Wi-Fi 6 Release 2 improves upload performance and power management

Ivan, 05 January 2022

The Wi-Fi Alliance just announced the Wi-Fi 6 Release 2 standard. It brings improvements to uplink, as well as power management at all supported bands - 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz - and is intended for routers and devices both at home and in the workplace as well as smart home IoT devices.

Release 2 adds support for multi-user MIMO uplink - the ability for multiple connected devices to upload to an access point simultaneously.

Wi-Fi 6 Release 2 improves upload performance andpower management

Wi-Fi 6 Release 2 is smarter with power management too. It supports new low-power and sleep modes that will particularly benefit battery-powered smart home gadgets.

Smartphones with Wi-Fi 6 support will gain some benefits too, once Release 2 features make it to Wi-Fi 6 and 6E devices.



Reader comments

  • sophiaabigail
  • 07 Feb 2022
  • 7Sd

I see the differences daily using iperf. If you don't know, iperf is a real benchmark tool that puts load into the network an accurately measure the throughput. With WiFi 6 I can hit nearly 1 Gbps with a 160 Mhz channel (the limitation is probab...

The Wi-Fi 6 release 2 will undoubtedly bring an enormous amount of benefit by making subtle improvements to uplink. It will deliver new features that specifically address increasing device and traffic density. This read explains how Wi-Fi Certified 6...

This is literally "how to say something without saying anything". I can see only "it's better", and also "uplink is getting better". And moreover, this is even better than before. Better better to better the bett...

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