Apple now has 2.35 billion active users
- T
- TrashBaby
- FZa
- 12 Feb 2025 tim cook says they have 2.3 billion active users?
and you believe him?
and yall are parroting his claim without ANY fact check or evidence huh?
next week itll be 9 billion
and the week after that itll be 71829203 billion
- C
- Carol-
- mJ}
- 10 Feb 2025
DeepIn2U, 05 Feb 2025First iphones are more reliable for calls daily in my 17yrs... moreSorry but you're just lying. Iphones are notorious when it comes to call quality and reception, even Jobs recognized it with his infamous claim "you're holding it wrong". Maybe they got a little bit better with the newer versions but 17 years of iphone and you wanna tell me that you actually never had problems with none of them? Haha, yeah..right. Also, when somebody claims he or she used iphones for 17 years, i really doubt that that person actually ever experienced a good android device, i doubt that so hard, it is almost like a fairytale.
I was talking about basics of a smartphone PIM is just a part of it, outlook did not exist at the times, you shure seem like you know a lot, but in the same time, it does not seem like it....
Yeah, you are right, apple did.a LOT of unnovation. Talking about full screen touch smartphones that could still hold on a proper keyboard where people could write properly, (not like you did here, by the way) you probably never heard of IBM Simon you heard of Ericsson R380 but do you know sony ericsson P series like p800 or p900? Aren't they full screen touch? As for multi-touch, with how many fingers at once do you use your phone? And nope, apple did not innovate multi-touch, they marerly took others ideas and stuffed them in theirs. Pretty much like how apple does when it comes to everything, their motto being " we don't innovate, we steal ideas and do better" yeah well, they did something better, marketing, and that's about it. When it comes to innovation, Nokia, sony and probably samsung too are still ahead of "apple innovation" and i am still having hard time to find something apple innovated.
Robust notification? Probably never used a proper smartphone, symbian never let me down when it came to multi-tasking, notifications and battery, plus a proper antena, i mean phones released in 2002 were 3G enabled while the first iphone was a 2g bucket.
64 bit soc is nothing to write home about if the rest of the hardware is less then something one would put on a 32 bit system, also 64-bit is still mostly unused by apps as far as i know, so only the system profits from it, but how would a system with 2GB RAM profit from a 64-bit SoC? Well, is there... without at least 6GB of RAM where it could actually matter because 32bit does not support more then 4GB, that SoC is well there to brag about.
Haha, good one, maps. I mean any maps are better then apple maps. TThey might have inproved, but they still behind. To copy an adress by a simple touch might actually be frustrating for some who only want a part of it, or just a name, but well, you probably think just because for you means better, must be the same for everybody. As for app altogether, you seem to still don't know what android is, it is the power to choose, well at least for some users that do not buy garbage. So i actually use Nokia's HERE maps (well they belonged to nokia in the past), which i find better then google maps and apple maps combine, but that is my opinion and preference.
As for smartphones were never created to have a small pocket pc with you all the time, i have no idea what you wrote, really makes no sense. Anyway it seems you do not understand what i ment and think i am refering to real pc's stuffed in a pocket, nope i am not, learn to read between the lines.
And cutting through a lot of stuff nobody understands.but what is clear is that i am not refering to samsung when i mean desktop, but to androids wirhout tones of bloatware.
Android is an open-source Operating System, again, at another level in comparison to IOS. And it means choice. Google did the right thing to separete those apps from the system, to allow people use what they want and for them to be able to update faster, without the need to update the whole OS, an idea that actually apple, again steals, if i am not mistaking.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Carol-, 03 Feb 2025The core purpose of a phone is to make calls, iphones fail ... moreFirst iphones are more reliable for calls daily in my 17yrs experience than androids. Never crossed calls on networks but this is dependant on that: networks!! I'm in Canada very few networks here. You dont make such an argument without saying that!
PIM or Personal Information Management has been astaple since PDA's both on PalmOS or WinCE based devices (pocketPC 5/6/7 smartphone edition or not: HP Jornadas,Compact, NEC,Casio Cassiopia etc allran on thatkernalincluding Samsung BalckJack II)
- this is Alarms, Contacts, Calendar, Email, Reminders.
OUTLOOK nor NON of any PIM appawasusedto make any other kind of app.ever. period. So stop that BS!
Funny you neglect otherthings Apple got rightwhichthe industry followed or had to improve upon their iterations:
Fullscreen no blackbery like physical keybaord whichHTCand Google original CEO kept pushing for 8mths before scrapping itaftwr iphone launched!
Multi touch screen not limited to 2 fingers.
A robustnotificatikns delivery system andlayout on the phone. incidentally screwed up by half baked 🙃
64-bit SoC thatcaught even Qualcomm off gaurd yet theyve improved massively.
Their maps has immensely improved. I enjoy tapping on a map screen sweing an adress and 1single touch to copy an address NOT CODE that only works on Google Maps!!! There is moresteps involved on GMaps to do a simple addressCopy & Paste at least on my S23 and Im NOT a novice user! I mentioned the plethora of OS and device above and many times where relevant in my posts due to using them and supporting them on a technical basis - ALL of them!
So much for your simple copy cut past argument.
Smartphones was NEVER created to have a mini personal comouter in your pocket!!! Never! If you believe that explain to me 2 things:
The first smartphone OS on which devicesold openlu to the public that allowed for end user to install apps?! Whatmodel ans manufacturer was it?
- Ericsson R384 NOT the nokia 9000 as it missed end user apps to install.
Why has it taken nearly 30-37yrs to do what youve stated and yet STILL terminal is NOT 1) a default end user exposed app on ANY platform since inception of the first 2 devices and their OS by any OEM EVER!
2) YOU still have to download a terminal app on any monile smartphone oS in history from a 3rd party source!! Ill even include DangerOS that Andy Ruben from Google was heavily involved in long before his last last smartphone venture which also failed!
Looks like you got some serious research to do becauee the behaviours of the functions you mentio. Act differently on all devices even by os iterstions. Securrity patches change access n capabilities you can do in terminal apps even in termux ehos commands are NOT entirely similar nor support all linux commands for a REASON!
This is specifically why your argument of portsble computer in your pocket - a term Steve Balmer made and MS STILL FAILED to deliver on!!
Whats funny Ive seen change and nkt change since buying on contract the iphone 3GS in store, was Apple employees continually used their own devices removing the 3rd party point of sale systems to everything else.
Contrast to Samsung and every androidOEM and microsft employee doesnt USE theie products so improvements in certakn aspects r featires never happen!
Anyone use Samsung dex fully for a week as their computer?! Mouse travel despite the screen resolution type or manufacturer is still janky regardless of settings or mouse used, no clipbaord history without touching the device!! Apps do NOT properly scale nor remember your sizing in dex even in the same session vs on device screen!! Users have to rely on developers to support Dex - samsung doednt even advertise it ans hasnt even mentioned it in their last 10 major device conferences!!
You wax a lot of hopefulness yet it isnt even poetic. It may suit you thats fine. But the points you stated ive debated are incorrect. Ive lived the smartphone space for a VERY long time since its inception.
Lastly: if Android was soo good at the basics of PIM why did Google remove Contacts as a core app?! Hmm!! Other than pixel it isnt a core app, every OEM chooses to include it or not.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Carol-, 02 Feb 2025Well, i am not saying that apple device aren't any goo... moreThe beginning of your post makes a LOT of useless assumptions. Please stop doing that based on cost or anothers choice and if you disagree respect theri choice theyre are NOT spending your money ona. Device theie using nor vice get that out of your head.
copy paste, multitasking, automations: thats on ios and has been for years. Its just VERY different!
Maps, music, notifications voip etc run seemlessly and active in thr background and efficiently. Automation is done by shortcuts and is NOT limited to Home based devices nor just focus location or time of day BUT can be specific info or action on multitude of criteria, a fewor just 1 criteria between several applications or a full mixture! More than likely a LOT morethan whatAndroid users claimas a holy grail yetcannot match. Apple's Shortcuts is NOT easy to use and confusing but many shortcuts previouslymademay have what younedd downlaodable forfree and 1step can use.
Multitasking yeah yeah you can run 5 apps or more on screen at once. All yourself how often do you use that a week, and for how long in minutes or hours. More importantly why!? Is the compromised screen real-estate from the multiple apps running a real benefit or worth it vs just simply switching to an app when you eyeliner need it OR having 2 split screen & say 1 popup like a calculator for restaurant tips for s brief moment. Then switch to s fourth app that's full screen.
Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean it's better for everyone or at all. Use case varies per person n their perception of value for having it varies.
Maybe for some doing very cute things repeatedly reliably and readily very simply is more important. If your phone fails on the basics all the bells and whistles didn't matter. Some thrive on tweaking stuff others don't want that stress, maybe their day is filled with enough already.
To many focus on telling people what they should do, or why their choice and how they spent their hard earned dollars is wrong. This is asinine and sad this is where we are.
Why not simply ask why it was the best choice for him/ her? 1 simple sentence let them the other person fill their reply with a paragraph. Then have a rebuttal without assumptions nor conjecture which any of all may not even apply.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Anonymous, 01 Feb 2025Apple is just lucky because there are software developers w... moreBlackberry:
BBOS most developers focused on corporate apps. This was the traditional blackberry devices.
BB10based on QNX, BB and then new CEO Thornston thought the old Ford 1920's mantra wouldwork 'build it and theyll come' when they realized the second year wasnt happening, they got a Head of Developer Relations guy whom spwnt all their money partyingaround the globe posting on FourSquare after telling Android developers to simply port their apps through an IDE app and submitt. Absokutely no work than downloading it clicking a button after porting to the file location of your apk on your drive. Then a version of BB10 supporting .apk files for install was supported. Such apps run very poorly or rendered poorly. Users whom loved the UI such as myself jumped ship - i used it mostly as corporate owned device aa a trial and personally for under 8 mths going back to iphone.
Windows phone OS over all the years samw mentality. Neverfully engaging developers either in conferencesnoe on stage presentations appealing to them to strive for better apps. There were some good ones but damn many websites allowed for pirated sources! Nobody paid for an apphpsted on a website oe multiple websites - devs got cheesed starved and finally stopped.
Same thing happened for Nokia S60 Symbian OS!
Absolutely powerful,well made apps, thateveryone wanted BUT, as above devs lost a LOT of money due to pirated apps sourced on websites!
Most MAJOR site was
After launch of N-Gage and especially NGage QD phones thathad partnerships with topgame publishers thatbought into selling MMC cards (which competed with SD cards early on btw), was eaily pirated and uploaded to Symbian-Freak site, anyone could download & save to MMCcards with higher storage and cost cheaper than single game title cardspurchased at GameStop andyoucouldplaythem onotherNokiaS60pho es like the 6600/6620 and other models.
Apple's AppStore, love it or hate it, saved many developers from multiple hardships theyhad to dealwith on the web.
1. Single,Secure, and readily accessible locationfor users to find apps globally!
2. Upload a single file or version and Apple tookcare of global distribution,providedsalesmetrics for free, handled disputes for refunds, honored your app name title that otherscouldnt use and took care of legal fees when contested, paid you ontime monthly !
3. Apple took care of providing very well made SDK/iDE tocreate and test your apps but costed you to buy a mac!
4. Apple's SDK took careof languages you wanted to support in your app. Traditionally a developer had to code a new app for wvery langauge supported. Apple allowed a single app aingle file to uploaf and they took care of regional support for the various langauges you enabled in your app.
They were some heavily questionable appstore concessions Apple made etc but all and all THIS was an innovation and many developers loved it. Google PlayStore followed suit and Symbian 1 to 3 did to with Nokia Ovi Store but it was far too little too late snd too complex to code for Symbian OS.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2025This article is about Apple active users. Not iPhone users.... moreApple hasn't sold servers since 2017 as the Xserve line was dead!! Any pc can be a typical server but a true server is more robust dedicated hardware.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2025I think the point that’s being missed here is what defines ... moreFinally intelligence 🙌
Just remember this applies ONLY if ALL SAID DEVICES use the same Apple Account. Many Apple households have several or all mentioned devices yet with various Apple accounts.
An AppleTV may use patents account yet can still be used by everyone in the home. More personal devices use single accounts. Macs can switch accounts n users, like all Android devices since OS4 so i disbelief accuracy of how metrics for Android users being active is looked at unless clearly defined.
Although here Apple purposely want clear here either except using a single word "devices" knowing full well people typically don't read fully!!
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Vasra, 31 Jan 20252.35 surveilled for-profit-slaves, who don't understan... moreYou really think they see it as such or would get any other benefit going to Android?
Maybe Theo use case and experiences simply differ. Many care less so simplistic yet childish insults that's commonplace here or on LTT youtube channel.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2025Wild to think they literally release 4 phones a year, and m... moreDid anyone READ the article or bother to READ 5 paragraphs (very short ones) of apple's quarterly report which is the sourceof this information?!
States " We are also pleased that our installed base of active devices has reached a new all-time high across all products and geographic segments.”
DEVICES! not just iphones!
This isnt just iphones but ipads macs the handful of vision pro (lolgod i hate that device) and appleTV+
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2025Don't tell this person some iphone users are high scho... moreWhat?!
How does anything of what you said affects the current installed user base report in any way??
Like android users n kids don't guilt trip their parents?! Get out of your parents basement soon please, the pandemic is long over is safe to go outside.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
Ouifuf, 31 Jan 2025Crazy how so many people buy brands rather than products People buy products that work very welltogether simplymakes sense. Also makes sense when this comoany actually honors the majorityof their customers that have bought into their ecosystem long term when warranty time o ANY of those products is needed!
Samsung has a warranty that looks great on paper but the actual experience and support when you need it is pillar opposites!!!
Im speaking from both personal experiences n those of countless others features right on their own forums Samsung Members.
It's a major hassle for me to get my old icloud account n memories back of my late mother, but I'm still going back to ios after 1.5yrs fully in Android. Certain benefits that appealed to me for the 1st 4 mths don't any longer. And I'm not even going to buy a new iPhone or one that support their mangled a.i. but things will be a lot less of headaches n midsized decisions that keep Flip flopping at Samsung.
- D
- DeepIn2U
- q{n
- 05 Feb 2025
AntonelPAPI, 31 Jan 2025Apple then launches 4 phones per year, Samsung and other ma... moreAndroid OS does NOT costany owmanything. Its free with conditions stipulated by Google! So it isnt rented.
- W
- gjL
- 04 Feb 2025
2.349.999.999 to be exact. I've just left....
- P
- Pidu bragaza
- CbD
- 04 Feb 2025
I've tried on my endroid but cnt get through
- C
- Carol-
- swE
- 03 Feb 2025
Siki, 03 Feb 2025Sometimes i wonder if people like you forget that is the co... moreThe core purpose of a phone is to make calls, iphones fail more often then not, at doing even that.
The core purpose of a smartphone, before apples dumbphone 1 and after it, was to carry a pocket pc everywhere you go. Demands included: multimedia (the real one in which one could transfer anything from pc to smartphone and vice-versa no matter what kind of binary and with a simple copy paste) included bussines features like email, notepad and ms office like apps, was used for creating and installing whatever other apps needed in those times, and another purpose of it was better customization capabilities. Yeah quite wierd, some people have their own personalities and are not ok with the device defaults.
As far as i can see, for you a feature-phone would also be enough as you seem to not be interested in the basics of a smartphone and i presume in the advance features like: use smartphone as a desktop, as a webcam, as a usb stick or fully automate it's behaviour is even less of an interest for you. A feature-phone this days can do whatsapp and internet, and any camera above 250€ (probably even less) sends iphones camera back to kindergarden.
- S
- Siki
- raP
- 03 Feb 2025
Carol-, 02 Feb 2025Well, i am not saying that apple device aren't any goo... moreSometimes i wonder if people like you forget that is the core purpose of the phone. Im not here to open command prompt (terminal) and wiggle around. I need my phone to work and do phone stuff. I dont care about customization or wallpapers or icons or any of this stuff. Yeah its a nice touch but dont need it. My phone is here to do work for me and to make it convenient. its not fidget.
- W
- Welland
- XIa
- 02 Feb 2025
Alex, 02 Feb 2025So true, same childish remarks every time. Apple products ... moreYeah exactly iPhone tops all
- C
- Carol-
- swE
- 02 Feb 2025
Alex, 02 Feb 2025So true, same childish remarks every time.
Apple products ... moreWell, i am not saying that apple device aren't any good, for a perticular kind of people, they are, but better then android? To compare apple with xiaomi and say is better is easy, as you most probably head cheap xiaomis while buying expensive apples. Compare it tough with a google pixel, a nothing phone or any other brand that are vanilla android and not ads infested devices, and that do not costs 200$, and let's see how they really compare. If a user calls himself tech savy but is as trchy as my grandma and can't do a proaper copy paste, then yeah, apple is the product for them. But if the user needs the bare minimum functions of a real pc like copy paste, multitasking, automations, and personalization, and this is only scratching the surface, then android is better in any way in comparison to ios. Or let's put this even better, IOS is a dumbphone OS in comoarison to android, and that's a fact.
Now, is there a need for all this "comments" about what is better? Probably not, but people just don't want to acknowlege the truth: IOS is more for people that do not know how to turn on/off their bluetooth, wifi, hotspot, location, or change their ringtones or open an app drawer, do not know the words robocopy xcopy, copy and paste, and have no idea what to do with their phone when connecting it to their computer and so on, and android is for people that know all this basics and way more then just that. People that want to fiddle with the system, to change it's apparence or uninstall core apps to see what happens. People that need functions, and need to make the system to work as they want and please, that works for them and not the other way arround, as in IOS. When people understand that this fight might change into something more educational, but well, it'll probably never change.
For me, the only reason i do not like apple, is not their devices, is them, i do not hate their product, i just can't stand them and their monopolic tendencies and destruction of innovation and greed. If the company would be one like fairphone, I'd definitely recommend IOS to people with a vague knowledge of tech, or people who get their ears caught in more complex systems, for their own sake. But the way apple is, i just won't and can't recomand their lackluster devices for the prices they ask.
- C
- Carol-
- swE
- 02 Feb 2025
Minu, 01 Feb 2025And this is only because of money-laundering politicians an... moreYeah, sadly.
- A
- Alex
- LaE
- 02 Feb 2025
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2025It’s that time of the year when android and samsung fans co... moreSo true, same childish remarks every time.
Apple products are better, moved with entire family from Xiaomi to decision ever.