Deutsche Telekom's AI Phone is launching later this year
- p
- pl2rts
- Sk2
- 14 hours ago
I dont really see a point to advertise something that dont come out in a year. Especially a phone in a era where all electronics and software is advancing fast so when this come out in 2026 it be already outdated. Never mind that i dont care about brand names or something like that and i care more about the hardware and price it be with. And if that be a European brand then that be massive high price like FairPhone with no so good even in middle class hardware. With some dumb excuse that European wages are high so we need to ask more money from the product to pay wages. It's like the EU ask VAT from brands outside of the EU but the VAT is paid by the European people who buy the phone cause brands add it on the price
- C
- Cpt.Power
- SH3
- 14 hours ago
Midranger with plenty of useless AI features we seen this from many else brands no thanks.
50 or even 100 years ago was everything muchh better mostly the life now AI and smmilar ruin people precious time.
- H
- Hikari
- fuf
- 15 hours ago
Is talking to an AI assisntant or sending a text prompt really a better alternative to using an app normally?
- David 040882
- srr
- 15 hours ago
I'm sorry, but just from the start if a company advertises their smartphone as an "AI phone", I'm instantly out the door.