iPhone 3G S gets taken apart, CPU and RAM revealed

11 June, 2009
Apple were quite keen on emphasizing that the new iPhone 3G S was twice as quick as the original iPhone 3G the other day, but they never mentioned the actual specs of the chipset. Luckily details are starting to appear...

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  • T
  • Tucks
  • M3s
  • 12 Jun 2009

v7, 12 Jun 2009I think that there is some big difference between smartPHON... moreThe iphone is a smartphone dude. It has an OS. Thats what make's it a smatphone. (i mean an advanced OS not like the generic sony ericsson os or anything, one in which replicates or is similar to a pc os. Which it is, mac os)

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nWK
    • 12 Jun 2009

    Chipset of Samsung i8910 HD is a Texas Instruments OMAP 3430
    Chipset of Iphone 3GS is still the Samsung S5L8900 @ 600 Mhz, which was clocked @ 412 MHz before in Iphone 3G


      • v
      • v7
      • Sts
      • 12 Jun 2009

      Anonymous, 11 Jun 2009Boy gsmarena sure does try to make anything iPhone sound gr... moreagree

        • v
        • v7
        • Sts
        • 12 Jun 2009

        Anonymous, 11 Jun 2009agree. price is not an issue for handphone freaks. if you t... moreI think that there is some big difference between smartPHONES, and iPhone ! SmartPHONE is a mobile phone in a first place, and then everything else (which is not less important). iPhone, on the other hand, just like Omnia HD, Xperia, etc... are playing/entertainment ipodes at first place, and mobilephones on the other. That's why they are all too big, too heavy, and TOO COMPLYCATED for the BASIC PHONE FUNCTIONS/FEATURES (simple calls, sms, mms), and ESPECIALLY COMPLICATED FOR "ONE HAND USE". There is a catch. That's why only Nokia is for me.

          • T
          • Tucks
          • M3s
          • 12 Jun 2009

          why does everyone compare this phone to the n95, if people want an unreliable, bulky, hideous outdated phone then go buy for the extautionate price tag. don't compare to the iphone because it's not the phone to compare it to. Completley different!!! wtf!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4TA
            • 12 Jun 2009

            Anonymous, 12 Jun 2009really you can use it as a webcam??? wow...lolz...to bad it... moreI don't think you can use this as a webcam. There's no secondary camera. But it is not a big deal to a lot of people. Video calling is not a widely used feature. As for the N95 being able to do that, so what? The data plan for the N95 does not offer great quality, so you end up never using it as a webcam anyway. But hey, if you are happy with your N95, suit yourself =)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4TA
              • 12 Jun 2009

              namez bond, 12 Jun 2009so, they juz upgraded the specs on the latest manufactured ... moreWell this is a new and improved iphone. What's wrong with falling for this new version? It is faster than the prior iphone. It has improved display quality. Better camera. Has a wonderful video capture. Faster internet, etc. So why not fall for it? What's their to wonder about? LOL. Now I wonder why you're here?

                • S
                • Stephanie
                • 4TA
                • 12 Jun 2009

                Mac, 12 Jun 2009Bold still faster? as i know its like 642 or sometihng lol ... moreDon't complain if you cannot afford Apple products. As for me, the switch from Windows to Mac is so worth it. I never had any problems since I bought my MacBookPro. It's worth the buck. I never had to subscribe or install any anti-virus, anti-spam, etc. I have peace of mind with Mac. Peace of mind that I never had with Windows in the so many years that I've been a Windows user. But hey, it's a free world. You have the choice of which device works better for you. Now if you cannot afford a Mac, don't complain because Apple is not forcing you to buy any of their products.

                  • S
                  • Stephanie
                  • 4TA
                  • 12 Jun 2009

                  mm, 12 Jun 2009One thing is still not clear(even two): does it´s GPS has ... moreAre you asking those questions about those features because you need them, or just to bring up issues with the iphone? How can you say that the iphone is just for kids. Are you that ignorant not to see millions of adults buying and using the iphone? The iphone is indeed a very nice phone for everyone who wants it. Deal with it.

                    • B
                    • Botsok
                    • 2A3
                    • 12 Jun 2009

                    Who maid this post again?

                    Chris Kirk Patrick?


                    LMAO!!! btw thanks for this info!

                      • X
                      • X-Man
                      • NHW
                      • 12 Jun 2009

                      Patrick, 12 Jun 2009To each his own, but what makes the N95 a great phone in yo... moreWell said patrick. it all depends on what you need in a phone and if it works hassle free. i dont own one but from the tests i did on it it just works and thats it.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wYL
                        • 12 Jun 2009

                        The specs sounds good, but here in our country, iphone costs an arm and a leg.

                          • s
                          • someone from the eas
                          • mZs
                          • 12 Jun 2009

                          hi everybody. hi apple, nice phone. but what is the point building this phone, when is to expensive. is look like a tuned car , very nice , very pretty powerfull engine but only a few can afforded. i hope on the future you will give the real price not this 800$ for 16G. in eastern europe it come's with 50% expensive over your price. the south koreans come faster, careful. maybe in the future this super phone will affordable. anyway good phone

                            • a
                            • avikenas
                            • SwA
                            • 12 Jun 2009

                            the i-phone 3g has 499 eyro 8gb and 569 eyro the 16gb now at greece

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uEB
                              • 12 Jun 2009

                              Must be joking the CPU and RAM is the same as the new Samsung i8910 OmniaHD. Which will be coming out roughly this month. Are they copying or what. The OmniaHD has been shouting its specs since beginning this year.

                                • P
                                • Patrick
                                • v0w
                                • 12 Jun 2009

                                Anonymous, 11 Jun 2009You people are quite halirous when it comes to these phones... moreTo each his own, but what makes the N95 a great phone in your opinion? I'm sure features important to you make it a better phone. A Blackberry is a great messaging phone, but other than that what features actually make it standout above others? An iPhone is not the "greatest phone" surely just like the N95 isn't the greatest phone. It is, however, one of the best devices available today. It's a good (not great) phone, a great portable audio device, a great portable video device, a very good gaming device, a good messaging device, a decent location device, a very good PDA, etc. and it all depends on what apps YOU decide to put on it. Granted an N95 and many other phones can do what the iPhone does. But none works as well or as easily as an iPhone..... and you don't need a manual either.

                                  • B
                                  • Bogdan
                                  • nDL
                                  • 12 Jun 2009

                                  Anonymous, 11 Jun 2009You people are quite halirous when it comes to these phones... morestay away from iPhone ... please!!! symbian, windows mobile ,just crap

                                    • P
                                    • P%nm
                                    • vag
                                    • 12 Jun 2009

                                    Mac, 12 Jun 2009Bold still faster? as i know its like 642 or sometihng lol ... moreDDR 3 or DDR 2?

                                    The Macbook Pro uses DDR 3.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • tV4
                                      • 12 Jun 2009

                                      Not an IPhone fan, don't like it, feels it shouldn't be classified as a "Smartphone" but these hardware upgrades is very impressive indeed. +1 to Apple. Caught me off guard since "top of the line" hardware isn't what Apple is commonly associated with.

                                        • M
                                        • Mizuchi
                                        • ji{
                                        • 12 Jun 2009

                                        Mac, 12 Jun 2009Bold still faster? as i know its like 642 or sometihng lol ... moreThey think by buying from apple they get a better deal lol
                                        It's like walmart and shoppers they have the same thing but one store sells at a better price the lower price the more people lol