Apple iPhone 6 leaked by Taiwanese star Jimmy Lin
- ?
- Anonymous
- K5i
- 11 Jun 2014
"ipod-inspired" More like HTC One-inspired! < this statement makes more sense! But HTC nailed it on that beautiful One. Extremely ugly slapping it with Apple logo though.
- D
- AnonD-273034
- 3xk
- 11 Jun 2014
Seriously.. the next iphone couldn't look like this.. the back is just disgusting.
- M
- Miki
- Sqv
- 11 Jun 2014
Cloud1704, 11 Jun 2014Samsung, LG please consider to sue apple if they indeed rel... morelol, so true.
- D
- AnonD-215925
- J8M
- 11 Jun 2014
ohh, bezels look better then Z2 and it not so thik
- h
- hadeputera19
- 11 Jun 2014
its the same :(
- D
- AnonD-8008
- L2V
- 11 Jun 2014
If these images are true...then
So who was it that said... well lets say samsung ;) resycles their desing? This new iphone 6 is a clear slap on our faces, so leps put these desing issues aside ok!
- R
- Resis
- 3Se
- 11 Jun 2014
I have answer for a guy tells that there is no innovation on iphone 6. All the innovations you saw from the begining of android is for apple like multitouch , Fingerprint scanner , Outstanding perfomance , highly user friendly and so many other thing. without ios there have never existed an os like android and others
- S
- Scoop
- XNt
- 11 Jun 2014
Apple is coming after you for this blasphemy!! Now as you are a singer/actor/race driver....better start your 4 wheels & race away.
Else we will make sure you will sing all the octaves in the court.
Tim Cook
- ?
- Anonymous
- 11 Jun 2014
Cloud1704, 11 Jun 2014Samsung, LG please consider to sue apple if they indeed rel... moreSue becasue they put the button on the side?
in that case apple could sue LG for putting their headphone jack on the bottom.
but not because they have out one button on the same side as another phone..
- h
- hiader
- 3N1
- 11 Jun 2014
- G
- Gibby
- Ixj
- 11 Jun 2014
Anonym, 11 Jun 2014Only in the planet of "I don't know Math!".Hahaha! Touché!
I'm not Apple fan, but I don't mind it.
Does look suspiciously like the HTC finish and solution to the antenna issue.
Maybe that back logo will glow as a notification display?
- P
- Pars
- HIi
- 11 Jun 2014
Same , same , same ... but beautiful yet :-)
waterproof like Sony or not ?
- D
- AnonD-5197
- QwE
- 11 Jun 2014
Another year, another row on iPhones. Well done... lol
- D
- AnonD-273019
- fqv
- 11 Jun 2014
it look same just got lite longer tht all
- D
- AnonD-273016
- 7tQ
- 11 Jun 2014
We all keep commenting on how Samsung has kept the same design for the past since S2. Apple is even worse. Since 2010 it has not changed it's design. Ever since iPhone 4 that is! I was considering to move to iPhone from Android since the screen is getting bigger but if they keep the same design then "No thank you!" With all the cash reserve at their disposal can't they freaking get a designer who can redesign a phone? Gosh!!
- A
- Anonym
- g51
- 11 Jun 2014
Hmm.. Their stock did recover quite well from the fall of what would be now $55-ish.
Nevertheless this kind of marketing is still their bread and butter.
- m
- mMmo0o
- pF4
- 11 Jun 2014
is there true-tone flash on the iphone 6? like the 5s?
- s
- sanity
- 4Ja
- 11 Jun 2014
It would have looked much nicer and considered for purchase if they did away with those bezels and big circle in the center...
Why can't they get rid of those wide and ugly bezels that make the phone look like a toy... Apple should move away from that design they copied from Dieter Rams... That's so 60's...
The back panel... Hmm.. isn't that a copy of HTC One copy, except the logo?
Need to get more original Apple, especially when the dedicated fan base of teens that used the iphone since the beginning have grown up and demand less kiddish looking designs like LG G3, HTC One, and Sony phones...
No wonder parents are getting their kids 4s or 5/5c, which are virtually free under contract in the US... no point in shelving out more than 200 dollars when the newer model looks almost identical to the previous one...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4DK
- 11 Jun 2014
This... actually looks pretty ugly.
- D
- AnonD-185909
- 11 Jun 2014
Ahhahahahahah iPhone 5 sold 6 million.....!!!! I CAN't stop laughing , iPhone 5 has sold more than 100 Million units. iPhone 5c at the current time is selling better than S4