricted to the Play Store, you'd rarely find a malware, and even so it would be inside shady apps (nudes, free casino), but Google also removes from your phone said shady app is suspicious activity is found. And you can also report the app.

                                        The price is definitely related to piracy levels, but not only that: the entry barrier is much lower for Android (admission, registration, tools, development machine etc.), so many apps can be free and also profitable. Besides, piracy levels of in app products is higher on iOS in some titles (Google Madfinger), although you're certainly right saying that piracy levels are overall higher on Android.

                                        It's not simple nor black and white like that.

                                        About the news now, that's great yes, it is something to celebrate, because it means more content (good and bad) available to Android users. Why can't people be glad for us Android users? Why they need to throw rocks when such news appear? I don't get it. These are the same people that were bragging some years ago that Android users didn't download apps, and were celebrating that App Store had a higher download count. Can't we just enjoy everything?