iPhone 6 1,810mAh and 6L 2,915mAh batteries leak

17 August, 2014
We get to see the upcoming batteries inside the 4.7" iPhone 6 and 5.5" iPhone 6L.

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  • r
  • raj
  • IVU
  • 17 Aug 2014

If this is true, just can't believe it is still using cheap Li-ion battery! For the profit they made without any decency to give Li-Polymer ?

    • b
    • ballistix
    • 6qL
    • 17 Aug 2014

    6L o_0 I played path of exile too much

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • uS}
      • 17 Aug 2014

      harlekkin, 17 Aug 2014I can't find standby-only times, but again. LG G2 vs. 5S: ... moreTrue

        • D
        • AnonD-123996
        • HBI
        • 17 Aug 2014

        AnonD-135230, 17 Aug 2014Or a Galaxy phone overheating and catching on fire?Thats because of non original accessory usage. if ya use original accessories than you are safer all the time :)

          • D
          • AnonD-123996
          • HBI
          • 17 Aug 2014

          AnonD-222770, 17 Aug 2014Wall-Huggers. LolExactly XD


            • D
            • AnonD-135230
            • 46t
            • 17 Aug 2014

            A, 17 Aug 2014I expect a similar article after the release "iPhon... moreOr a Galaxy phone overheating and catching on fire?

              • D
              • AnonD-44928
              • qdU
              • 17 Aug 2014

              Contract, 17 Aug 2014It is NOT about efficiency it is about ACTUAL USAGE 2 th... moreone point at a time.

              Technically, Apple can't really argue that Samsung copied them, because Apple hasn't officially announced their product yet. So if they're being copied, it's their own fault for letting other know what they're doing.

              I would hardly call the Alpha a 12MP iPhone. there are several differences. Just the screen size, the fact that is uses metal chassis, and the fact that is has 32GB non-expandable storage doesn't make it an iPhone rip-off. In fact, the HTC One (M7) had those exact specs long before either of these did.

              Also you seem to be under the impression that screen size is the only thing that affects performance. a 38% increase in screen size does NOT translate to 38% increase in power consumption. It has a much smaller affect than that. The CPU, resolution, and software have as much to do with it as the screen size does.

              And actually, Apple has pretty consistently been doubling the power of their iPhones every year for a while now, not always through GHz (because GHz is useless for comparing power between different architectures. A 1.3GHz cpu can be more powerful than a 2.3GHz cpu of a different architecture, simply by executing more commands per cycle)however, it's likely that they are going to keep a pretty similar architecture, make it more power/heat efficient by moving to 20nm, and bump up the clock rate, for a much more powerful chip.

              I still agree that the Alpha is probably a better buy for the price, but the iPhone 6 will be compelling too, especially if it has a sapphire display.

                • M
                • Michael Moh
                • 3Np
                • 17 Aug 2014

                harlekkin, 17 Aug 2014I never argued about which brand is better or worse, merely... moreSmaller specs = smaller price, ohh!! excuse me! higher price in case of apple XXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                  • D
                  • AnonD-44928
                  • qdU
                  • 17 Aug 2014

                  harlekkin, 17 Aug 2014I stated previously that I'm aware of the specs differences... moreYour analogy is flawed though... because it doesn't cost a significant amount to power the S4 over the 5s. The discussion over the power efficiency has no relevance at all except for just that; talking about power efficiency. Either way, you can plug your phone into the wall and charge it in a comparable timeframe, and it's not exactly going to ramp up your power bill. But as you already stated, the S4 will indeed last longer.

                  The difference between driving a massive truck to your desk job and a VW golf, is that the truck is going to cost an arm and a leg to fuel, making it a horrible idea.

                  Further breaking down your analogy, even using the iPhone for nothing but facebook is like buying a porche to drive to work. It's super expensive, and its features aren't being used, either. Remember the iPhone 5s actually has more power in CPU and GPU than the Galaxy S4 does.

                  There are also reasons for people to prefer larger screens. It's nice viewing web pages and things with text that way, you can have the letters larger, with more content on the screen at once, as well as having them sharper, so it's much nicer on the eyes, especially if the user has eye problems. There can also be finger dexterity issues that cause larger buttons on larger screens to be easier to use (or just simply preferring larger, sharper screens for those reasons, even if you don't have any disability).

                    • C
                    • Contract
                    • MW7
                    • 17 Aug 2014

                    harlekkin, 17 Aug 2014You're accusing ME of something I didn't do or say. If ... moreIt is NOT about efficiency it is about ACTUAL USAGE

                    2 things before I repeat an earlier answer

                    1st Samsung have openly thrown down the gauntlet in pre releasing an ANDROID 4.7" iPhone with a 12Mp camera.
                    Does anyone think that Samsung executives after being SUED 3 TIMES by Apple for copying don't know what design to avoid?
                    32Gb NON EXPANDABLE phone, a Samsung phone with NO microsd

                    Samsung are saying we even make better iPhones for less than Apple

                    2nd ALL Samsung phones have removable batteries, so you can buy a SPARE, leave you can leave your charger and wall at home

                    This will be explained somehow by Apple so just on the display
                    IPHONE5S 4" 1560 mAh
                    iPhone6 4.7" 1810 mAh

                    The display has increased by 38+% the battery only by 16% well under half, and the last time I checked there were no energy efficient lighting available

                    I doubt also the clock speed will increase to 2GHz given the relative small increases Apple dole out
                    1.5Ghz & 1.7Ghz for the 4.7 & 5.5 models

                    The Alpha would be a better choice

                      • D
                      • AnonD-222770
                      • p2P
                      • 17 Aug 2014

                      Wall-Huggers. Lol

                        • D
                        • AnonD-13148
                        • PBC
                        • 17 Aug 2014

                        It's not all about "mAh", it's about how the device uses the power wisely. 1800mAh in Android is like 1 gallon fuel tank in V12 Lamborghini.

                          Anonymous, 17 Aug 2014Considering that the S4 has a better battery life, lower pr... moreI never argued about which brand is better or worse, merely the size of the battery and final output. Anyway - next time people talk about the small battery of the iPhone, this debate should be referred back to ;)

                          Smaller specs, smaller battery? You guys said it.

                            Anonymous, 17 Aug 2014The G2 with KitKat has an 81-hour battery rating. It beats ... moreNot sure where you get 81h, I'm just using the default battery page which states 62h, sorry.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ajU
                              • 17 Aug 2014

                              harlekkin, 17 Aug 2014You're accusing ME of something I didn't do or say. If ... moreConsidering that the S4 has a better battery life, lower price, and offers the possibility of replacig the battery without disassemling the phone, the 5s is clearly worse in the long run.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • ajU
                                • 17 Aug 2014

                                harlekkin, 17 Aug 2014I can't find standby-only times, but again. LG G2 vs. 5S: ... moreThe G2 with KitKat has an 81-hour battery rating. It beats the 5s in web browsing by 2 hours. It also uses a far larger screen, and from personal experience I can tell you that if the G2 is not allowed to overheat, it will last even longer than it did in that test. And considering how energy-consuming the dual microphones and OIS put together are (after all, the NSA wants to know our status all the time, and it tells), all this is quite an achievement. And the G2 is considerably less expensive than the 5s, while offering considerably better battery life. So what you're saying about the 5s being better is wrong.

                                  • s
                                  • sharman
                                  • R52
                                  • 17 Aug 2014

                                  not good

                                    AnonD-44928, 17 Aug 2014Huh, not very often you get people defeating themselves in ... moreI stated previously that I'm aware of the specs differences. This whole battery comparison is silly because it's just numbers without the right context.

                                    What I'm saying is that:

                                    You could drive a Dodge Ram truck at 14L/100km or a VW Golf at 5L/100km. Different specs, one is more economic.

                                    When all you do is drive to work and back, which one would you prefer?

                                    People can buy monster speced android beasts, if all they use it for is facebook it's all just a waste of energy.

                                      Can't wait until next month...

                                      It'll be a showdown, but no matter which company you're a fan of, we're all in for a treat! Both sides should be very happy.

                                      Respect to Samsung and Apple.



                                        • d
                                        • der
                                        • Ycp
                                        • 17 Aug 2014

                                        Why don't they have a standard set of battery amount. Like it's always 10's/15's at the end?