Nokia 5300
- b
- bebe
- 14 Nov 2008
OFKEA, 12 Nov 2008this is the best nokia phone ever!i have it almost 4years a... moreerr...
uv used it 4 years but da fon was announced at 2006
ur a big fat liar ....;p
i luv diz fon too!!!!
- F
- Forhan
- PBs
- 13 Nov 2008
Some useful web addresses:,music,video),music)
- F
- Forhan
- PBs
- 13 Nov 2008
dQ AARON, 13 Nov 2008Hi guys i want to get themes for my phone. Which site has t...
- d
- jLB
- 13 Nov 2008
Hi guys i want to get themes for my phone. Which site has the best theme. A friend she has the same phone with good themes but she dont want to tell me which site she got them on. Help pliz
- O
- 0xB
- 12 Nov 2008
this is the best nokia phone ever!i have it almost 4years and it still working no problem :)
- F
- Forhan
- PBs
- 12 Nov 2008
I suggest always the newcomers.
Its a 2006 set and after it was released,many more has came.
Y dn we welcome them?
Try 5130/5220.They are the latest sets and i think u wont regret buying thm.
- m
- mido-shora
- n9k
- 11 Nov 2008
i like that phone
it is 550 pound in Egypt (used)
i think i will buy it
- p
- poop
- 11 Nov 2008
hv used da fon for a year n 4 months
hv droppd it for thousands times
myb bulky n not look so good 2 sum eyes
bt it's still working great!!!
- i
- ivanHDi
- ix9
- 10 Nov 2008
the worst phone nokia made! :s
- d
- jLB
- 09 Nov 2008
mark, 08 Nov 2008my question is how to ope the mms plz help me?What do you want to read or to create. If you want to create then jst go to yo massage > create new massage > choose which u want, or at yo massage tag go option then change massage type to mms
- R
- Raed
- fvJ
- 09 Nov 2008
this phone is the best ....i bougth one but i lost it and i bougth aonther new one .....i loven it
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYC
- 09 Nov 2008
Aarian, 23 Oct 2008Plz anyone tell me why my phone memory is decreases. When I... moreWell u have to delete some files from ur phone memory.
Try deleting some themes that u r not using at all and other files too.
- d
- jLB
- 08 Nov 2008
Forhan, 08 Nov 2008Do u mean low btry? Its usual with this phn.Its btry perfo... moreSorry i didnt mean low. It was purpose to be slow. Everytime i open my videos my phone becomes slow. About the battry is almost ok to me 4 i can play music 4 2 and half days. Thax
- m
- mark
- Rxj
- 08 Nov 2008
my question is how to ope the mms plz help me?
- F
- Forhan
- PBs
- 08 Nov 2008
dQ AARON, 06 Nov 2008This is the best 4n i've ever had in music express. But i'v... moreDo u mean low btry?
Its usual with this phn.Its btry performnc is too poor.
- F
- Forhan
- PBs
- 08 Nov 2008
puchaka, 07 Nov 2008i have this phone for 2 months now, its a good phone but i ... moreDo u mean 5310?
Thn plz read dis b4 buying:
1.5310 has 2mp camra which is useless.Camera is too much slow.Also it taks abt 5 sec to capture a single shot.
2.Its xpress music & iv gt 5300&5310 both.I heard dat it s music quality defeated ipod nano.Bt surprisingly enuf,i nvr found smtng lyk dat.I mean its music quality(in headphn)is nt gud evn.
3.Iv used hpm-70 headphns with 5300 & got gr8 quality music output.Bass is strong with dis equipment.With same headphn & eq settings ,i cudnt gt average bass evn with 5310.Iv tried with my frnd's 5310 also.Bt same result.
4.With 2gb,5310 restarts itself @lest 1ce in a day.
>>Conclusion is,i know 5310 is a newer model.s40v5.Java midp 2.1.U cn njoy 16M color.It can play video in minimizd mode.Phn mmry is 32mb.Bt to gt dis ,u may hv to loose many more precious features.So plz think again b4 getin dis.
- F
- Forhan
- PBs
- 08 Nov 2008
vizy, 07 Nov 2008I'v had this phone for a year, i loved it. I accidentely dr... moreI blv the prob is with tmobile.
Most of da probz i heard abt cellphn come 4m tmobile users.I blv tmbl is a crapppppp.
- p
- puchaka
- wHr
- 07 Nov 2008
i have this phone for 2 months now, its a good phone but i have seen nokia 5130 xpressmusic, now im thinking of selling this and buy the 5130, almost same features but the design of 5130 is very hip and young.
- L
- Lollie.
- RN$
- 07 Nov 2008
Dont get it.
It breaks easyy.
the speakers bustt.
its honestlyy one of the WORST phones ive ever gotten.
- v
- vizy
- Yax
- 07 Nov 2008
I'v had this phone for a year, i loved it. I accidentely dropped it, and then it wouldn't get signal anymore. I called tmobile, got it replaced. Now my phone keeps losing signal randomly again. With NO DROPING of the phone itself. Like i would be talking to my cousin, then it would just drop the call. Or it'll be fine before school, then after school i whip it out and i have no bars till i restart it.