Huawei aims even higher after posting record yearly revenue
- s
- sniper-10-fighter
- i8j
- 01 Apr 2014
I have Ascend P6 and it's a great phone keep it up Huawei and leave apple behind you!
- D
- AnonD-217853
- 4S}
- 01 Apr 2014
Only the western regions continue to pay for over-priced phone, i don't see Huawei loses anything.
- D
- AnonD-200220
- 31 Mar 2014
Yeah they should ban iPhone and iPhone gonna get a big shock as china has 1.3 billion population and unlike they aren't poor
- ?
- Anonymous
- J9V
- 31 Mar 2014
gongrats, keep it up
- A
- Android Man
- nIh
- 31 Mar 2014
they used to be the skoda of the mobile world. and we know how that ended, yes bought by VW ,and became a massive player in the industry. hence why Huawei now third in th world. They are good quality cheap mobiles.
- D
- AnonD-233393
- nQr
- 31 Mar 2014
Blackberry is a Canadian company :-)
I don't think the Canadians are spying on anyone.
But way to go Huawei. Well done.
- D
- AnonD-249637
- uw@
- 31 Mar 2014
Way to go Huawei, way to go.
Shouldn't China or some other country make same accusations about Blackberry?
- s
- spy
- mAt
- 31 Mar 2014
The Chinese government should ban iPhone for the same reasons.