Nokia 7280

Nokia 7280

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Marc
  • PZj
  • 24 Apr 2005

i dont know why people say this is a womans phone? in australia ppl call it the lipstick fone but if u get ova that it is a cool phone to have. mine hasnt frezzed yet! but i have herd u take it in to a nokia shop and they upgrade the software for you, i just think the ringtones could be louder, because when you have the leather case on you cant hear it at all???? and if your previous phone has blue tooth you will have no problem putting all your numbers

    • k
    • kamy
    • 4xa
    • 23 Apr 2005

    hey Jay, i just bought this phone and it hasn't been sent out yet, just wanted to know your opinion on the phone? you happy with everything? what are some of the problems and issues with it?

      • j
      • jay
      • UDV
      • 23 Apr 2005

      I'm just wondering how come you all have negative feedbacks aBOUT this phone??? All I can say is, if you want the style of this phone, go buy it!!! Besides, this phone is really a fashion phone... btw, mine does not freezes, all you have to do is have it upgraded at any nokia center to upgrade the version and viola!!!! it will never freeze again...

        • p
        • prakash
        • NMa
        • 23 Apr 2005

        the plase where the sim goes ,if you need to open you need something special,you cant open it otherwise.

          • C
          • Chris
          • MXs
          • 22 Apr 2005

          This thing is a expensive toy, useless, diling is a bad joke! To watch this small screen you need a micoskop.

            • K
            • Kamy
            • xpk
            • 21 Apr 2005

            Are you serious? 60 hours maxx? can their estimated battery life be so off?? Also...the mirror on the front...does it make it look like a ladies phone or does it look 'okay' for guys as well?

              • p
              • phil
              • Six
              • 21 Apr 2005

              It has voice recognition, but not individual numbers, just the usual tagging to a stored entry.

              Battery life is rubbish...getting no more than 50-60 hours continuous standby with mimimal use. We've exchanged 3 times but they're all the same.

                • M
                • Marc
                • PE8
                • 21 Apr 2005

                i love this phone, its all about the llok!! its my second phone so im not really use to it, but the looks i get is great

                  • K
                  • Kamy
                  • xp0
                  • 21 Apr 2005

                  hey! i just bought this phone and its being sent...but I had a couple Q's...does it have NUMBER voice recognition? Can you dial the numbers by speaking them to the phone? Also, how long does the battery last aproximatley (leaving it on or of at night?) thank you all!!

                    • p
                    • phil
                    • Six
                    • 20 Apr 2005

                    In iTunes, use the option to 'convert selection to AAC'. The resulting file has an end tag of .m4a, which should be transferred to the phone.

                    There may be other types suitable for the nokia but this was the easiest for me.

                      • p
                      • phil
                      • Six
                      • 20 Apr 2005

                      If you have successfully transferred the file to the phone (the Tones folder would be logical choice), then it will appear in the list when you browse the folder. Play it first to check that the phone can play the file.
                      Then follow the process to set it as your ringtone, either via Profiles or Settings.

                        • t
                        • tullulah
                        • MSR
                        • 20 Apr 2005

                        Phil - Thanks for the info on how to set MP3s as ringtones, i have converted them to M4A and sent to phone via bluetooth but still no luck. Any further advice you can give would be much appreciated. Thanks Tullulah

                          • p
                          • phil
                          • Six
                          • 18 Apr 2005

                          tullulah - you cannot set mp3 files as ringtones. The way I managed to do it was by using iTunes and converting mp3 to the m4a format. Then transferring to phone via bluetooth. The phone only allows DRM protected music files to be set as ringtones.

                            • M
                            • Maytee
                            • PW9
                            • 18 Apr 2005

                            Surely 7280 is a real nice mobile. I bought it purely for the contrast look - it really surges out of all the rests. BUT PITY, VERY PITY,as I may put it, my 7280 freezed as others!! - all you have to do is to "RETURN" it to "update" software in the machine. But why on earth does NOKIA not upgraded software in the phones before selling them? Why selling them faulty and make a mark on the nice Brand "Nokia"? Quite disgusted to have to make trip to Nokia shop and waited for 3 days for this.

                              • K
                              • Kika
                              • mDr
                              • 18 Apr 2005

                              Outstanding !

                                • a
                                • alicia
                                • mmM
                                • 17 Apr 2005

                                I brought this mobile phone recently i think it's a great modal but complicated,i think i'm dumb enough to buy it when i don't even know how the hell to use it,anyway it's great but very very hard to use i need a miracle to get my money back i need a nokia,i love the nokias they are very easy to use i tell you now DO NOT GET THIS PHONE IT KILLS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  • T
                                  • Tullulah
                                  • MSR
                                  • 17 Apr 2005

                                  I love my 7280. The screen has froze a couple of times but nothing major. Once you get used to it txting is easy and so is number entry. But the best thing about this phone is that i havent seen anyone else with it yet and i love answering the phone in public as everyone is curious as to what it actually is. Just one thing how do you set downloaded MP3s to ringtone, they just go to gallery and there is no option to set as ring tone. Please HELP

                                    • h
                                    • hello_moto
                                    • PFM
                                    • 17 Apr 2005

                                    a lady want for shopping to buy a lipstick n wondering around n suddenly saw this lipstick n ask the sales gal n how is this lipstick n the sales gal laugh loudly ha ha ha ha ha n the lady shock by this thought the sales gal went mad by asking a question n the sales gal explain that this a mobile shop n ur looking at ur latest fashion lipstick phone n the lady giggle n ask her self whos mad now n belive it or not this happen in real life too

                                      • I
                                      • Its Me
                                      • jWK
                                      • 16 Apr 2005

                                      This is supposed to be my back up phone for my p910 but I have used it EXTENSIVELY. It is a well thought out phone that an INTELLIGENT person can appreciate, its not just a gimick phone. Truly a great all around phone that has an awesome 'Predict a text' for when you send out MMS/SMS messages. 100% happy.

                                        • m
                                        • michael
                                        • m00
                                        • 16 Apr 2005

                                        somebody can tell me how make calls with this phone,it´s very complicatted no?