Two touchscreen Nokia phones leaked by Nokia, look promising
- c
- chirs
- p7J
- 12 Feb 2009
I need 8 mp cam
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sux
- 12 Feb 2009
Those who are desperately wanting 8Mpixel cameras can't just understand that those megapixel numbers means nothing. Phones just don't have so good optics at the moment that more pixels will make any difference.
- C
- Canis
- j5Q
- 12 Feb 2009
I think you folks have a number of things wrong in this article:
1) The phones you refer to did not see "daylight for the first time today". This designer video has been up for a number of weeks, and the phones have been under discussion on the mobile review board for about the same amount of time.
2) Ivalo IS the N97. The slimline phone cannot thus also be Ivalo. It is one of two things: IP08, which is the PREDECESSOR of Ivalo, or it is simply a design mock-up.
3) The prototype you call Madeline in this video is likely just a design mockup. Take a look at the video. The camera is panning over various mockups of parts of the N97 while discussing how they developed it. It's no "mystery phone", simply a mock-up to test ergonomics.
- r
- rakeb
- mJU
- 12 Feb 2009
nokia number rise like one phone n79 and n79 eco also 3 n97 there type very bad no know what this ..all 5mp where 8
- g
- goku
- 3c0
- 12 Feb 2009
need 8 mp cam
- g
- goku
- 3c0
- 12 Feb 2009
cool and good phone
- S
- Shahjahan
- ji{
- 12 Feb 2009
Thats why nokia is one step forword from other mobile company keep inventing new and newer phone
- H
- Henk
- RbH
- 12 Feb 2009
Looks a bit like a Sony PSP imo =P
- M
- Michael
- M0U
- 12 Feb 2009
Thats what I though because it says nothing about a 32 gb rom on the ipo8, however what is this next one with the 5 mp if that is the case? AND Nokia hurry up and bring out an 8mp! Great phones in all though :)
- N
- Nokia worker
- Tq0
- 12 Feb 2009
N97 is lvalo.
IP08 is cancelled.
- h
- huggyg
- MYk
- 12 Feb 2009
Ummm, it's just one phone. The N97. One is open showing the QWERTY, the other is closed, showing only the touchscreen. Duh!
- A
- Aluren
- Lqd
- 12 Feb 2009
The so called "Ivalo" seems thinner than the N97, plus it has this PSP-ish appeal, maybe its just me though
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvF
- 12 Feb 2009
Good start
- p
- panos
- 3dr
- 12 Feb 2009
i think in the who video we see one white N97 one new black phone i think without keyboard the middle one, one again black phone differend from N97 i cand see the d-pad, and a N97 black version which we see it on the video after this tree phones...
- R
- Rod
- L37
- 12 Feb 2009
D-Pad in the right for games ?
- t
- tech fanatic
- 3Ca
- 12 Feb 2009
Andelson, 12 Feb 2009Can not it be Madeleine, because Madeleine is not a 5 O.S.,... morei dont agree simply cuz corolla has 5.0.1 and its non touch .. i dont know what to think of that .. any thoughts about that ??
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibq
- 12 Feb 2009
Anonymous, 12 Feb 2009i gotta say its hard to call, cause the 3 devices we see ar... moresee clearly the first pic, the side is different with N97
the side maybe contain 3.5mm port,micro usb, charger port
what i see is, the reject button(red) been moved to the right (just like 5800xm) if not mistaken, cause i saw some red color at there , the multimedia button there
- d
- dpnk
- mXB
- 12 Feb 2009
I think they are all N97 - The middle one in black is just the inner part of a dummy model - the outer parts are what you see first in the clip.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3C9
- 12 Feb 2009
i gotta say its hard to call, cause the 3 devices we see are pretty different.. The far Left White is obviously N97 but that middle black one looks exactly like the N97 but its much thinner.. could be a cheaper N97 but better than 5800 or could be N97 without the keyboard..
Now that Opened black one on the right.. thats got its D-pad on the right.. so it does seem like a variation..
but they could all be protos of the N97 like some guy said..
- B
- Bullfire
- vfh
- 12 Feb 2009
what are we talking about in here? we talking N97 or else?