Samsung co-CEO and head of mobile devices division dies

26 March 2025
Han Jong-hee died of a heart attack at the age of 63.

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  • 27 Mar 2025

Anonymous, 26 Mar 2025The word „will“ references something in the future, not the... moreWell, thanks, English ain't my my first language. Are you free someday to teach me ?

    Rest in Peace.

      • y
      • yalim
      • iKx
      • 27 Mar 2025

      DeepIn2U, 26 Mar 2025Unfortunately for his generation men typically pass to the ... moreI expect Japanese and South Korean people are superior to the rest of the world in terms of wellness. they have an active lifestyle and eat clean. in addition, the 60-70s generation consumed natural food (no food preservatives, no GDO food, no microplastic) throughout their youth which might relate to a longer life expectancy.


          • p
          • pazza
          • KiN
          • 27 Mar 2025

          DeepIn2U, 26 Mar 2025Hey 🍆🐴 These are your exact words "Let’s see what t... moreyet you liked his post comments within knowing he rage baiting and twist his comment.

          anyway i think moderator need disable comment on news like this. regardless views on samsung. people death news is deserved respect, and rage baiting comment under anonymous is not needed.

            Someone needs to delete and ban the anonymous users bringing up "Chinese fanboys" and phones or SoCs in this comment section. One of the greatest minds in one of the greatest companies in the world dies, and that's what you talk about?

            Freedom of speech ≠ Freedom of consequence

            Freedom of speech applies when you have a different opinion and you want to be able to express it without being censored. Here you have absolutely nothing helpful or constructive to say and just want to insult and tear down others.

            That will not fly.

              Rest in peace! He has led samsung to where it is, one of the biggest and the most reliable smartphone manufacturers in the industry, to those people who point at his leadership about lack of innovation, don't understand that the pace of demand they have with smartphones will exhaust any breakthrough in science and tech in a few years, that is not sustainable
              Being in a business is about sustainence
              The samsung mobile divisions did have slips here and there
              But y'all fail to see the bigger picture

                This comment section feels like an eyesore...

                  • K
                  • Kama
                  • Gfs
                  • 26 Mar 2025

                  62 is far too young. Rest in peace, sir. The rest of us would do well to remember our days are numbered and maybe we shouldn't spend them slap-fighting nerds on the internet 😝

                    Terror0, 26 Mar 2025is that all you care about? be respectful at least. (R.I... moreEverybody dies. That why we are given the gift of life. Nobody can escape death. Not even you or I. Samsung needs to be unique again, like before s5.

                      Anonymous, 26 Mar 2025You should know when to talk about those stuff.Do you think respect would bring him back? He's gone. The end.

                        My condolences to family. He was a good man.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 099
                          • 26 Mar 2025

                          He joined steve jobs in heaven. Hope the new ceo won't ruin everything.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • xjH
                            • 26 Mar 2025

                            Dr. Watson, 26 Mar 2025Disabling the comments section on this article would'v... moreCensorship is not good.

                              Koishi Komeiji, 26 Mar 2025GSMArena should disable this comment section for having too... moreAgreed. Moreover mods should eliminate anonymous postings from non registered accounts and stop allowing registered names like that specifically forcing a rename!

                              If not then the owner of this site, editors and mods are complacent and want this kind of trash to continue on in the sake of money

                                Anonymous, 26 Mar 2025The word „will“ references something in the future, not the... moreHey 🍆🐴

                                These are your exact words "Let’s see what the Chinese brand fanboys will have to say about that one. I‘m sure they can still twist this into something about the Galaxy A series being overpriced not lasting the 6 years of promised software support."

                                Reading comprehension is NOT picking a single word to twist the sentences meaning when the entire sentence does not in ANY WAY match what you tried to twist it to!

                                Yes it may seem like you're on the side of Samsung but this is NOT the thread nor topic to be spitting or pointing or poking any insults or taunts.

                                This should've shown more decorum, humility for human kind across board!

                                Regardless of faith, religion or where you were born or what you look like:
                                We are all born, deserving of love and dignity and we all bury our dead in one of 3 ways and THAT should've been your focus here period. Either that or just not say anything at all

                                The fact you CHOSE to hide behind an anonymous posting shows just how dispicably low you'd descend to!

                                  yalim, 26 Mar 202563 is so early to pass away. may he rest in peace 🙏Unfortunately for his generation men typically pass to the next realm from 61 to 75yr of age.

                                  I just hope he's able to rest ans play happily in his soul and watch over his daughter to keep her safe. 🕊️

                                    Anonymous, 26 Mar 2025Sad day for Exynos manufacturers. His death should mark the... moreStfu!

                                    Absolutelydispicable human being!

                                    Hope you face such dispicable lack of decorum!

                                    Hanrest impeach man.we honour your 40yrs of tenacity hard work skill and dedication!

                                      Anonymous, 26 Mar 2025Let’s see what the Chinese brand fanboys will have to say a... moreWhat a disrespectful and ill-timed thing to say. I don't like Samsung, but to say something like this when their co-CEO has died under tragic circumstances is absolutely disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

                                        Vibe, 26 Mar 2025Who else thinks Samsung gave him too much problemsIt's probably South Korea's work culture that made him consistently too stressed and eventually gave him a heart attack. Yet another victim of Southeast Asia's relentless work culture.