Apple announces financial results for Q4 of the fiscal 2014

20 October, 2014
Apple’s financial performance during the quarter surpassed its guidance thanks to strong iPhone sales.

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  • D
  • AnonD-318966
  • 3I1
  • 21 Oct 2014

AVMax, 21 Oct 20141) ("Then came someone called Bill Gates, and his Wind... more1) I wasn't trying to make Bill Gates look charitable.
What I wanted to point out, was that no one else at the time tried to make software (especially OS) that work on more that one platform.
"IBM as well as other vendors" EXACTLY! The "other vendors" is the key point. Even if he did copy ideas from Apple, he made it open to other hardware platforms, not just IBM. This is why, Windows is the most widespread consumer OS.

2) "So, opening and tinkering with a product proves that someone is smart?" Well if you manage to do it without breaking it, then kinda yeah. Or at least it proves that you are curious to see how stuff works. And that is the first step to learning and becoming smarter.
"Do people always open every refrigerator and watch they own, and mess with the software". Well I never opened any refrigerators, but I usually end up opening most of my tech gadgets, at least to see how it looks inside. Mind you, I don't start soldering things, because I don't have the expertise. But if I ever find a guide for something I want/need, I must just try to. And yeah I do enjoy to mess with software every now and then. And a lot of other people do too.
"And if they don't, they are dumb??" Not necessarily. But I don't think they can call themselves geeks.

3) "Ok, to according to this, companies have no right to use their own software with their hardware". Companies can do what they want, but with IBM's and Apple's way of doing things, we wouldn't have had "the internet of things" today. Hardware makers wouldn't have been pushed each year to release better tech. If we only had Apple style companies, dual core processors would have taken 5-10 years more to develop. And who knows when it would have reached the masses.
"irrespective of fragmentation issues." You think fragmentation is bad now? Without Microsoft, that practically standardized it's Office suite, you would have companies running at least 5-7 different Office suites, that wouldn't be compatible with one another. Now we have MS Office that runs on Windows, OSX, Linux (with some tinkering in Wine), Android, iOS. (Am I doing fragmentation right?). In IBM's time, each vendor would have had it's own OS, it's own software, and file formats that couldn't be opened on any other platform. Do you think that is a good idea? Don't you see the huge fragmentation in that?
Android is still a growing infrastructure, but look at Windows (which is fully mature). What fragmentation do you see on Windows? My home PC is at least 8 year old tech that runs Windows 8.1. Can your beloved Apple top that?
Android does suffer from some fragmentation, but do you know why? Because most vendors want to lock down like Apple. "You want the latest TouchWiz features, sorry buy S5". That is the WRONG way of doing things.
Motorola on the other hand, is doing things a lot better. They're keeping the OS simple, and updating regularly (and fast).

    • A
    • AVMAx
    • rx2
    • 21 Oct 2014

    darkraver, 21 Oct 2014I love it how these apple fans brag about sales... :-D ... ... more1) (I love it how these apple fans brag about sales... :-D ...
    Sales dont equate to quality...only can reason that way)

    - Wow! Ignorance must really be bliss. In an alternate reality, cheap looking plastic must be better quality than metal phones. And, what do you know? The 40 million people who just bought the iPhone must be dumb, as they don't know that $700 is more than $200, whereas we know, right? Great, so let's all pat ourselves and tell ourselves that we are S-M-A-R-T, makes our lives a little more bearable!

    2) (To be able to do what other OS users take as granted, you have to buy the most expensive smartphone, the most expensive apps, most expensive Mac desktops and laptops, the most expensive AppleTV settopboxes, the most expensive peripheral accessories....)

    - The last time I checked, a 64 bit processor with image signal processing built in it beating 32-bit processors running at 2.7 GHz was worth the money. When it consumes 50% less power than others, it is worth it even more. And, when you have continuity features that no one else has (until they copy it next), it is really worth it. Maybe, it will help to actually read technical reviews before bragging how cheaper phones are always better.

    3) (You are a definition of dependant "slavery", and you dont even realize or acknowledge it...
    You are blind followers with no logical reasoning at all...)

    - This is the best one of all. So, this must be the better logic, right? First, companies should copy someone else's product right down to each and every functional screen, icon placement and reasoning (because you know, intelligent people do that). Next, copy all 1000 features they have, add 2 of your own. Finally, go around claiming that you're the best because you are cheaper than the original. Well, what do you know, it works, right? Because, you have a lot of people who are not "dependant slaves" trying to justify their purchase decisions...

    You know, just buy whatever you are capable of buying, just don't justify your purchases!

      • D
      • AnonD-319914
      • vGU
      • 21 Oct 2014

      AVMax, 21 Oct 20141) ("Then came someone called Bill Gates, and his Wind... more1) bill gates did do something charitable for the tech community get your facts straight.
      2) smart as in tech savvy. Able to modify computer hardware and/or software to get the most out of it. Since that is completely gone from apple products, yes geeks do use Linux and android.
      3)companies have all kinds of rights these days. However what they shouldn't do is try to push tgeir products to people. What I mean (and probably the guy you replied to) is that if you buy a Mac you shouldnt feel that you need an iPhone to which is kinda the case.
      4) iOS and windows are primarily used by people who aren't "geeks".

      By now the meaning of "geek" and "smart" in this context should be clear to you

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • fxM
        • 21 Oct 2014

        AnonD-321464, 21 Oct 2014and tell me in 2001 was there two new softwares from Mac an... more... Still clinging to the past i see.

        OSX and iOS is the best combo now in 2014/15 Period.

          • D
          • AnonD-321464
          • gyt
          • 21 Oct 2014

          AVMax, 21 Oct 20141) ("Then came someone called Bill Gates, and his Wind... moreand tell me in 2001 was there two new softwares from Mac and Microsoft (Mac OS X v10.0 Cheetah and Windows XP ) tell me which one was better , well its XP for sure

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • KZ8
            • 21 Oct 2014

            darkraver, 21 Oct 2014I love it how these apple fans brag about sales... :-D ... ... moreYou feel good about yourself now? There. It's not nice to antagonize people for their decisions that ain't harming no one but that's none of my business

              • D
              • AnonD-321464
              • gyt
              • 21 Oct 2014

              AVMax, 21 Oct 20141) ("Then came someone called Bill Gates, and his Wind... morei just want to comment on ur first point and that is when windows released the first desktop version it was on 1983 before Macintosh and it was windows 1.0
              so they didnt copy anythink

                I love it how these apple fans brag about sales... :-D ...
                Sales dont equate to quality...only can reason that way
                There are a lot of fans giving apple 700$, in most other countries even more, for a phone worth 200$ to produce..., with an OS that is quite exactly the same in every itteration with minimal addon value

                It boggles me they dont see a problem in that...
                They are perfectly happy by being cheated that way...

                You live in an enclosed apple system, and apple is quite smart in that game...
                They actually convince you through marketing that your OS is the best, that your device is worth the price, that the price only is what defines quality....

                To be able to do what other OS users take as granted, you have to buy the most expensive smartphone, the most expensive apps, most expensive Mac desktops and laptops, the most expensive AppleTV settopboxes, the most expensive peripheral accessories....

                You are a definition of dependant "slavery", and you dont even realize or acknowledge it...
                You are blind followers with no logical reasoning at all...

                  • D
                  • AnonD-246216
                  • 7Xg
                  • 21 Oct 2014

                  AnonD-318966, 21 Oct 2014"Real geeks"?! You really have no idea what the w... moreGood comment, but i do believe that its "tinker" not "thinker."

                    I love it how these apple fans brag about sales... :-D ...
                    Sales dont equate to quality...only fools think so
                    There are a lot of fans giving apple 700$, in most other countries

                      • A
                      • AVMax
                      • rx2
                      • 21 Oct 2014

                      AnonD-318966, 21 Oct 2014"Real geeks"?! You really have no idea what the w... more1) ("Then came someone called Bill Gates, and his Windows, that made possible for other vendors to make cheaper PCs, each one different and unique, and all of them could run the same OS, finally making PCs affordable to the masses.")

                      - You've got to be kidding, right? This sounds as if Bill Gates was doing something charitable for the tech community, helping people who could not afford IBM's hardware by creating Windows. Hilarious!!

                      Maybe you need to check on your history. All that they did was copy Apple's user interface, put all their desktop icons on the left instead of the right, and sell it as Windows and make billions of dollars. And, by the way, they were licensing their software to both IBM as well as other vendors, not helping poor open minded geeks.

                      2) (The only people that qualify as geeks are those that THINKER. Because that is the only way to use a gadget at the fullest potential. And because Apple prevents their users from tinkering with their products, by locking them down, you will very rarely find geeks using their stuff.
                      What you will find geeks using, on the other hand, is Linux and Android, because these are fully open. You can compile and use your own versions of Linux and Android if you are smart enough to do so. You'll never be able to do that on iOS or OSX. Even f*ing Windows is more open than what Apple has to offer.)

                      - So, opening and tinkering with a product proves that someone is smart? Exactly what delusions of grandeur do people suffer from? If you like to tinker, that's fine, but let's not stretch our imagination too far. Do people always open every refrigerator and watch they own, and mess with the software to, ahem, "fully utilize their potential"? And if they don't, they are dumb??

                      3) (What is Apple's current way of doing things? It's the same strategy IBM had a long time ago. Want to try OSX on a PC. Sorry, no can do. Macs being able to run Windows and Linux is not a win for Apple, its only a win for Microsoft and Linux, for making great software.)

                      - Ok, to according to this, companies have no right to use their own software with their hardware. Instead, we all have to design bloatware that will run on any hardware, irrespective of fragmentation issues. Also, every product should be designed to run on other people's software, else it is a crying shame!!!

                      4) (You think Android and PCs are for dumb people... I think you might have it the other way around.)

                      - Well, going by all the above logic (or the lack of it), it should be quite obvious. My suggestion - leave people to their own choices, instead of trying to justify your own.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-321464
                        • gyt
                        • 21 Oct 2014

                        AnonD-318966, 21 Oct 2014"Real geeks"?! You really have no idea what the w... moreomg i really like ur comment , and i agree 100% with u ,for me i keep telling this to the people i know but no one can understand it

                          • D
                          • AnonD-321882
                          • Mfn
                          • 21 Oct 2014

                          am always surprised how apple make this kind of profit despite their shity phones. there is God oo

                            • D
                            • AnonD-77292
                            • S0C
                            • 21 Oct 2014

                            Great for Apple Shareholders but a sign on warning for the clients..
                            it Shows that apple is willing to use old hardware to minimize cost and raise price to make more money and the clients will buy it regredless if the product is worth the price.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-318966
                              • 3I1
                              • 21 Oct 2014

                              [deleted post]"Real geeks"?! You really have no idea what the word "geek" means. Someone who just buys "the best" tech stuff (being Apple, Microsoft, Google or whatever) isn't a geek, and maybe not even necessarily a tech lover.
                              The only people that qualify as geeks are those that THINKER. Because that is the only way to use a gadget at the fullest potential. And because Apple prevents their users from tinkering with their products, by locking them down, you will very rarely find geeks using their stuff.
                              What you will find geeks using, on the other hand, is Linux and Android, because these are fully open. You can compile and use your own versions of Linux and Android if you are smart enough to do so. You'll never be able to do that on iOS or OSX. Even f*ing Windows is more open than what Apple has to offer.

                              You're talking about "legacy way of doing things".. Hmm... Remember when IBM first sold computers. They would make just 1 model of PC, running just 1 type of OS, and they were crazy expensive. You wanted to try IBMs OS, too bad you had to buy their expensive hardware. Then came someone called Bill Gates, and his Windows, that made possible for other vendors to make cheaper PCs, each one different and unique, and all of them could run the same OS, finally making PCs affordable to the masses.
                              What is Apple's current way of doing things? It's the same strategy IBM had a long time ago. Want to try OSX on a PC. Sorry, no can do. Macs being able to run Windows and Linux is not a win for Apple, its only a win for Microsoft and Linux, for making great software.

                              You think Android and PCs are for dumb people... I think you might have it the other way around.

                                • P
                                • Primark
                                • wuj
                                • 21 Oct 2014

                                django, 21 Oct 2014maybe .. but the topic is about financial results ;)Good for apple that they had a lot of profit off of IPhones...

                                  • d
                                  • django
                                  • uCs
                                  • 21 Oct 2014

                                  AnonD-319914, 21 Oct 2014I thought we were discussing whose phones are better not wh... moremaybe .. but the topic is about financial results ;)

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-319914
                                    • vGU
                                    • 21 Oct 2014

                                    Anonymous, 21 Oct 2014Yeah, in business profit is your goal, regardless if its ov... moreI thought we were discussing whose phones are better not who does better business.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-319914
                                      • vGU
                                      • 21 Oct 2014

                                      iPhone is King, 21 Oct 2014Like i said. Poor / Dumb Geeks will not understand the p... moreI have a Mac and windows and linux all three on 3 different systems. And moreover I hate the fact that you can't be an iOS developer and use windows.
                                      I am no developer but I know one thing. Being an indie apple developer means you can make apps. Being an indie android developer means you can make apps themes and whole operating systems based off android
                                      Idk about you but android sounds like a better option for developers to me

                                        Anonymous, 21 Oct 2014Safe? You mean safe like the recent celebrity nude pic leaks?u believe that ?