Samsung Galaxy S5 - no iris but fingerprint scanner

20 January, 2014
The next Samsung flagship to premiere with a fingerprint scanner instead of an eye one.

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  • s
  • samapple flame wars
  • TmC
  • 22 Jan 2014

Apple copying Samsung again ! They traveled in time on the future and saw Samsung fingerprint scanner and 64 bit chip and then they came back to the present and made one themselves ! This has to be the only logical explanation . They even have a product called time machine !

    • S
    • S
    • n5Z
    • 22 Jan 2014

    Anonymous, 22 Jan 2014As my comment right before yours shows...IOS updates are no... moreSo what you are saying Samsung was a good company that used to be be ahead of the game, now its just copying Apple ?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4QS
      • 22 Jan 2014

      iV, 22 Jan 2014i Buying iPhone 3,3s,4,4s,5,5s each of the phone i get can... moreAs my comment right before yours shows...IOS updates are nothing to right home about.
      And yes Samsung can do this. Even though the S1 sadly only made it to Gingerbread it was still a great device. The S2 made it to Jelly Bean. And the S3 is making to to KK. Also very much better devices than the Iphone in all around functions.
      The Iphone 3G could not even reocrd videos. Could not even natively send MMS. Even when the 3GS came out and could record video, but still had no camera flash. You still had to wait for an update to finally send picture texts...
      And even though it lacked updates past a year there was a Samsung phone that came out during the 3G that was years ahead. The Omnia HD on Symbian OS. It had first HD camera and playback, Amoled screen that destroyed the crappy tft then, great sound and battery, dual speakers, 8mp with flash, adobe flash support, file manager, 3D multi tasking, built in visualizer, widgets, usb functions, bluetooth, and so forth....And this was back in 2009....When Iphone had 2mp, no flash, no video, no picture texting, no file manager"still", no copy and past.
      Back then Iphone was literally just a large Ipod that could text and call.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • thY
        • 22 Jan 2014

        Crapsung just got real lol!

          • U
          • Umair
          • XMx
          • 22 Jan 2014

          Oh Snap!! finger print scanner is such a useless gimmick feature that samsung tha most innovative company in the world decided to put this in their upcoming galaxy s5. Earlier they also announced to go for 64bit architecture. True innovation indeed. Apple why does u always copy samsung? :p
          On a serious note: MIddle finger for samsung users HAHHAHAHHA innovation

            • i
            • iV
            • IVC
            • 22 Jan 2014

            i Buying iPhone 3,3s,4,4s,5,5s
            each of the phone i get can at least last for 3 years without worry, i always give the old one to my mom
            this year mom decide she want upgrade from 4s to 5s
            so i keep using the 5

            Point 1.
            which company on earth able to give your phone an update to a NEW OS before they flag ship product launch, and u can maybe get 95% of the new funtion without spending a dollar.

            if some guy getting a samsung S1,S2,S3,S4,S5 and he still say he loving it, and his old phone push to another person that person also loving it, then this consider samsung also doing a great job

            Anyone can to reply me please answer point 1 and point 2

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4QS
              • 21 Jan 2014

              gam30toronto, 21 Jan 2014I would still blame SAMSUNG. When Apple's got an update ALL... moreYeah. Fake and half baked updates. And many devices that should support it do not. The Iphone 5 was the only one to get a full IOS 7 update out of older ones and was discontinued.
              Android updates were far more advanced. Where as IOS is basically the only one to really bring something new.
              And now the 4 and 4s lag even more. Plus the side effects millions of people faced like no wifi/blutooth after update. Radio issues, battery drains, camera flash issues.
              It's far from this pretty black and white picture you want to paint it out to be.

                • R
                • Ronny
                • DBA
                • 21 Jan 2014

                gam30toronto, 20 Jan 2014Answer to yours: "Ok, don't make fool out of yourse... moreSee my previous post..

                  • p
                  • pieter
                  • JDw
                  • 21 Jan 2014

                  Protocol, 21 Jan 2014Apple just made the fingerprint sensor so famous that Samsu... moreapple fanboy stfu

                    • R
                    • Ronny
                    • DBA
                    • 21 Jan 2014

                    Ronny, 20 Jan 2014Answer to yours: freedom to pair/share files with almost... moreI guess u might have missed some of my points...

                    1) Bluetooth a pic from your iphone to my old Nokia." A: read your request again and ask yourself why would you want to do that? lolz
                    - My point is, flexibility to share something with other devices, even with non-Android devices. Unless if u are thinking everyone on earth (including brainwashing whole family) using iphones.

                    2)A: I have no idea why you use feet with eat. But the point is, some eat with forks and some eat with chopsticks at the end of the day we ate. Got it?
                    -That is exactly my point, why use your feet when there is easier way of eating? You can't throw every audio/video/file format into your iphone expect it to play without converting when Androids can just play them? Isn't that much easier? Google up and you find out how many iphones users finding out a way to convert unsupported files.

                    3)Unfortunately Yes, people care about Apple's reasons. We can see that alot of web content are working away from flash. We all notice that iphone can play more contents than before.. why? we are not longer dependent on flash to run many things like we used to.
                    -It's funny that when you say users care when these users throw their iphones aside and still view flash-enabled sites on their desktop/laptops. Still large number of users bug Apple's tech support asking for alternative apps that can play flash contents. Still a long way to move to html5 when most sites are still Flash dependant even in corporate sites.

                    4)" Yeah just like having GPS on smartphones, you would also say they are useless when there are e.g. car GPS devices with larger screen that does better job."
                    -Ok, I know how useful it is (even when you don't use it everyday), likewise you are not going to use that remote control app on your smartphone except when you are messaging or doing something on your smartphones and it quickly becomes your universal remote controller when you need them.

                    5)This is exactly my point. why would u sell me 20 new gimmicks on the S5 when the average user will turn 18 of them OFF because they are useless and drains battery?
                    -Answer is simple, how many of "useful" features you use on daily basis on your iphone that made you upgrade from older one? I can simply switch on (happy it is still there) whichever features I want when I need them and then switch it off easily from pull down menu. So what's the big deal?

                    6)My point is... i've been around so don't even try to go there.
                    -I can easily say the same thing but that would sound pretty childish for me. Let's not bring up who had used the earliest phones to prove their superiority or knowledge on phones because there are quite number of them over here been around longer than you.

                    It's simple, your preference are iphones and iOS. That doesn't make you superior than those who don't use it.

                      • P
                      • Protocol
                      • t1$
                      • 21 Jan 2014

                      Apple just made the fingerprint sensor so famous that Samsung wants to use it in their flagship droid. LOL

                        gam30toronto, 21 Jan 2014I would still blame SAMSUNG. When Apple's got an update ALL... moreThey have made customs on their Android based ROMS so it seems like it takes longer but it arrives in a timely manner and the process of the update is the same for both Android and iOS it is just iOS announce just before release their updates and Android release their update a bit before the actual release.I'd rather happy to wait a very customizible version of OS(android) which fits me rather than waiting the same OS with different numbers(iOS) to get it LOL which is the same,lame OS which forces you to fit into their prison like OS. Choose what you like since it is everyone's freedom.
                        go to youtube and check that video out./watch?v=s00ene7TSkI

                        • 👍2

                        Turkuaz, 21 Jan 2014If you want to see real lag and freeze and batery drain you... moreOh, but Galaxy S4 freezes too, and it takes ages to snap photos in non superbly lit conditions, and it will lag even to load your contacts after 2-3 weeks of normal usage, typically samsung.
                        And for the pleasure of their fanboys, they will soon come up with this 2.5+GHz quadcore, with 4GB of RAM that will possibly perform worse than previous models but hell ya, who cares when you got all those beefy specs to boast about :P

                          • g
                          • gam30toronto
                          • RXg
                          • 21 Jan 2014

                          conclusion for this post.. who copied who? you think about that. i am off to the next samsung news

                          • 👍
                          • g
                          • gam30toronto
                          • RXg
                          • 21 Jan 2014

                          Deutsch Automotoren, 21 Jan 2014Why are you blaming Samsung? You should be blaming your ope... moreI would still blame SAMSUNG. When Apple's got an update ALL ELIGIBLE devices gets it in a timely manner. Get it? you don't get it if your a SamFan

                            • J
                            • Johny
                            • 0Cs
                            • 21 Jan 2014

                            Turkuaz, 21 Jan 2014If you want to see real lag and freeze and batery drain you... moreSo you are bad user :D I have SII and have no problem with this phone... charge once a day and I'am playing games, surf on internet and so on...

                              • g
                              • gam30toronto
                              • RXg
                              • 21 Jan 2014

                              Anonymous, 21 Jan 2014I dont hae wifi everywhere to do face your offici... moreFYI, you don't need wifi to do Facetime. You can FT over 3G too.

                                • b
                                • batman
                                • j8w
                                • 21 Jan 2014

                                yhayie, 21 Jan 2014yeah ilove clash of titans | free gems and affordable upgra... morethats clash of clans not of titans but pretty damn good game

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • thY
                                  • 21 Jan 2014

                                  Sony all the way yeah!

                                    • D
                                    • Deutsch Automotoren
                                    • K5i
                                    • 21 Jan 2014

                                    AnonD-206466, 21 Jan 2014Samsung is worst brand . i didnt received any update for no... moreWhy are you blaming Samsung? You should be blaming your operator for not releasing Android 4.3 for your Note 2. Here's a link to see the list of countries which got Android 4.3 for the Note 2 N7100: