Netflix teams up with WhatsApp in India to communicate with customers

Prasad, 27 December 2017

Netflix has teamed up with popular messaging service WhatsApp in India to communicate with users. For now it seems Netflix will be using this platform to send messages related to account as well as suggestions to its customers.

Users with Netflix and WhatsApp will get a notification to opt into the service. Once chosen, users will get a message from Netflix on WhatsApp asking it to add it to your contacts. For now, it's a one-way traffic, with the user getting messages from Netflix and any attempt to reply will be greeted with a standard message telling the user it can't chat with you.

The choice to go with WhatsApp over SMS is not surprising considering the massive userbase for the service in the country, second largest in the world in fact after Brazil. Although in all honestly, this does not seem like a terribly useful service for the users. All it does is let Netflix nudge the user every once in a while about new content so as to keep user engagement up. I can't see a lot of people using it. However, it's likely both companies have bigger plans in future other than just informing users of new shows.



Reader comments

Whatsapp has to introduce channels where companies can chat with users and send them updates as well. I think Whatsapp for business is in the works

  • AnonD-127295
  • 30 Dec 2017
  • u1K

Amazon prime 1 year subscription = 1 month netflix so useless anyway

  • DataAnalyst
  • 28 Dec 2017
  • Kg7

More junk into WhatsApp! WhatsApp doesn't feel like app of good old days :-O

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