Xiaomi Modular Optical System concept hands-on

26 February 2025
Although still a concept, it almost felt like a finished product.

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  • 04 Mar 2025

Thank god the chinese companies are the one who actually try to make new concepts and try new stuff. When it comes to Samsung, Apple or Google... it's basically wasteland

    TheSnowWinterR7, 04 Mar 2025I'm wondering how this is differs to the one with Smar... moreBig difference. Quite a different product.

    Those sony cameras had their own Micro SD Slot, their own battery, Their own processing. And connected to phone via BT/Wifi to use phones screen and to transfer the photo.
    So transfer speeds were very slow.
    Can't be used without Micro SD.
    Can't take advantage of Phones inage processing and AI.
    Also more bulky because need to have proceesor, sd card, battery, wifi etc.

    Whereas this concept by Xiaomi is just Camera sensor and lens without any processor, battery, sd card anything. This connects with magnetic wired connection with phone.
    So almost instant transfer speeds.
    Takes advantage of phones image processing. It transfers Raw files to the phone and phone's image proceesor is used to get final image.
    No need for micro sd card. No need for battery and charging.
    Can be smaller lighter or can use bigger sensor n lenses.

      • w
      • what
      • XWp
      • 04 Mar 2025

      what is going on? smartphone is killing one gadget after another, now they are up for mirror less camera! can't believe it happening this soon.

        I'm wondering how this is differs to the one with Smart Lenses series of Cybershot DSC-QX1/QX10/QX30/QX100 of Sony when Xperia Z3 was launched 11 years ago?

          This is nice.

          Man the Chinese be trying good stuff, Fr.

            They will need to make a case to hold bigger lenses(if they planning making them), magnets wont hold.