Nokia 6282

Nokia 6282

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Uip
  • 28 Mar 2006

vodafone australia rocks ur american socks!

    • T
    • T-Mobile's Fan
    • 4sb
    • 28 Mar 2006

    But at least T-Mobile is the only carrier that starting about a year ago, will give you an honest coverage check ( slef coverage check with the nearest as the intersection where you live)

    Ones you type the intersection, if the service sucks there, T-Mobile will show the lightest color (equal to c- or d)

    Cingular, Verizon, Sprint, they all will sho you a great coverage everywhere!

      • 4
      • 4x4 boy
      • 4}V
      • 28 Mar 2006

      Um, no offense, but T-mobile isn't great everywhere. And it IS still about the coverage in alot of areas. GSM in my area is almost non-existent. I actually have to drive almost an hour from my house to even get a GSM signal of any kind. It all depends on where you are, and where the different companies have licensing. I have Verizon and it works for me. I'm very excited about this phone coming out. Hopefully, VZW will start selling it.

        • Z
        • Zes
        • EiV
        • 27 Mar 2006

        Relax people. It looks like T-Mobile may go with UMTS 2100.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • iKt
          • 24 Mar 2006

          hey guys i cheked the nokia official site,asia pacific section,over there i found that this mob doesnt have 1mp cam it ha 2mp cam nd its a real bomb fone i luv it i wish it wasnt cdma!!!!!!!!!!!!

            • T
            • T-MOBILE'S FAN
            • 4sb
            • 23 Mar 2006

            Stop talking about CINGULAR, AT&T or whoever else there. I care less whether it's SBC, AT&T or Bellsouth!-the new owner of Cingular.

            The point is, these are all american corporations (except German's T-Mobile) and Jews have got a good hold on them (someone earlier implied for that). So if it was, lets say a German company that's acquiring Cingular or Bellsouth, than there would improvement. Other than that forget about it!

            GROW UP!
            T-MOBILE RULES!

              • K
              • Kevin
              • 4sb
              • 16 Mar 2006

              Thank you Mike for clearing this mess.
              Now it is clear to me more than ever before that New ATT is really New. I really hope that it will improve because I want only two carriers to survive in the United States:
              T-MOBILE AND NEW ATT.
              Sprint and Verizon must go out of business!
              I had both of them before, and only troubles with them ( call quality, billing, rude customer service)

                • M
                • Mike
                • jSU
                • 16 Mar 2006

                TO KYLE:
                Thanks alot for trying to clear confusions. Yes, AT&T and BELLSOUTH are brothers (split out from one monopoly). Yes, based on that Cingular and AT&T wireless were cousins. Yes, in 2004 Cingular became very corrupted (Thanks to sh..ty AT&T).

                1)Till 2005 Cingular was Owned 60% by SBC and Only 40% by BELLSOUTH. It is thanks to SBC not to BELLSOUTH, that Cingular was a great carrier (almost like T-Mobile).

                2)NO MORE AT&T BROTHER!!!!!!
                In the beginning of 2005 SBC made a smart decision to acquire first brother- AT&T for $16 Billion and rebrand it as NEW AT&T! SBC has dropped its name too (because people are more familiar with AT&T name than with SBC name). Now you see, that Cingular's new 60% AT&T ownership is basically the same SBC (just new name).

                3)NO MORE BELLSOUTH BROTHER!
                2006, The greatest decision by NEW AT&T is to acquire second brother- BELLSOUTH!!!! (No more brothers!)

                DON'T BE TOO SAD, We now have a huge hope that Cingular's corruption will be greatly eliminated under a 100% Ownership of NEW AT&T (Basically SBS)

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • U2%
                  • 14 Mar 2006

                  is this phone the same as nokia 6280? and can someone tell me if you can get this phone on a optus sim card or any other but 3G?and also just to tell you guys my freind has this phone and the camer is very very good!please reply to

                    • K
                    • Kyle
                    • 4sb
                    • 14 Mar 2006

                    TO MLKIDS:
                    Next time you are inside elevator and still have reception means that that the cell phone tower is within two blocks from the building! (And it could be any carrier: Verizon, T-Mobile, Cingular or Sprint)
                    IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF 850 FREQUENCY (Do your research, before throughing misleading statements).

                    However CDMA Cignal is by 5% stronger within infrastracture than GSM (not a significant difference though to choose Scaming Verizon or Sprint with their horrible CDMA sound quality and high power consumption of the batterry life on any phone).

                      • M
                      • MLKIDS
                      • 4UH
                      • 07 Mar 2006

                      T-Mobile is starting to make all their phones come equipped with 850 mhz. It's not just for rural areas, in fact it's more beneficial in downtown areas where 1900 mhz has a heck of a time trying to get reception when it's blocked by buildings etc. Next time you go in to an elevator and you still have coverage, guess what, you're using 850 mhz.

                        • j
                        • joshman
                        • jEy
                        • 04 Mar 2006

                        What cingular-rep is stating about the 850mhz frequency and postpaid versus prepaid service areas are true.

                        T-Mobile has announced that it is expanding its coverage map to include 850mhz frequency it is leasing from Cingular and other rural carriers.

                        This is a good move for T-Mobile and Cingular and both will benefit from this. And this isn't only for rural areas along Canada, this is so they can provide better coverage over the entire US.

                        This phone is not intended to be a top tier phone for those that are complaining about its features. This phone is in direct competition with the LG CU320, which I had the honor to play with today. This will be the first UMTS handset available on the Cingular network.

                        Using the 850 and 1900 WCDMA frequency is important for Cingular to stay competitive in urban as well as rural areas. If you look you will find that Cingular only offers one coverage map for all its features on their postpaid services. And as stated before, prepaid Cingular services unfortunately have a much smaller coverage area but this is not true for the Pick Your Plan prepaid service.

                          • c
                          • cingular_rep
                          • 4Fh
                          • 02 Mar 2006

                          JUST FYI prepaid does not have the same coverage map as postpaid. Prepaid has the bare minimum coverage by us... Meaning any roamig aggrements and new ATT coverage is not compatible with the prepaid plans. If you pick up a prepaid brochure you will see that prepaid is about 50% of our real coverage... And sorry you feel so strongly about it but hey... i think all companies will help their customer if they have issues...but since we are the largest of course we are going to have the biggest number of complain DUH! I just wanna see a business person or someone that actually depends on their phone....loose their reception over and over and i will guarantee that they will drop any carrier and go for the next one that actually is about CAN I USE MY DAMN PHONE!

                            • K
                            • Kylle
                            • 4sb
                            • 02 Mar 2006

                            HEY CINGULAR REP:
                            Don't B.S. me and other people here!
                            The only places where T-Mobile is using 850 (as a roaming) is in a very very rural areas close to Canada!

                            ALSO, T-Mobile coverage is 90% the same as of Cingular, for I happened Cingular prepaid service as well. NO matter where I go, the cignal is one in one the same.

                            IT'S NOT ABOUT THE COVERAGE TODAY,
                            it's about costumer service, billing policy and call quality! UNFORTUNETALEY ATT/CINGULAR along with VERIZON have been rated the most SCAMEST companies. I know it's not your fault, it's the J..ISH $$$$$$ RIP OFF CON. SPECIALISTS that in control of Cingular and Verizon and partially of SPRINT!

                            LUCKY WE, THEY STILL CAN'T GET A HOLF OF GERMAN T-MOBILE. Yet, we have to watch out for them, since we are in the United States.

                              • c
                              • cingular_rep
                              • 4Fh
                              • 01 Mar 2006

                              lol... wow! YOU WIN! LOL,ok.... you should work for them ;)...jokes aside at the end of the day what counts is that you can't use your phones in alot of places...specially inside building... 1900mhz sucks dude... and they know it...all of their phones now support 850mhz for that matter

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • YiW
                                • 26 Feb 2006

                                i own a 6270 and love it!! i only wish it had the 24mb of onboard memory instead of 10mb.....that the only difference i could see.
                                unless it has the series 60os?!

                                  • c
                                  • cingular_rep
                                  • 4Fh
                                  • 25 Feb 2006

                                  and your point is? what is that suppose to mean? that tmobile pays higher commision to the reps? yeah that's true i use to cell tmobile as well at one time.... That means what? nothing...other then what i just said...when it comes to company overview you are comparing a Bently with a GEO METRO?! no offence to GEO METRO owners LOL you get my point though....

                                    • K
                                    • Kyle
                                    • 4sb
                                    • 25 Feb 2006

                                    TO CINGULAR REP:
                                    I've got excellent news for you dude!

                                    Feb 18: Bad Day for Cingular Wireless:

                                    Today, RadioShack announced it's fourth quarter earnings dropped 62%. They also announced plans to close between 400-700 stores and two distribution centers to improve financial performance. About mid 1995, RadioShack replaced Verizon wireless with SprintPCS and then also partnered with Cingular Wireless. Shortly after, Cingular Wireless demanded that their independant dealers sign a new exclusive contract promising to cease doing business with T-Mobile or be terminated as an authorized dealer. Many of these dealers did the opposite and went with T-Mobile.

                                    CINGULAR/ATT SCAM IS REVEALED!
                                    T-MOBILE and Deutche Telekom will take acquire this scam combination in a couple of years!

                                      • j
                                      • jo
                                      • Pv9
                                      • 23 Feb 2006

                                      that why i buy my phones overseas, here the price of the samsung d600 its around 700$ and the SE W600 is around 400$ - 600$ + ITBMS, overseas i get it cheaper phones and better features, nokia 6270 XD

                                        • s
                                        • shred
                                        • jAJ
                                        • 22 Feb 2006

                                        6265 looks awesome

                                        Ok I have a 6270 and have had nothing but problems with it 1 week after I bought it its an over seas phone I live in San Diego, ca. the phone would always restart on me and now wont even start up. So I'm going to have to send it back to Nokia over seas dont know how long that will take. But the phone was awesome when it worked. And yes I have heard of the 6265 and I am really thinking about getting that one instead of the 6270 it looks better and is smaller. I have researched phone for many many months america gets all the left over crap if we even get it. Europe gets all the good stuff thats why americans buy over seas phones