Samsung’s latest Unpacked teaser is all about Galaxy AI
- S
- Scorpio
- g8$
- 18 Jan 2025
After decades of technological innovation in the mobile phone industry, the time has come when a serious mobile phone buyer (I don't mean gamers) will pay attention to three key things:
1. Battery capacity,
2. System performance (CPU, RAM, polished and smooth user interface),
3. Camera quality.
It seems to me that the mobile phone industry has hit a snag - year after year the same things are repeated, in one way or another. And now... it is only about AI.
The aesthetics that mobile phones must have are becoming less and less pronounced. Simply put: mobile phones now resemble super-mini stoves. Especially if we talk about the hyper-disgusting backs of phones, whose camera lens openings are 😵💫horrifying.
Conclusion: Samsung has done nothing spectacular with the S25 series. 🥱
- s
- sdkk
- nTd
- 18 Jan 2025
AnonD-1187531, 18 Jan 2025This is not true. As a student and a researcher, AI has be... moreHow exactly did you use it and could you have done it yourself?
- D
- AnonD-1187531
- mFd
- 18 Jan 2025
sdkk, 17 Jan 2025I don't need to try anything on Gemini, nor do I want ... moreThis is not true.
As a student and a researcher, AI has been of great help to me. So it's safe to say that the issue with AI is not AI itself, but the one who makes use of it.
- b
- bumba
- ter
- 18 Jan 2025
ua82, 17 Jan 2025Ai ai ai and more Ai bloatware most are gimmicks how about... moreanother subscription based model..
- ?
- Anonymous
- YT8
- 18 Jan 2025
people are using ai to digging their own grave but in-process others are dying already.
- ?
- Anonymous
- CbI
- 18 Jan 2025
- S
- S
- xjH
- 18 Jan 2025
Let's sell ai
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7vb
- 18 Jan 2025
Until AI could do my job without me going to work and I still get paid, I'm not interested.
- U
- User935
- gEb
- 17 Jan 2025
Is there anyone who cares about and is actually looking forward to using any of this AI nonsense, in any form, on any device?
- s
- sdkk
- nTd
- 17 Jan 2025
DeepIn2U, 17 Jan 2025I'm curious how in your day to day or hectic days is G... moreI don't need to try anything on Gemini, nor do I want Gemini to do anything for me. I can think and do things on my own. The more AI there is, the less natural intelligence you gain in life.
- F
- Qy}
- 17 Jan 2025
samsung ai s25, what a shame
- L
- Luke
- xIj
- 17 Jan 2025
Anonymous, 17 Jan 2025Product manager: hey boss, all our engineers have been slee... moreYou might not believe it, but that's the reality in most companies nowadays
- D
- DeepIn2U
- EUk
- 17 Jan 2025
sdkk, 17 Jan 2025I have 1+ 13. It also contains a lot of AI, like Gemini for... moreI'm curious how in your day to day or hectic days is Gemini on your 1+ 13 useless for you?
what do you do on your phone, and what have you tried with Gemini that just isn't for you?
Please state beyond creating cat pictures ;)
- D
- DeepIn2U
- EUk
- 17 Jan 2025
DarlingYext, 17 Jan 2025Couldn't be about anything else, because there is noth... moreThis is a community message for all those that are hating on anything A.i.
Please think of all the advancements in basic technology that we all use over the last 5 decades:
Typewriter - this was a HUGE productivity advancement! Basic touch-typing become a global standard for anyone writing any documents. If you don't know how to touch-type your productivity on ANY computer is a joke for document text editing - ALL have txt btw.
Computers - Even more outstanding because this allowed for massive storage recall and use of any data. [this includes servers]
Networking - this was THE game changer. Xerox PARC perfected this and although Apple got first dibs on the Graphical User Interface - Jobs himself stated he and his team mostly missed this, if they weren't so incredibly in awe with the GUI, Microsoft would never have the lead in office and eventually home computing!
Programming: THE BIGGEST innovation and thus why 30 of the the world today are NOW some level of programmers! This will drastically increase ... soon teh days of script kiddies will no longer be a 'thing' you'll either know how to code or properly instruct A.i TO properly create effective and efficient new code. I've done this already and will be publishing an application. I have no issues as a sole Incorporated owner to take money's for revenue and no business btw global law thus far can say my A.i created code is illegal or is using proprietary code from anyone. If its on the internet its free game!
Generative A.i = we're still a bit far away from this becoming truly available.
However ... if you've watched ANY Sci-Fi alien movie/show/book ... ever wonder why aliens are so scrawny?
Ever read the original Superman Comics from over 100yrs ago or Man of Steel?
Know anything about Brainiac? [aka BRAIN Interactive Construct]
Its becomes the combination of computing, robotics and generative A.i does ALL the heavy lifting and work while the end user MUST become smarter in how we prompt and control it.
45% of jobs will be supplanted by A.i. by end of 2025 alone! You better get with the program cause if not you'll probably not have ANY income to survive this evolution.
For now we can knock the effectiveness of A.i. many do so without even trying it nor understanding what its limits are nor the workarounds and think just cause its happening rapidly on phones by Google that THAT is the best version or representation of Ai.'s around the world ... psyche it is NOT!
- ?
- Anonymous
- AQe
- 17 Jan 2025
Product manager: hey boss, all our engineers have been sleeping since 2022, nothing to show...
Boss: never mind, talk about AI and the customers will be happy
- L
- Luke
- xIj
- 17 Jan 2025
DarlingYext, 17 Jan 2025Nothing they will add to the S25 series will be exclusive t... moreTrue, but not entirely. For example AI integration with snotes or calendar - many other smartphone vendors have such apps and will offer same AI features, but.. those apps of theirs are not even close to Samsung ones. Example? Sure, can Xiaomi notes export their notes into onenote or pdf for example? Few months ago it didn't work.
And if you ask "but hey, why not using directly onenote instead?"
The answer is - not that simple. Snotes have huge translation and handwriting recognition capabilities, Dex support with multiple instances and so on. Integration with other apps on Samsung devices, the AI features and so on. So you cannot use one note for example directly and get same functionality, but you can always export and use on multiple devices/computers/office environment,etc..
Might sound a bit confusing, sorry if I'm not clear, but just an example why smartphone's software+ same AI will never offer same features and experience on different devices. To each their own at the end.
- Pheelzy
- Nu7
- 17 Jan 2025
Dami Agunbiade, 17 Jan 2025I cannot wait. I'm looking at getting this phone so re... moreYou dey ment?