Circle to Search on Samsung devices now recognizes what music is playing around you

Vlad, 20 August 2024

Having recently brought Circle to Search to its mid-range A series devices, Samsung is taking the next step further. A new feature is now available in Circle to Search on Samsung devices, and that's music recognition. Think Shazam, but inside Circle to Search.

This is now available on Samsung devices with Circle to Search and version of the Google app (which is what is powering Circle to Search). However, as this is a Google-led rollout, note that it's not necessarily the case that all Samsung devices with Circle to Search that have that specific Google app version would get the new feature.

Music recognition in Circle to Search Music recognition in Circle to Search
Music recognition in Circle to Search

This is most likely a server-side switch on Google's part, and as such it could take quite a while for the company to flip the switch for every Samsung device with Circle to Search.

Once you get the new feature, when you activate Circle to Search you'll see a new button with a music note on it. Tap that and it will identify what's playing, either on the device itself or somewhere near you. It even works if you sing the song or hum the tune.

So, RIP Shazam? This is another way to do what it does, but it's built into a feature that a lot of people already use.



Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 24 Aug 2024
  • XBF


That fella didn't either didn't bother to read the short article or has very bad comprehension skill. There are many like him here, anyway.

You can do it since by asking assistant or tapping the Google mic. It's not Samsung that rolled out this new one, it's google that did it to Samsung phones. So Samsung didn't copy it.

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