Nokia 7710

Nokia 7710

User opinions and reviews

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  • B
  • Bokia
  • jK1
  • 08 Jul 2005

Witchking, I followed what u said for the tthemes but I couldnt find any thing. That Windows XP and Blue theme sound cool. Were can I get those. Could u send it to me or something. Or remember where you got it.

Also IceCub, were did you get themes.

    • W
    • Witchking
    • M%D
    • 08 Jul 2005

    For once, this is easy. The 7710 is as it has the largest screen of the four of them and it is has the same number of colours. They will all access at the speed of your supplier, so it just comes down to which has the biggest screen really and that is the 7710.The 7710 can also play flash games etc.

      • S
      • Shiva
      • PFm
      • 08 Jul 2005

      Can anybody please tell which mobile is the best for surfing the INTERNET. I've four mobiles in my list... Nokia 7710,O2 mini,Nokia 6670 and 6680. Please help me regarding this problem.

        • W
        • Witchking
        • M%D
        • 08 Jul 2005

        E-mail sent ref picodrive and texting problems

          • s
          • serjoe
          • MSR
          • 07 Jul 2005

          can someone tell me what is this "picodrive" for? i had my nokia yesterday and i experience some kind of a problem with sending the text msgs(SMS)?
          Every time i try to send a msg it failed?
          there is icon on the screen saying CHECK NETWORK SERVICES.ive checked everywhere -everithing seems right,spend two hours talking on the phone to VODAFONE costumer services(useless) they make me do the manual settings on the network provider(dosent help) Please if anyone had the same or similar problem or have some advice to write me on the or here?otherwise i have to go and replace the phone if i cant get it sorted-the support sevices told me there is possability to be a software fault!!

            • W
            • Witchking
            • M%D
            • 07 Jul 2005

            Changes/Improvements made from MCU SW v 3.04.2 (3.04.3) to v 3.26.0:
            - SW 3.26.0 combines 3.04.2 and 3.04.3 SW into one. The difference between these two SW versions was in the world clock application.
            - Telephone:
            - Network Name Display, shows correct operator name on telephone application
            - VoiceMailbox Number Field Should Allows * prefix and DTMF’s
            - Making a voice call after a USSD session timeout -> corrected
            - Messaging:
            - Short numbers matching against Contacts
            - Browser:
            - Application closed (device panic) after saving image via pop-up menu -> corrected
            - JAVA file – Amoda (Clear) Install the application shoe the content on WEB browser
            - Device panic when file downloading finishes given that this file has been paused and resumed -> corrected
            - Streaming:
            - A streaming clip can be replayed
            - Profiles:
            - Panic occurs when click the button “Personalise” in the “Profiles” Application -> corrected
            - Clock:
            - Alarms blocked when IAP dialog open -> corrected
            - World clock application shows correct cities.

            Phone reponse time improved by 20%.

            Firmware 4.5 is for the 9500 and not the 7710 and yes I have .26


              • W
              • Witchking
              • M%D
              • 07 Jul 2005

              Latest firmware version is:
              v 03.26.0

              Best place to check is at :

              I cannot find the link where I read up on the firmware advantages, but I recall that it is 20% faster and much less buggy. It also includes a "closing application" button. That said, I would be lost without Switcher, which is a life saver with this phone. If you're desperate, I could probably find the post.

                • r
                • ronaldmossimo
                • P%3
                • 07 Jul 2005

                ey witchking! i've been reading all the posts here since the start because i really like the phone. but it took me 6 months to save my money for this.... what is your phone's firmware version???? i guess it's 3.26! mine is 3.04.2! u know the changes??? i found on a forum bout those changes and but i want to know more. coz i don't know if it's true. have u heard of version 4.5??? i read on yahoogroups but elsewhere, nothing bout that 4.5! the phone is slow but i don't mind. what i'm thinking right now is if firmware 3.26 is faster??? thanks

                  • r
                  • ronald
                  • P%3
                  • 07 Jul 2005

                  hi everyone.. aybody knows the latest firmware version f nokia 7710??? mine is 3.04.2! i heard about 3.26 and 4.5, can you elaborate the difference??? will it be faster??? is there a site that tell all the changes made from one to another??? thanks...

                    • O
                    • Owen
                    • RK3
                    • 07 Jul 2005

                    Hi Witchking =)

                    Thanks for your time replying to my query. I also thought that p910i is just an upgrade of p900 and not much difference.
                    And I'm more familiar with Nokia's interface than Sony Ericsson's.

                    Thanks again, you're most helpful.

                      • W
                      • Witchking
                      • my9
                      • 06 Jul 2005

                      Ice Cube. Please look 5 posts lower down and see what I said about Themes. I have about 7 myself, none are amazing, but the Windows XP and Cool Blue were okay.

                      Adriana?: The phone itself is mono (as it only has one speaker on the back under the battery cover). When you fit the Nokia headphones, it is stereo. Sound quality is very good in both cases but a bit quiet

                        • I
                        • Ice cube
                        • SvB
                        • 06 Jul 2005

                        Where on earth can i find cool themes for nokia 7710,i found some but they're quite stupid.I need helpp??

                          • a
                          • adriano_ro
                          • mAZ
                          • 06 Jul 2005

                          evrybody know the sound is stereo{7710} on the phones.becouse i had dave n-gage qd and the sound on phones was mono.and i want to know how is it.i like it but if is not stereo i don t buy it.please help me

                            • W
                            • Witchking
                            • M%D
                            • 06 Jul 2005

                            Owen, I have tried the P910i and my friend had one until recently (he's got the 9500 now and says its much better). I decided against the P910i as its old in the tooth (just an updated P900), has a smaller screen, naff camera and no radio. I wanted a phone that had all those and a large screen for DVD playback and book reading. In the end, the 9500 had much more than the P910i so I was down to the 9500 or the 7710. I went for the 7710 as it had the better camera, radio and bigger screen.

                            That said, it is buggy (mostly if you add additional software like picodrive), it is comparatively slow (as it has a large screen to update) and it doesnt have loads of software. It has enough for me though and anything else that comes out is a bonus.

                            I use it as a phone (pain that your ear can adjust the volume as you talk), messaging (its about as fast as my old phone to do so), mp3 player (not the loudest in the world), movie player (works pretty well), radio (FM only), camera (great quality, but not so hot indoors or with movement), MS Office reader / writer (very handy that I can put documents on it from work and read them wherever, dictaphone (works v. well), games console (like a gameboy but better), book reader (I also d/l talking books and listen to them which is great), dictionary (the one it comes with is great (though slow) and map reader (with Mapview GPS II).

                            It has locked on me, rebooted repeatedly (had to format it) and decided it wanted to stop playing wave files (and hence ringtones), but its still a great piece of kit (not I didnt say its a great phone, because there are better ones out there, but not that do as much).

                            So in my opinion, the 7710 is better and in my mates opinion, the 9500 is better than the 910i. For more information, read the earlier posts or do a search on where I did a longer review.

                              • O
                              • Owen
                              • Rxn
                              • 05 Jul 2005

                              Hi Witchking =)

                              It seems that you're familiar with this phone. I hope you've tried Sony Ericsson P910i as well because Im deciding between the two...

                              anyway, are there any flaw in Nokia 7710? errors? bugs? cons? all negative things you can say?


                                • W
                                • Witchking
                                • M%D
                                • 05 Jul 2005

                                New themes you can get through Yahoo mailgroups. I also got some from a guy on Have a check in both those places.

                                  • B
                                  • Bokia
                                  • Qb0
                                  • 05 Jul 2005

                                  Witchking, do you know how or were to get new themes because the phone only comes with one.

                                    • W
                                    • Witchking
                                    • M%D
                                    • 04 Jul 2005


                                    Sorry for the delay on the reply. I did not think what you were asking was possible, but I am wrong. Here is how you get text to speech working for the 7710 (also I would recommend Project Guttenburg as it has .wav versions of many books which you can download and then have your phone read to you).

                                    Text to MP3

                                    I use the program TextAloud (any text to speech program can be used) to convert long documents to MP3 files. I then copy the MP3 to my phone. This lets me “listen” to a book or long document while I am on the go. Make sure to use one of the higher quality voices. (I use my bluetooth headset to listen to the documents while I am on the go)

                                    Write Scripts and Documents

                                    Using the Nokia SKU-8 Keyboard, I am able to go to the cofee shop and write long scripts without any problems. No need for a laptop.

                                    Flash and Slide

                                    The program flash and slide lets me create flash slide shows from a number of my pictures. I then put these flash slide presentations on my phone for viewing slide shows.
                                    (set the output size to the same size as the phone screen size)

                                    Creating Ebooks
                                    Using mobipocket Office Companion or other Mobipocket software, I am able to create ebooks from any of my documents. Therefore instead of being stuck at the office reading a document, I can put it on my phone and go somewhere else to do some work

                                      • W
                                      • Witchking
                                      • M%D
                                      • 04 Jul 2005

                                      Ig: The phone fully supports FM radio. Visual Radio is an extension to that which is not available in most countries and to which you must subscribe.

                                      Oh and "Gsmarena_Administrator" I really think you're doing the actual Admins for this site a major disservice suggesting you are one. For one thing, you know hardly anything about the phone and the couple of times Admins have come on this thread, they were knowledgable and literate.

                                      If you want Nokia to pay attention to you, then e-mail them. Its a damn sight more effective than posting on some board. Also Nokia does seem to be having quality control problems of late, but these seem more associated with the speed and variety of phones they are now pumping out, rather than inherrent problems. They're tyring to do too much, too quickly. That said, returns of Nokia phones are still amongst the lowest of any manufacturer.

                                      I cannot see how a program could easily be developed that would allow all S60 software to work on the 7710. The interface level of the OS is completely different and there are major differences in the kernel. You may find that some S60 software will work as is, but it is dependent on the developer only having used the common api's. I have used some S60 apps and they do work, though obviously, you can't use them as there is no i/f. Keep an eye on my-symbian, because IF an app is developed, it will be there, but as I said, if anything is developed, I think it will only be an overlaying I/F translator as anything further is kernel related which would need an emulator and we all know how slow the 7710 is already. S80 programs are much more compatible with the 7710.

                                        • i
                                        • ig
                                        • inW
                                        • 04 Jul 2005

                                        Is this phone support FM Radio or just visual radio? cause I read the spec that FM radio is supported, but on nokia website this phone only support visual radio..