Nokia E65
- O
- Oluromeo
- 01B
- 10 Aug 2009
Hello Mates,
How Can I FORMAT The Nokia E65 Manually... Codes Or Hints Will Be Appreciative...
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGY
- 08 Aug 2009
hey guys can anyone explan me how to use wi-fi into the phone E65, i tried it in my college, it searched the network i gave the required passcode but still it did't connect me to brows the net
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0fy
- 07 Aug 2009
lOVELY 09, 19 Jul 2009being a niokia ohone, i had very high expectations on it bu... moreUpdate your phone software. It will fix your issues.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0fy
- 07 Aug 2009
Paddy, 02 Aug 2009The E65 has the most ridiculously small font size! Why? It ... morefont size? can adjust it's size. read your user manual.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0fy
- 07 Aug 2009
Abdul Gunner, 06 Aug 2009E65 is a nice phone and I bought is less than six months no... moreUpdate your phone software for the latest bug fixes.
- A
- Abdul Gunner
- 01B
- 06 Aug 2009
E65 is a nice phone and I bought is less than six months now and it started giving me problems,the problems with mine are, key pad light is not working, video call is always on back camera. pls lets someone tell me what to do. thanx
- M
- TL5
- 06 Aug 2009
the e65 is the beuty on new generation
- t
- tsoki
- ijA
- 04 Aug 2009
had this unit... now i know that the casing can be changed. Is it available in the market or i have to order? i also have a slight prob. have a virus in my unit i think, it keeps on sending packet data without my knowledge and if i disconnect it. it still connects on its own. the process is almost perpetual.. do i need to reformat my unit? i have tried resetting it. didnt work. =(
- R
- Ramy Mehelba
- Lbh
- 03 Aug 2009
-Good Looking
-Good interface
-Bad Camera [green thing]
-No Secondry Camera [which is bad]
-Built-in GPS
-Hard changing face
Feel free to comment on my opinion. :D
- J
- Jack*RED
- iL8
- 02 Aug 2009
Great smartphone, great capacities and great performance.
The only thing that makes it not perfect is the battery life nad some small bugs.
- P
- Paddy
- NaD
- 02 Aug 2009
The E65 has the most ridiculously small font size! Why? It makes it user unfriendly and apparently can't be changed. A great disadvantage to a good phone
- j
- jas78
- wYL
- 27 Jul 2009
yes!! u can change the casing..u can order online!!!
- r
- regent
- ups
- 27 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreyou can find the IR port at upper the cable connector/charging connector.
- A
- Alan
- Pqj
- 27 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreSee the black mate strip above the pop-port?
Take another phone camera and activate infrared, you'll see it :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- t@F
- 27 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreit's in front next to speaker. You can see a small dark red dot over the screen, that it.
- d
- drifter
- 26 Jul 2009
i am using this mobile,but wat act hap is zat the brown plastic is peeling off and its looking v.odd. cac some1 help me plz
- ?
- Anonymous
- PS6
- 25 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreAt the bottom of the phone, a black plastic strip beside the charging and handsfree port.
- m
- mojca
- 3@9
- 24 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreyou have it at the bottom,upon where u plug in the charger.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PT2
- 24 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreitx above the charging jack, the black piece
- O
- Osvaldo
- LKe
- 23 Jul 2009
JHANA, 19 Jul 2009hey...can someone tell me where to locate the infrared port... moreThe infrared port is located in the base of the phone behind a black plastic part on top of the power and data connectors. You will not see the port but if you point the base of the telephone to the other device it will work.