Nokia 3410
- D
- Dark_days
- Mtr
- 31 May 2008
That was my first mobile phone!!
- D
- Dara
- mXR
- 03 May 2008
i absolutely LOVED this phone, though when i dropped it it stopped working :( i loved buying all the wee covers for it :) and at the time i had this phone i got all these monophonic ringtones for them and it was great and i loved the 3d screen savers :D
- I
- Insert name here
- mxG
- 18 Apr 2008
I loved this phone! It was simply the best and I would totaly use it if it was still in fashion! lol
- a
- awuor
- fu$
- 27 Mar 2008
it was the best fone eva!!!!!! can we have the same or a modified version
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJA
- 21 Mar 2008
i think we all had it ... it really is the original Nokia!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pKf
- 02 Mar 2008
This is one of the best phones ever ! When you were outdoors you heard it ring and it is fantastic for speedy gonzales texting ! Great comfortable keypad for big hands. When outside you can see the screen perfectly. This was relaunched as the 1100/1101 which are very good too but their keypads are hard on the fingers. Monophonic ringtones on this phone are fantastic too. I would love this to be relaunched slightly slimmer on the sides but with the same front and keypad with calender,torch,small font messaging, bigger SMS storage and loudspeaker too. I would definitely buy it. Look at nokias new basic phones: 1200,1208,1650. The keypads are uncomfortable, too small and the ringtones are not loud enough; outdoors you will miss calls and texts. The 3410 beats them all HANDS DOWN !!!
- .
- .::Next_Level::.
- Mx}
- 18 Feb 2008
Those where the dayz....
- s
- stonecastle
- 25 Jan 2008
This phone has one major drawback which is that it is very difficult to remove the back cover to replace the battery or to remove or insert a SIM card. There is a certain knack to it which takes a long to to master. Another thing wrong with it is that it is too big and bulky. It would be better if it was about one third smaller later nokia phones. It has short battery life too. Apart from that it is easy to use and functions quite well. I bought one recently for nostalgia reasons because I like classic phones but am think of changing it for a smaller classic phone of a different make.
- u
- usman
- Rxx
- 16 Jan 2008
every body says li-ion battery for 3410 does not wear out quickly but my cussun had one for 3 years and changed 5 batterys and i had 3310 and it has 2nd battery for 5 years i think the battery i have is better than original bcoz i still standby for more than 4 days
- c
- cat
- M3s
- 15 Nov 2007
this was the best phone EVER
- N
- NOKIA_user
- 0pA
- 02 Nov 2007
It's great phone for basic operations. It does not have calendar like the site says. I own it 3 years and it proved to be really usefull.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ihd
- 28 Aug 2007
still have this phone, got it the day it came out and it still works fine, great phone
- f
- flower
- SpJ
- 09 Jun 2007
i used to love this phone when i had it especially because you could compose your own polyphonic ringtones! everyone at the time had 3310 but this phone had a few better qualities. There was no camera or mp3 which was a downside but thats only been hyped up recently.
- F
- Fjon
- MF{
- 14 May 2007
My Phone packed up the other day, and i was left to use this phone, which was my dads. i was surprised at how easy it was to use! It seems like a really cool phone. only bad things with it are:
1. No Bluetooth
2. No camara.
Other than that, its a great phone!
- ?
- Anonymous
- m9C
- 10 May 2007
I have an all singing and dancing Motorola Razor but cannot bring myself to give up on my Nokia 3410. It`s reliable sturdy and easy to operate. Long live the 3410!Tonbridge Kent.
- A
- Alexandru Petre
- iKD
- 01 May 2007
Between 3410 and 3310, I rather prefer 3310. The design is better for 3310 and is faster to write on SMS from 3310 than from 3410. The Li Ion battery for 3410 is an advantage. the 3310 Ni Ion battery had to be changed in 6-12 months...
- l
- lellric
- m9J
- 26 Apr 2007
I laid mine to rest after 4 years only because I was sick of lugging half a brick around.It was a good phone and did all I wanted it do (apart from store many messages but you can't have everthing!!)
- d
- dAnIeL
- p7J
- 18 Mar 2007
this is a phone of QUALITY. Simple. It has nothing special. Just a normal phone that will last you MANY MANY years. What can i say else ....QuAlIty describes this legend:P:P:P
- C
- Clayton
- SuD
- 03 Jan 2007
I had this fone for about 8 months.It gave me a little problem about the sim because some times he wouldnt read it.The rest is awesome
- s
- sunil
- Pxs
- 30 Dec 2006
Can any body tell me how to Can anybody tell me that how to sell this phone to the customers in the age of n series