Nokia 3100

Nokia 3100

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • Neo
  • 03 Jul 2003

@ Don hey i agree with u

    • N
    • Neo
    • 03 Jul 2003

    if u use yer name as unknown plz dont coxz when i wana rip the shit out of u i cant because i dont know who im talking to, so if ur name is unknown and u givin me shit go fuck a dog

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 02 Jul 2003

      DON,we are not taking everything we say seriously.We just enjoy the chat with some bad words in it.You should take part in it to see
      how funny it is.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 02 Jul 2003

        Just adding I am the guy you are talking about both times.It is wrong to jugde a phone just by the screen performance.Except the flickering screen ,the phones you mention have no other problems and they are quite successful and loved by people.Also,if you read my opinion quite well you would see that I have bought many phones up to now from many manufacturers.The reason I have bought NOKIA so many times is because I have been satisfied by them.Currently I have an 7650,which is great.Much better than any phone I have ever had.

          • J
          • Just adding
          • 01 Jul 2003

          Someone mentioned Nokia always have good quality which includes ALL Nokias. *Sigh*..
          Have you TESTED all NOKIAS out there? Look at almost ALL their colour headsets starting from their first Series 40 phone.
          7210/6610/6100/6800/7250.. all these phones has colour screens which has very dull and blur pixels excluding the 7250 which is slightly improved. Also, all these phones' screen flickers!. And you were talking about quality? This guy speaks faster than he thinks. I agree that their older phones does have some quality such as their 8210/8850 era. But that was then. Now is now.

          And to Unknown (2003-06-28 03:38:41). Why do you need to change your Nokia phones at least 7 times? Is it because Nokia keep making their customer feel like what they bought is old and useless? Look. 7250 and then 7250i. Only difference is software, but Nokia DOES not upagrade their software for 7250 users. Even SE allowed T68 user to upgrade to the T68i which made everything run faster.

            • T
            • THE DON
            • 01 Jul 2003

            look, thank you NEO for ending this stupid arguement, and i agree with what you say manufacturers have good and bad streaks like now for example SE are going through a bad patch and nokia are going through a good patch but soon SE will bounce back and nokia will have a little struggle but what worries me the most now is samsung they are on the way up on the list i dont know how, but they are. but anyway there will allways be the arguement about who is better but at the moment nokia is better because they have a wider range of phones, and SE will get a hell of a lot more customers when they bring out more phones and that will bring an equilibrium to the 2 giant manufacturers nokia and SE. this is the truth and everyone knows it so stop wasting time and energy on argueing about the petty things!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 30 Jun 2003

              Neo , that is what u say, what if we say that Nokia is obviously much more better than SE ? Will you accept it ?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 30 Jun 2003

                Neo don't blame yourself.And SE guy I won't bother arguing with you anymore.Now I understand.You are dumb.SE would never pay sb like you to talk that way.

                  • N
                  • Neo
                  • 30 Jun 2003

                  im the reaon that this argument started so im stopin it i know peopl elike nokia and people like se but why ever1 have to dis each uva i mean nokia have had good streaks and so have se but it is obvious that se is far better but more people like nokia so it is over u like what u like. peace out

                    • S
                    • SE fan and anti Noki
                    • 29 Jun 2003

                    To the guy below me.

                    Are you a monkey??????? You don't have to repeat me,mine words.

                    Nokia lias always to his costumers NOT SE.SE don't copy phones like Nokia did.

                    SO shut up.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 29 Jun 2003

                      If SE tells less lies to the customers,then NOKIA can go to hell.But it does not happen.SE fan,are you paid by SE to tell all those things or are you just dumb?

                        • S
                        • SE fan and Anti Noki
                        • 28 Jun 2003

                        To the guy below me.

                        Liar..................hahahaha you must caried always a Nokia.So Nokia is a liare not the guy under you.

                        Nokia alway liar to his customer.Specialy with their phone's and you are somb to buy one from them.....hahahahahaha

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 28 Jun 2003

                          Bogdan,I know 4 persons with the 6610 that have no problem.I also know many more persons that have problems with their SE phones.I think you are a goddamn liar.You have never had or tested a nokia phone

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 28 Jun 2003

                            To the third guy below:I have had seven Nokia phones,two panasonic phones,one Siemens phone and three SE phones since 1998.Now who is going to shut up?

                              • !
                              • !OH!~Seksarn
                              • 27 Jun 2003

                              Lovely!!! But I wanna know the price. Hope it's not too expensive.

                                • B
                                • Bogdan
                                • 27 Jun 2003

                                Haha..especially the 6610 which sets new "standards" in quality. It has a 2 day working than fail record. Well done..Nokia. As for the person who said it doesn't look the same it means u should buy some glasses. AS for the appears 2 years after the t300 and u want to have the same features ! Even Nokia aren't that stupid

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 27 Jun 2003

                                  To the person below me.

                                  All Nokia phone's are build quality talking like bullshit.

                                  I have always a Nokia and you talking about,that Nokia build quality.Don't let me smile.

                                  All the Nokiaphone's what i have,are shitty and ugly boring menustructuur.And so expensiv for a Nokia phone.

                                  I has always trouble with Nokia phone's if it means about software and build quality.

                                  You have no idea what you talking about it,so SHUT UP.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 27 Jun 2003

                                    To the girlie below me:ALL NOKIA PHONES HAVE EXCELLENT QUALITY.You do not need to buy one to understand.And do not compare the best phones (NOKIA) with the crapest(SE,Siemens,etc.)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 27 Jun 2003

                                      To the guy below me.

                                      Better quality than the T300 you saying.

                                      WAKE UP Nokia fan....The 3100 is not yet on the market and you talking about quality.

                                      Go to sleep Nokia Moron.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 26 Jun 2003

                                        It does not look like the shit t300.And the quality of this phone is much higher.