Nokia 3410
- J
- 02 Oct 2003
dam dis fone iz sound man cos, shit it iz bad i con do nuf with it. im nuf clunzy nd all wayz dropin it but it all wayz all rite . like i can play basket ball with it and it would still b alright. 1 ting 2 say get diz fone now it iz da bom.
p.s.........sanjana modha iz fit..........
- S
- Somebody
- 02 Sep 2003
What is with that bad backlighting of this phone ??? Very bad impression.
- C
- Cineva
- 02 Sep 2003
My phone lasts 3 days if I do not talk. But at 15 minutes of talk time it lasts 2.5 days... I am from Romaina...and this shitty operators says it is ok..coz it is over 55h
- m
- moldoveanu cristian
- 20 Aug 2003
It is verry beautiful,with many functions.It is the best,if was a little smaller.
- A
- Aurelian
- 16 Aug 2003
the batery is mada in China! is it good?
- O
- OzOn
- 13 Aug 2003
bombastic!!! believe me!
- k
- kenny soria
- 15 Jul 2003
Can i upgrade my 3315 into 3410.
- C
- 11 Jun 2003
I think that is a great phone. I have one doubt about it's battery. In stand-by the number of hours is about 100. Have any ideas? Thanks
- N
- Nicola Rose
- 09 Jun 2003
I am a proud owner of a Niokia 3410, but in this forum, you aren't doing the phone justice. In this I mean, you left out one of the key elements of the phone. You neglected to say in the DISPLAY category, that there is also a feature that can be used at night or in a club where there is lots of noise and you cannot hear the phone ringing, but can feel it vibrating. The feature I am talking about it the "RYTHMIC BACKLIGHT FEATURE".
You need to add that into the phone description.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Apr 2003
I think if the phone was colourful and polyphonic ringingtones. It would be the hottest phone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- a
- ade
- 17 Apr 2003
great phone but it does not have a calendar despite what the blurbs tell us.i have been trying to find somewhere i can download one from but without success so far.
- P
- Panaman
- 05 Apr 2003
Nokia isn't original anymore. I think they got some very great phones but the latest models are pretty much the same. In the future I'll buy Panasonic, great quality, reliable and different!
- t
- titas
- 26 Mar 2003
this telefon is very good!!!!!!!
- n
- nkyru ilewi
- 19 Mar 2003
i think its cute though i use a 3310. i think its time i switch over to a 3410.
- j
- jasonb
- 02 Mar 2003
HEE-HEE u r retarded nokia make the best phones, all other manufacturers should rot in hell for copying things from nokia SCREW U ALL.
back on topic the 3410 sounds like a cool phone and i want one.
- J
- Jay-Z
- 01 Mar 2003
I think that this fone has impeckible fetures and its is a excellent handset!, in the begging......(joke) chill man!!, am not gonna write a big essay i think this fone RULEZ and it is very tough,i used to have a 8310 but its fucked man! i play basket ball with itonce and it kept switching itself off!!!
- c
- cristi xulescu
- 01 Mar 2003
I wanna know how to download extra games!!!!!!
My game Munkiki is dameged
- u
- umair farooq
- 01 Mar 2003
it is one of the greatest phone set i had ever is more useful then 3310 or 3330 . i realy like it.
- r
- ridwan
- 24 Feb 2003
i want u to link me to where i will buy the phone
- v
- vamsi krishna
- 20 Feb 2003
it is a sexy piece