A dummy page for a 32GB iPhone appears on T-Mobile Austria site

22 May, 2009
As the launch date for the next iPhone nears, the rumors are beginning to clog the air. But here's some oil to pour on the fire - the T-Mobile Austria site have put up a placeholder for a 32GB iPhone. So far there isn't...

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  • s
  • salesrep
  • k9u
  • 23 May 2009

iPhone is extremely over-rated!!!!!
Glitchy software from the most over-rated company in the world..Apple.

    • d
    • dan
    • pTx
    • 23 May 2009

    i agree. stop making up stories !

      • a
      • asmodeus
      • TIA
      • 23 May 2009

      Anonymous, 23 May 2009Not true, I'm using one now to do this, my iPhone unchained... moreYes, this is true.

      So engrossed in their iphones due to the ridiculous amount of software issues that i see flock back to phone stores to get sent away for repairs.

      Internet on your phone for 9 yrs? Please, reality does exist you should try it some time.

        • a
        • asmodeus
        • TIA
        • 23 May 2009

        momo, 22 May 2009Mates, Iphone 32 GB is coming, I work for google and the in... moreAnother cheap ploy to generate 'hype' of this so-called new iphone which will feature more of yesterdays technology while real phones will continue leading the market with technology of tomorrow.

        Nice try guys.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • P%n
          • 23 May 2009

          Rip, 23 May 2009Oh, for crying out loud! Everybody knows that most folks wh... moreNot true, I'm using one now to do this, my iPhone unchained me from my desk and PC in a way no other phone can.

          Believe me I've been trying to use the Internet on phones for nine years and until the iPhone came along it was a fairly unsatisfying experience.

          You say people flaunt iPhones, I'd say it's more likely they are engrossed in using them and couldn't care less what others think.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • P%n
            • 23 May 2009

            Sachet, 23 May 2009Naaaahhh... I'd rather spend less and get more... I serious... moreYou can get Quickoffice for the iPhone NOW with word and excel creating and editing including cut, copy and paste.

            That will improve with the launch of OS 3.0 when even more capabilities are introduced.

            Maybe you should keep up with what's happening in the world, I know it's hard, things change so fast.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • qb0
              • 23 May 2009

              iphone = ipod = complete junk for a phone

                • R
                • Rip
                • G2G
                • 23 May 2009

                Oh, for crying out loud! Everybody knows that most folks who buy iphones (regardless if they're cr@p or not) buy them because they just want to stand out! They want to feel watched, needed, special or something... So here's my advise: Instead of getting an iphone, please get some therapy to work out your issues! (abandonment as well as low self-esteem!:)

                  • S
                  • Specs
                  • PvW
                  • 23 May 2009

                  Say wat allyuh want iphone is best.Why allyuh nokia lovin fools drop dead.

                    • A
                    • A.AbouOuf
                    • mJD
                    • 23 May 2009

                    Nokia N97 will b the best

                      • S
                      • Sachet
                      • vGg
                      • 23 May 2009

                      Naaaahhh... I'd rather spend less and get more... I seriously feel the iphone is more of a toy than a practical phone.. at the end of the day most of us call, message, e-mail, and keep information organized, some office applications won't hurt.. some like music.. some use the camera a lot.. eventually, it doesn't give you all that "Bang for the Buck" most of us look for in a phone..
                      I'd either go for a Nokia, Samsung, Sony, HTC or may be even a Blackberry..

                      Symbian is very stable.. and has great free add ons.. likewise WinMo.. Android looks very Promising... and the kind of hardware specs the new Android phones are based on only creates better products..

                      The iPhone lost my money long ago.. but it's still one hell of a toy if you can afford it.. 32 Gb just means more music and media files you might wanna carry around.. my playlist is just about 4 GB.. but more memory is always welcome..


                        • s
                        • stab116
                        • 0U0
                        • 23 May 2009

                        Anonymous, 22 May 2009So what are you gonna install on an arena? Some java jun... moreLG spiv? that's not true, but it would be better than an Apple cajoler.
                        Anyway, you don't even have the guts to write your own nickname, mr. Anonymous! I'll not argue with you any further, it seems that the Apple disease clouded your mind.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • P%n
                          • 22 May 2009

                          [deleted post]So what are you gonna install on an arena?

                          Some java junk?

                          Work for Apple, give us a break you're an LG spiv.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P%n
                            • 22 May 2009

                            Anonymous, 22 May 2009the iphone is complete garbage as for the 32GB, it's als... moreI'll just grab an M2 card from my K800, now where's your phone I'll stick it in...

                            ...hang on.

                            How about I get my micro SD from my N82 so you can copy a 300MB movie across to your phone...
                            ...hang on, memory full error, how much onboard memory does your phone have.

                            What a pitiful argument.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%n
                              • 22 May 2009

                              Anonymous, 22 May 2009ipod-phone is "elite"? no multitasking: you can't even ... moreThe iPhone is a smartphone that can install native applications (go look up the definition of smartphone).

                              You show your ignorance with the multitasking comment, the iPhone does multitask, how else could you run a photo slide show and play music at the same time or surf the web, play music and reply to an SMS at the same time or use the GPS, play music and answer a call via Bluetooth at the same time.

                              The specs on an elite new iPhone will kick an N97's a$$.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • P%n
                                • 22 May 2009

                                Rip, 22 May 2009iphone an elite phone??? Right! Lol!! To be "elite" iphone ... moreIt's exlusive 16 million iPhone's sold last year vs 480 million Nokia's, almost half a billion zombie sheep bought Nokia's because they don't want to leave the herd and try something better.


                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • qb0
                                  • 22 May 2009

                                  Anonymous, 22 May 2009Will probably buy it with double the RAM of the N97, a fast... moreipod-phone is "elite"?

                                  no multitasking: you can't even run more than one application at once. what kind of smartphone cannot than 1 appication at once, talk about a useless piece of junk

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • qb0
                                    • 22 May 2009

                                    the iphone is complete garbage

                                    as for the 32GB, it's also junk just like the ipod. i have an ipod and i still cannot transfer my songs back onto my computer.

                                    every other phone uses microSDHC so you can transfer music back and forth

                                      • S
                                      • Steve
                                      • mpK
                                      • 22 May 2009

                                      yasir (5800 xm), 22 May 2009the series of i phone sucks ..... it just have a larger dis... moreNo it's not.

                                        • y
                                        • yasir (5800 xm)
                                        • uRA
                                        • 22 May 2009

                                        the series of i phone sucks ..... it just have a larger display so it doesn't means that this is a good phone .... nokia 5800 is better than iphone .