iPhone 3G S gets taken apart, CPU and RAM revealed
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- Anonymous
- kaJ
- 13 Jun 2009
the blackberry bold still has more processing speed.
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- Anonymous
- Fv0
- 13 Jun 2009
I hate it when yuppies come into store and ask for an iphone. so many better phones out on the market, overrated, hyped and not to mention the crap warranties and amount of returns.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Jun 2009
Erick Rosas, 12 Jun 2009Iphone, a great subject to talk about...
You guys can sa... moreYou're obviously biased. If you like to call iphone fans as freaks, what would you call Nokia and Samsung fans? Biased.
Yes, HTC had touchscreen phones as well, but not as fluid and as responsive as the iphone's. So the user experience that the iphone offered is indeed something new. Your HTC may had a 3.2mp camera, but the quality of photos taken are not as good as the iphone's 2mp camera. The jailbroken iphone can also take videos, and it's even better now with the 3GS. Did your HTC phone have an accelerometer, visual voicemail, multi-touch. Did it render screens as fast as the iphone? Did it have full internet like the iphone? Did it have 16gb internal memory? Did it have a proximity sensor? Did it have an app store? Did it have a 3.5 display? Did it have capacitive touch technology? Was it's web browser faster than the iphone's? I doubt it. Which capabilities do other brands go beyond and do better than the iphone's. Which specific phone are you talking about? Yes, MMS has been around, but does it render on your phone's display as good as the iphone's? Same with cut and paste. Iphone's cut and paste is more user friendly and faster. Photo quality does not only rely on megapixels. Software has a lot to do with it as well. It's the quality that counts, not just the numbers.
Sorry, but unlike your friend, some of us have the money to spend for a phone upgrade. Geez, how much does your friend make that he's paycheck is gone just for a phone upgrade? LOL. Go back to school and get a career that pays well my friend, lol.
You sound like another bitter iphone antagonist, lol. Go and play with your omnia hd, although I don't know what it does other than take good videos and pictures. I have better apps to play with on my iphone than take videos and pictures all day long =)
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- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2009Well this is a new and improved iphone. What's wrong with f... moreThis new iphone promises better AMOLED display quality than the first one. Unless you can show me a comparison of the prior model right next to the new one showing identical quality, then I will not believe you. What's wrong w/ VGA. As long as it looks clear and crisp on your phone and is intended to be saved and viewed on your iphone, it would be wonderful. Unless again, you can show me a video taken by the new iphone showing poor quality. It's camera is upgraded to 3mp, but it's software has also been upgraded to produce better results comparable to DSLR cameras. Again, it's the quality of results that count, not the numbers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Jun 2009
Kumander Robot, 12 Jun 2009Jesus H. Christ, all that hype just to announce that it can... moreThe new iphone does more than just voice dialing. It has voice commands all across other apps as well. Like its ipod app. Didn't you watch the demo? Yes, other phones have MMS as well, but does it render the MMS messages as effectively as the iphone does? I don't think so. Again, have seen the MMS demo of the new iphone? Your Nokia's MMS is indeed 2001, while the iphone's is 2009 way of MMSing. Yes, your Nokia has 30fps of video capture as well. But can you effectively trim and edit it like the iphone's. Can your N93 directly upload to video sites like the iphone can? I but you, the new iphone's video quality is better than your Nokia N93. The iphone is not just about throwing in features. It' the quality of features as well. BTW, you sound really bitter =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Jun 2009
Sal, 12 Jun 2009The only thing going for the 3GS is the speed and app store... moreWhat? And how is the iphone beaten in all areas by its rivals? I don't think you know what you're talking about.
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- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2009hm... apple take a big steps forward, but... BUT missing s... moreLOL, what you need is a custom made phone made just for you, lol. Better yet, make your own phone =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 13 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 13 Jun 2009you apple fanboys make me funny, do you honestly buy a new ... moreYes, you are funny. Current iphone owners don't have to buy the new iphone. Who told you that we have to? But then, we just might because of the dramatic processing speed difference. And why not if you quality for an upgrade? Having a better still camera with video capture, faster internet, and faster screen rendering is not a slight upgrade =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- nvx
- 13 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 13 Jun 2009not really, I'm selling my 3G and using the money to queue ... moreyou apple fanboys make me funny, do you honestly buy a new iphone every single year for a slightly upgrade ? wow apple is enjoying your money
- ?
- Anonymous
- mEk
- 13 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2009How are all die hard iphone fans supposed to get the new ip... morenot really, I'm selling my 3G and using the money to queue up in the morning and buy a 3G S, stick my sim card in it, it'll only cost me about an extra £150, well worth it.
- R
- Rodrigo CGR-Brazil
- L4K
- 13 Jun 2009
NEW disappointment will not do video call. Again I will buy a
- P
- P%nm
- RxL
- 13 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2009How are all die hard iphone fans supposed to get the new ip... moreI guess you are in the same boat as those who got N96's 6 months ago on contract and would like to get an N97, no-one held a gun to your head, you signed a contract, live with it just like anyone else who signs up to a contract to get a phone.
Btw in about 4 days you will be able to upgrade to OS 3.0 giving your iPhone 3G a whole new lease of life.
- s
- shaun h
- 3HW
- 12 Jun 2009
can i open a new contract even if i got one . and close my other one in 6 months time . o2 rip off
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0UF
- 12 Jun 2009
hm... apple take a big steps forward, but...
BUT missing some modification:
- OLED screen
- higher resolution
- FM stereo radio
- micro SD card slot
- full metal phone body
- thinner phone body
- front camera for video call
- S
- Sal
- 0RA
- 12 Jun 2009
The only thing going for the 3GS is the speed and app store, its beaten in nearly all other areas by rivals!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0R@
- 12 Jun 2009
How are all die hard iphone fans supposed to get the new iphone 3g s?
I got my Iphone 3g about a year ago, so won't be due an upgrade for another 6 months. All the die hard fans who waited outside the apple stores for hours a year ago, are now going to have to wait at least another 6 months. Not good!
- K
- Kumander Robot
- 2An
- 12 Jun 2009
Jesus H. Christ, all that hype just to announce that it can now make voice dialling like my Philips Ozeo did back in the year 2000, yes, year 2000, and send/receive MMS like my Nokia 6610 can do back in 2001, yes, 2001, and take 30FPS VGA video like my Nokia N93 back in 2006, yes, 2006. Wow, Apple, congratulations, you're always in the cutting-edge of technology!!11elevenoneone
That explains why you still have only a pathetic 3% marketshare in computers after all these years...
- ?
- Anonymous
- nvx
- 12 Jun 2009
Janab E AALI, 12 Jun 2009wow, it really will rock, it has no competitor to date. I l... more"wow, it really will rock, it has no competitor to date. I lovvvvvvvve iphone 3G S and waiting for it to be available in PK"
- J
- Janab E AALI
- uWB
- 12 Jun 2009
wow, it really will rock, it has no competitor to date. I lovvvvvvvve iphone 3G S and waiting for it to be available in PK
- E
- Erick Rosas
- Y9K
- 12 Jun 2009
Iphone, a great subject to talk about...
You guys can say anything but i go for both sides, i been changing phones every 3 or 4 months since i was 18 or 19, i been through every brand you name it, Siemens, Nokia, SE, Palm, Motorola, HTC, LG, i even remember mi small Panasonic 55.
Symbian, Windows Mobile, Java, Safari, anything.
I was running a cellphone store with my best friend because it was the thing i enjoyed to do, every release it was like a new baby for us, we will play with it and talk about it for hours and then sell it...
I remember the first walkman phones that hold 512 mb or 1g.
Mi nokia 3300 hold 512 mb, and i still have it, my startac, just naming a few.
And now what? Last year i had my Omnia with 16g built in and a 16g sd card on it. (One of the best phones ever made, and the best Windows Mobile Yet, (In my opinion)
That's me, Erick Rosas 23 years old live in the US waiting for the good stuff to come, with a E71 on my hands with a front camera for video calls which i can't use because we don't have the technology to do so... (Stupid)
Man, iphone... new era, it changed the way we look at phones, thats true, even though i dont agree with all the iphone fans or freaks however you guys call it...
I was impressed when it was on my hands, playing with it was a pleasure, the super sensitive screen, it was something different, but nothing new though.
I mean my htc phone was far beyond the iphone capabilities, mms, 3.2 megapixel, 8 gigs capable, record video, bluetooth stereo, document viewer, web browser, and gps software built in, also cut & paste, everything you name it.
So far every brand go beyond the iphone in phone capabilities, and they do it better, mms? we had it what 5 years ago? cut and paste, probably 4? 3.2 camera? my C905 has 8 (I know its a cybershot but still... GPS built in? i think it was 2 years ago, video recording?? i dont remember but its been a while lol.
Anyways we can't talk bad or good about the iphone for life and sorry guys I'm a SE fan, then Nokia, but apple is been doing a great job, they gone beyond the brands we seen growing great for the past years, this race is not what phone has more features, is who's making more money....
Guess who's the winner, the apps are awesome, the games are unbelievable, and they're really useful, its just crazy ridiculous what's out there, and even though we still miss features on the iphone 3gs, dont worry they'll came on the right time, apple has to save something for the next iphone 3gsbs(bluetooth stereo), or 3gsvc(Video Call), what ever...
It's just amazing how apple plays with advertising in my country, and the sad part is that i know friends that spend all his paycheck on a stupid upgrade or having the 32g iphone when they only use 8 gigs the most.
It's like everybody must have one... go ahead guys throw your check on the new iphone 3gs and make apple richer by day, i know their sales are going to be great by the end of this month, but that's only because ignorant people fall for been cool.
I can keep going all day writing about it but thats it, i gotta pick up my new omnia hd and play with a real phone, feel free to throw your opinion at erickrosasrojas... gmail ...com
Peace out and good luck making line outside apple stores or att stores because lines are going to be long...