Nokia 6280
- C
- CaM
- AeI
- 20 Mar 2007
u aint lucky this phone rocks they just probly werent careful with it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PQ8
- 20 Mar 2007
Absolutely Rubbish had 4 all died within 3months better still i started with an n70 before the 6280's that died in two weeks got this phone had all these issue's then in the space of a month i went through two n73's which also died i am now back to my trusty 6230 and will never get a new NOKIA again
- ?
- Anonymous
- TkI
- 19 Mar 2007
Both my sons had 6280 - both blacked out within 5 months. One now kaput altogether.
Rubbish phone - avoid at all costs.
- k
- kennymokster
- PSv
- 19 Mar 2007
I'e had this phone for almost a year. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who never had a problem with it...
- H
- Huey
- MIa
- 18 Mar 2007
Please do not buy this phone!!you will regret it.have earpiece and mouthpeice problems,doesn't keep its charge,always crashing.they have tried to do too much with this phone.
- l
- loy
- ib9
- 18 Mar 2007
is it true?
the phone cant receive file bigger than 8mb via bluetooths??
but 786 say can
i not yet try it......
while can the sms save in memory card???
- s
- suggymoto
- mHp
- 18 Mar 2007
Also after reading some other comments I have to add:
Memory full message - When receiving via bluetooth the file has to go to phone memory before you move it to memory card. This means that you cannot receive a file larger than the maximum 8mb onboard phone memory. Crap huh?!
Software faults: I work in a popular highstreet phone retailer. This phone will undoubtedly have to go for repair within your 12 month warranty. Its a fact. Get used to it. The repair agents will 'the take the time to install the latest software on the handset'. This wont really fix your problems. They cant solve software issues cos Nokia are no longer supporting the model.
- S
- Suggymoto
- mHp
- 17 Mar 2007
Have it, hate it, stay away from it at all costs! Never have I seen so many software glitches even on the newest firmware! Nokia really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Having said that if you like your phones to cut out mid-call, freeze when sending sms, cut out during mp3 playback, and have less than 30% bluetooth sending success rate, then this phone is for you!
- l
- loy
- ibH
- 17 Mar 2007
yes lo 786
how to save sms in memory card..
i cant find it
- a
- ali
- PVt
- 17 Mar 2007
786 pls tell me how can we save sms in memory card pls tell me pls
- 7
- 786
- nFX
- 17 Mar 2007
to loy
IM stands for INSTANT MESSANGER and is a intant messanger like MSN is same thing on 6280 MSN can be used on 6280
- 7
- 786
- nFX
- 17 Mar 2007
to LOY
yes the sms can be saved in miniSD and i think maximum amount of sms that can be saved is about 1000
- S
- Sidhartha.M
- PBx
- 17 Mar 2007
guys pls hepl me using 6280 now, i like its camera especially the video camera..
I want to buy a new fone, but i need the viseo camera to b like the 6280..
Can anyone recommend any fone to me ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Mar 2007
My phone blacked out as well before...I was transfering some files from the computer to the phone when it happened...Wouldn't start up as well...I had to give to back to 3 to send away to get fixed...The phone couldnt be fixed so it got replaced under warranty with a suposedly new one, but the the camera on it stuffed up the next day and I had to take it back to 3 again.
- l
- loy
- ibe
- 15 Mar 2007
wat is IM???
- l
- loy
- ibe
- 15 Mar 2007
wat is IM???
i play msn...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Lq
- 13 Mar 2007
Does anyone know how to fix a black out on the 6280? My bro sent my some musics to my phone and when he tried to sent the second song my phone black out. i tried to turn it on, but it kept on blacken out. I took the battery out, sim card out, charged my phone, take out the mini sd card? Please Help!!!
- d
- dragon
- TS$
- 13 Mar 2007
Hey, loy.... You want another 6280? Just IM me at, I'll tell you where to get at RM750...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Mar 2007
Nice phone with good features. The keypad is small and harder to use than on other Nokia phones. Another downside is that stand-by time is very low compared to it's nearest competitors but it's easy to use and compact.
- l
- loy
- ibc
- 12 Mar 2007
hey dragon
where u buy 6280 with such a low price??
quick intro me..cos i gonna buy 1 more...
its really a good phone..
dragon pls reply me