Next Samsung Exynos to pack custom cores

03 April, 2015

In most electronics nowadays performance is king and the more bit-crunching power you can put out, the better. This is not exactly the case with smartphones, though, where power efficiency is equally if not more important.

This being said, however, no true power-user can deny that having more power under the hood is always better and in the mobile realm Samsung currently has the lead, by a long margin. The latest Exynos 7420 chipset, found in the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge is way ahead of its competition in sheer performance and according to a new rumor, the Korean giant has something even better in store.

According to the latest reports the next Exynos chip will be powered by custom cores, rather than the stock Cortex A72 silicon. The SoC is allegedly codenamed "Mongoose" and will be clocked at 2.3 GHz. The rumor also cites a single-core Geekbench score, which is impressive, to say the least. The number is around 2200, which is about 45% better than the current Exynos.

Now, this should be taken with a grain of salt, as it is entirely in the realm of rumors, at least for now. Furthermore, even if this information is true and Samsung powered the Galaxy Note 5 or the next Galaxy S device with the new entirely custom chip, raw-power does not necessarily translate into real-world performance and a lot of other factors have to be considered as well, most notably - battery life.

Thanks for the tip CLARiiON

Via (in Chinese)


Reader comments

  • Yiweng
  • 25 Feb 2021
  • IVK

We shouldn't say Samsung Exynos chipset useless because samsung making alot of different kind of thing and focus on Phone design, laptop, camera , freezer, screen and etc...... Samsung now is focusing on exynos is a good thing . We should thx sa...

Here's the most recent numbers on benchmarking of Exynos 7420 and you must be an Apple AirHead. Because.... there are two different Single Core Scores according to which core on Big/Little A-53 or A-57 you're talking about. Search this: Samsung-E...

  • AnonD-291263
  • 05 Apr 2015
  • kiP

You're wrong both are gonna use custom core. Qualcomm-Kyro or Pyro don't remember the name Samsung-Mongoose Apple-Don't know if it's a die shrink or a new design Nvidia-They will be using ARM reference design

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