Nokia N72
- x
- xl
- 5xG
- 19 Aug 2006
I agree with you,we must wise use our money.
What do you really need from a handphone? That's important for you choosing. Do you want to buy a handphone that has all features (but maybe you never use or need that) or a handphone that has not all features but with more quality because it has speciality in specific feature (but maybe in the future if you want it has not).
No handphone is perfect for everyone. The best you can do, if you have friend that use the handset that you like for,try it by yourself.
And don't forget,if you want to evaluate for camera result,please don't only look at the screen in the phone, but you must look at the PC or you print the photo.That's objective.
- E
- Emma
- pue
- 19 Aug 2006
I thinking of buying Nokia N72 in September and I am worried about some stuff about this phone.
Is the quality of the camera good? Is the photo clean? Does it takes good photos at night as well?
The menu is it only at first screen? Does it have menu key? Cause when I went to a shop and used it I could find the menu, there were only some icons at first screen.
Is the battery good? Does it weaken when you listen to music or radio very frequently? How many hours can the battery last?
That's all for now. Sorry for so many questions but it cost much money and I can't waste much money...
- k
- kunal sharma
- Uqw
- 18 Aug 2006
goes directly 2 card as im a user of this phone
- m
- megan
- PU5
- 18 Aug 2006
It has Radio and when you received any files, you could select to save them in your memory card or phone memory.
- k
- kartik
- w4t
- 18 Aug 2006
me gotta buy dis phone please tell me if it has radio or not
- p
- payal
- 18 Aug 2006
hey i have a question
when we receive any file or any item like song or pic via bluetooth on N72 can we save it to the memory card directly or it only goes to phone memory like in 6270?
- I
- 5xG
- 17 Aug 2006
Have you also looked at this :
But I don't know which one better between N72, N73 and N93?
Maybe the camera results depends to the person who use and how use it.
- A
- Arun
- U2c
- 17 Aug 2006
It is a Rocking Phone, i never imagined that I will buy an N 72. i was actually going in for a N 91, but now I feel it is a blessing in disguise..
Phone Rocks, even without 3 G.. Who uses it any ways ????
Nokia Always rocks...
- ?
- Anonymous
- b6J
- 16 Aug 2006
can it hold up to 2GB memory???
- c
- cammie
- 16 Aug 2006
of course it can goes up to 1G memory card. It is the same as N70. I had 1G memory card from the day I start owing this phone.
- k
- kunal sharma
- Uqw
- 16 Aug 2006
its 1gb 4 sure
- s
- shelly
- 16 Aug 2006
can somebody tell me what is the memory limit of N72? 512 MB or 1 GB ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$0
- 15 Aug 2006
I would like to say abt N72 that it is one of the best looking handset with loads of features. but on that other side i think Nokia must introduce the same device in White color.
- m
- mikes
- 15 Aug 2006
i am seriously thinking of buying an N72.While reading other review about this phone,the limitations about the memory of the N72 keep pressing in my mind.Is it true that the phone could only accept RS-MMC with up to 128MB in memory?or could it accept memory cards to much larger sizes,say 1GB or more?i think this could prove to be a serious drag in this phone if the memory limitation is true.
- d
- deepratan
- 15 Aug 2006
its a sexy mobile i m gonna take it on cuming monday as my birthday gift
- k
- ken
- Q$5
- 15 Aug 2006
yes the paint job on this phone is nice and all but still think about the features it doesnt have 3g picture messaging,and faceplates when it gets scuffed up for any reason.... to me the n70 has 3g and well thats my opinon..
- I
- Ithy
- 15 Aug 2006
Great phone... i will buy this one just topping the W810i S.E. .. i'm a Sony Ericsson fan, but this phone just rocks... together with a 512 or 1gig card.. it will hold no end to it's great functionality and of course superb style..
- k
- kobe085
- 2An
- 15 Aug 2006
to ISS
For me the cam is great if you want to see it go to find a photo using n72
- I
- 5xG
- 14 Aug 2006
Hai friend, have you ever read this addres, interesting study about talktime :
- C
- Cosmo
- ny7
- 14 Aug 2006
who can tell me please how os the camera, the sound and all? Is it a good phone to buy?
I was thinking of buying it...The look is just great. Cheers...