Nokia 5300
- ?
- Anonymous
- qJZ
- 24 Dec 2008
i'm on my fourth of this phone. the speaker starts to breakdown after 3 or 4 months. you can't do texting while listening to music of the volume fluxuates. it is a fun phone before the problems start though.
- B
- BM
- M3W
- 23 Dec 2008
this phone is greater on music quality, and it has fast menus and customize shortcuts. but it's a worth of money cause it doesnt last long, like 8 months at max. this phone has much software problems and the buttons have very poor endurance, it damages easier. The battery hang on less than a day if you are constantly listening to music.
- w
- wasim sarker(banglad
- uNV
- 23 Dec 2008
before 4 monthes i bought this is very cool and's music quality is greater than nokia's browser is faster than nokia screen has no stretch.i am fully satisfied with rhis phone.but if it's operating system would be symbian,it would be much better.
- M
- Manigandan
- w4s
- 23 Dec 2008
priya, 11 Dec 2008only 1.3 mega pixels are not too good .this can be worthed ... moreYou are right Priya...
But you can't get the 2 pixel at this rate right?
- M
- Manigandan
- w4s
- 23 Dec 2008
5300 is my first mobile....
I bought the black panel model...
In showroom itself this model impress me to buy...
The features are really good and awesome...
At this rate this model is very cheap...
But some times it irritates due to some software problems... Otherwise good. I rate 8 out of 10 for this model
- ?
- Anonymous
- pw1
- 22 Dec 2008
fantastic phone. i accidently let virus in der but still worked. very strong and unbreakable. Ive dropped it so many times and never got damaged. if i smashed it on the floor it wont make any scrathes. im alos intrested in my music and dis is da perfect phone 4 begginers and experts. very easy 2 use. very cheap. ive had da fone for exactly a year. i really recomend dis fone no complaints 10 out of 10 for performance.very gud. and a gud camera.
- R
- Rockster
- wYR
- 21 Dec 2008
Well...i have been using this phone for like 9 monthz and its giving me a pretty good service! the sound quality is mind blowing. But i am a bit dissapointed about the camera of this phone....its quite awful. but in overall...i would rate it 7 out of 10. Am planning to transfer into the new Nokia N79. But i sure wont sell this phone out! Cheers!
- M
- Mohamed-Metallica
- ftD
- 17 Dec 2008
I can say that this phone is my partner. i have it for 1 year. I like every thing on it exapt the camera & the design becuz it looks like 5200 and i hate it. Music is great & even the radio
- u
- uzaif (acrobat1st@gm
- uWx
- 14 Dec 2008
some body tell me about the music playback time.and is there is visualization option in the mp3 player like n73.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mbI
- 13 Dec 2008
This is my first mobile phone.
And i have to say its excellent. Its got a bit of everything. The design is a bit cheap, because its made of plastic. But the slide goes really nicely. And there are so many nice features!
Until now (2 years) it hasnt showed any kind of problems, no freezing etc.
Im a bit disappointed about the camera, because the quality of the pics could have been better, but with 1.3 megapixels its obvious that it cant do shots like with my camera.
i am really happy with my 5300 and i have no itensions of buying a new one :)
- N
- Nikhil
- 2@s
- 13 Dec 2008
Aneba, 08 Dec 2008whenever i send a information from another phone using blue... moreIf ur phone has enuf memory 2 store the data u hav transferred, it gets saved into phone memory..check the "Received files" folder after data transfer..
else it goes directly in2 memory card...
- N
- Nikhil
- 2@s
- 13 Dec 2008
If ur phone has enough free memory 2 store the data u hav transferred, the data gets stored in2 phone memory..check it in "Received Files" folder & then move it 2 memory card...okkk
else it directly goes in2 memory card..
- a
- aftab
- uWE
- 12 Dec 2008
Aneba, 08 Dec 2008whenever i send a information from another phone using blue... moreyes u go into blue tooth setting and choose the folder u want to save ur things ,that will do solve your problem..
- t
- tej
- 12 Dec 2008
for nokia 5300 mobile 1.3 megapixel camera is not enough its better to have 2+mega pixel
thank you
- p
- priya
- v}Q
- 11 Dec 2008
only 1.3 mega pixels are not too good .this can be worthed if it will have above 2 mega pixels..................... thnx. . .
. .
. .
- J
- Jason
- 4V0
- 11 Dec 2008
I've had this phone for about a year and a half now. At first it was good, but after a while the screen started to build dust under it. I can't stand this phone anymore and I'm waiting to buy a new one. Possibly looking into the Samsung Gravity
- c
- call
- ut6
- 10 Dec 2008
i like dis fone....has a gud display, nice cam [thnk of d tym wen twas 1st released b4 criticizin], n easy access 2 d music player. d overal looks s also nice n kinda sporty. bt u cnt stay updatd wid electronics as ders a new launch almst evry mnth....
i'm using it since a year nd a haf nd nvr found ny problm in dis fon whatsoevr xcept 4 d music library now takes a lil more tym 2 gt updated. something unique bout dis fon is its sound quality on d apps working fyn on dis handset. jst b aware of d resolution of d apps u r loading! bt d battery lyf of ds set is nt impressive. after usin it 4 1.5 yrs, nw im havin 2 chrg my 5300 twice a day...
- k
- kevin
- fu0
- 09 Dec 2008
the nokia 5300 is good but the casing n the battery r too fragile!
- D
- D.
- ji{
- 09 Dec 2008
I bought this set 2nd handly several weeks ago. I previously used 5200 and I noticed that my 5300 doesn't have clearer n louder sound compared to it. Then I also noticed that it is hard to install java programs, especially games. Somehow most of the time it just freezes. The camera also dissapointing, coz when I use the zoom, actually I reduce the size of the pics.
Other than that, I love the design n the sound. It can also can handle 2gb. Cool!
- A
- Azb
- kDS
- 08 Dec 2008
sania, 05 Dec 2008oh god !! i too need dat fone
i wish sme one gift me da... moreHi my frnd.i want to coment on saniaz view.
U r the firt person who liks ths useless fone.take care bye.ur brother azb