Alleged official image of Amazon’s phone emerges
- M
- MoFo
- j8w
- 03 May 2014
Sean John, 02 May 2014Amazon already has good experience with a mobile operating ... moreDude...Blackberry is a sinking ship. Blackberry wishes they were on the same level of Nokia.
- S
- Sean John
- LKp
- 02 May 2014
Amazon already has good experience with a mobile operating system and app market. I believe this will make a better impact than wp and blackberry combined.
It may not affect Apple or Samsung significantly but it definitely will affect Nokia and Blackberry.
It also seems as if this is a good spec device so the potential to pose a threat to the high-end devices exists.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7r
- 02 May 2014
3D! 3D! 3D! I'm an iPhone user, but give me 3D, and I will buy that phone as my spare phone.
- D
- AnonD-12380
- th1
- 02 May 2014
Look promising and beautiful, I hope us not exclusively for AT&T, or they should have international version if it.
- R
- Redundancy
- 02 May 2014
Funny how many times I saw comments in the lines of this phone being copied from iphone and samsung or made by samsung etc.
It's no longer a comment if the author clearly stated those same comments in the original article. Annoying...
- r
- richratters
- vp2
- 02 May 2014
here comes yet another patient trial, it looks so much like an iPhone, good luck amazon
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvx
- 01 May 2014
AnonD-71734, 01 May 2014What happened to all the other cameras - I only see 1 at th... moreThere is only one on the back, nothing else was claimed. However, I think there are 4 cameras on the front. The two cameras at the bottom are very clear, although I can't see the 2 cameras at the top.
- ?
- Anonymous
- b%2
- 01 May 2014
looks like a nexus 4 - iphone hybrid
- Q
- QuicksanD
- apM
- 01 May 2014
Lol@ at what happend to the other cameras- i only see 1 at the back. - do you really expect that there would be six cameras at the back? It says "6 camera modules", (lenses) -thats inside the device. Peace mate:-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nk%
- 01 May 2014
looks nice .
- Z
- Zed
- Sqj
- 01 May 2014
Iphone meets sammy ?????
- D
- AnonD-71734
- Np}
- 01 May 2014
What happened to all the other cameras - I only see 1 at the back...
- A
- Android Man
- mqM
- 01 May 2014
Iphone 5s Clone yuck.
- P
- Pars
- HIn
- 01 May 2014
amazon,do your job instead of making phones . i don't know why each company want to make phones.may be see coca cola , Audi , Cnet and ... make phones ;-)
- D
- AnonD-258086
- m7I
- 01 May 2014
for me it totaly depends on the price.
- D
- AnonD-130551
- 7F7
- 01 May 2014
Are they actually going to stick that huge Amazon logo on it? ick.
- A
- Anonym
- Lcc
- 01 May 2014
Pricing will be everything, make it a cheap-ish midrange and you will dominate.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01 May 2014
Looks pretty iPhoney
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4%k
- 01 May 2014
Good looking phone. I bet made by Samsung due to home button
- K
- Kyembe
- 3sE
- 01 May 2014
Others going out of the game.... Others coming