Nokia N76

Nokia N76

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • PRQ
  • 03 Jun 2008

To XM5700
the n76 speakers has a bass speaker similar to the 5700 'but' (really)the 5700 has a more powerful speaker but put the equaliser in full boost then the soundquality goes bad.. but in the n76 has a weaker speaker but it works great in my bedroom.. and in the bathroom.if the equalizer is set in full boost yet it sounds good.these two fones has good ups and downs.what i like in the 5700 is it has 3d ringtones unlike the n76,but in earfones i like the n76 just plugin those jbl headFones then you'll be in music heaven.
But hey as long you love listening to the speakers well go for the 5700.But in headset compatibility the n76 is the right choice.Both can be packed with 2GB.But if I we're you I would choose the n76 because of the cover display and more music functionalility considering the media key and the volume keys as scrolling keys for the cover display which is good and the display is used as a viewfinder.My n76 is about a month old which is good the experiment with the chrome peeling is still positive looks brand new except for the fingerprints though.The 5700 in the other hand has some problem it's the twisting thing don't try to play with it or you'll break it but it is still considered durable in my terms,HAHA but the joystick is'nt that comfortable to use (I use my nails to scroll it up rather than my fingers)But it does have a more powerful speaker but only 2.5mm jack.(Why did nokia do that after calling it music phone?!)But to be honest they should put all the future Xpress music with 3.5mm jack rather than the 2.5mm.

To make it short here are the results
(- means negative and + means positive)
-2.5mm jack
-why twist if you can make it like 5300 dedicated keys design
-music player is'nt that unique
-Uh my nail just broke becoz of the joy stick
+hey it's also a smart phone
+Look it has a qvga 16 million colour screen and it's 2.2 inches
+2mp with flash for a music phone wow that's great for starters

-STUPID flat keypad I send it to my crush rather than to my friend
-Rumors about the chrome(Experiment still passes)
-The flip kinda not makes it so tight here..
-Why not the camera with auto focus(I do understand it's for music use but it's a Nseries)
-The fingerprint of the criminal has been found..
-no 3d ring tones
+The cover display was also used in low based phones that's great YEY
+2.4 qvga screen with 16 million colour wow I did'nt know that my friend has pimples in his nose HAHA!
+More dedicated music keys if cover closed YES!!!
+3.5mm jack for you're pwerful headphones
+The fingerprint of the criminal has been found..
+Hey I can see my face here in the cover... Is it a camera.... no it's a mirror... The secondary is used in the main display
+Hey the multimedia button is here! guess to the Music player
+cover display as a viewfinder for the main camera

So here is the review for this time this report is dedicated to XM 5700...I hope this report will also help others...Oh yeah I might buy a 5610 for a review stay tuned for Xpress Music Ellis HAHAHA!!!! If you ask more questions please add me at Yahoo messenger "" THANK YOU!!!!

    • X
    • Xpress music ellis
    • wYI
    • 03 Jun 2008

    the n76 speakers has a bass speaker similar to the 5700 'but' (really)the 5700 has a more powerful speaker but put the equaliser in full boost then the soundquality goes bad.. but in the n76 has a weaker speaker but it works great in my bedroom.. and in the bathroom.if the equalizer is set in full boost yet it sounds good.these two fones has good ups and downs.what i like in the 5700 is it has 3d ringtones unlike the n76,but in earfones i like the n76 just plugin those jbl headFones then (to be continued)

      • n
      • ney
      • mTp
      • 01 Jun 2008

      i'm just asking if this phone really peel off!!! i love it's features, the color everything but i hate it when it peel its color but i'm taking care of it ,i just bought it for 2 months its gonna be three this june then why its looks like older than my n70 that i used for 2 years ago? last question can it be possible to change the casing so i can have a new look in my phone?

      thanks a lot for ur concerns!!!!!!

        • .
        • ...vlowjaver
        • vxf
        • 31 May 2008

        ...this fone looks elegant but I heard the chrome peel off easily...gosh!!!
        ...which fone is best except this,,,the 6120 classic or the 6210 navigator..?

          • N
          • N5700xm
          • M@T
          • 29 May 2008

          @xpressmusic ells,can u c0mpare the quality and l0udmess of n76 t0 5700?the bass and clarity?tnx

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • MsN
            • 28 May 2008

            what kinda phone is this.

              • X
              • Xpress Music Ellis
              • PRQ
              • 21 May 2008

              Uh.... thanks for noticing the review the guy under BASEER... Yah.... if the chrome does'nt peel off well it would be one of the greatest N-series.It performs great it moves and process faster than the mighty n95....Maybe we can find a way to stop the peeling... Some people told me even if you take good care of it,it still peels but how....?is it true my n76 is still two weeks old and still no sign of aging yet...

                • B
                • Baseer Ehsan
                • 04{
                • 20 May 2008

                It's good phone in appreance only. Chrome gets off quickly looks ugly after that
                glass breaks sound quality not good keypad has faults fault develop in sound quality.
                I rate it 6/10

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • M@T
                  • 20 May 2008

                  Nice review below my post. I like the n76 more. It's better in music since it's got a 3.5 mm jack and better audio quality through the headset. Don't care about the mono speaker as we normally play music through the headset. The speaker is just an alternative. Overall, n76 is the better performer (than 5700) since it's got larger screen, more elaborate UI (rotating gallery, search plugin, etc.), and microsdhc support. The only letdown and turn off is its poor construction and materials.

                    • X
                    • Xpress Music Ells
                    • PRQ
                    • 20 May 2008

                    Hi uh.... I am Ellis a former Nokia Xpress music collector I've been collceting the nokia Xpress music first generation for two years (5200,5300 and the 5700) after the 5700 I changed my phone into the N76..... as I got these phone I compared it with the old symbian bro the 5700 Xpress music they are really the same in UI the only differences are the camera interface and the rotating Nseries gallery.
                    In camera terms they both have a two megapixel with LED flash but
                    -the n76 has a red eye reduction, a light sensitivity function and other shooting mode
                    -the 5700 in other terms has a more stunning shot at night compared to the n76 but I'm not saying its the best but it's still satisfactory

                    In music terms they do have dedicated music keys and up to 2 gig memory card mic SD a five band equalizer
                    -the n76 has a standard 3.5 mm auio port for your iPod earphones and of course if you hava a JBL why not.....The cover display gives you easy scrolling to your music without flipping your phone but....
                    -The 5700 has a more agressive speaker (I always used it in the bathroom HEHE),a twisting design that can bring out the dedicated music keys, but in the negative side it only has a 2.5mm audio port too bad...

                    Okay now for the screen display both fones have a 16.7 million qvga screen yup 16.7 million......
                    -The n76 adds more personalization with the cover display and its also good use for fashion statement it can be used as a mirror.And a huge bright 2.4 main display for your viewing pleasure.
                    -The 5700 houses a good 2.2 display its also bright.The 2.2 display really looks big for the 5700.

                    As foe the keypad they're pretty fighting it out
                    -The n76 has a very flat keypad it is really hard to get it used to but there time to practice.But in dark environments it lights up pretty well I bought the red one one so the outine of the keypads is Red while the numbers and letters are with light blue or aqua maybe.But I really like the miltimedia button it's pretty cool when you press it.As for the dedicated music keys they are orange when you bought the red one blue for the black one.
                    -The 5700 has a nice grip while texting but what I really hate is the joystick it's pretty hard to move around they should have used navigation keys rather than skimpy little joystick.But the keypads are great they are very responsive and lights up at white in dark environments even the dedicated music keys lights up in white.

                    Okay nowfor the looks just like we humans we judge the book by it's cover let's see if the inside really is good than its cover
                    -the complaints about the n76 is the silver thing.You now the chrome that we used for our cars bling like that.Well I also had a friend with an N76 a black one after a month I noticed it turning white.So maybe it is proven (my n76 was just bought this week) I am still conducting an experiment if it reall is true for now I will still say it's proven.My experiment is I will take care of the phone with a pouch and a piece of cloth.It might take a month or two.But the deisgn of the nokia N76 is for some business people or fashionista,but it does'nt really attract young teens full of music but it really is sexy and stunning like seeing mariah carey or some sexy people you know about,but I don't know about the quality yet so stay tuned.Now for the design it mostly made out of chrome and glass which is kinda luxury style you know what I'm saying but what we really hate is the shape the Mother F###in shape and size first of all its big for a clamshell and why is it so square why not give it a little shape for a cause the keypad is so flat but well it looks great but it's pretty hard to press but it performs pretty well.As for the cover it is a mirror a performer and a view finder.
                    -The 5700 has a white plastic with a red rubber trimming or a black rubber trimming.Simmilar with the other Nokia Xpress music family.Smart move by Nokia Because it is also used as a grip really effective.It kinda really looks like the old 6600 but really slimmed down and a different keypad arrangement.The downpoint is the dedicated music keys sucks really it's so freaking huge compared to the other keypads and the dedicated camera kay is at the play button and the camera is at the side.but it is targetting young people with love for music.

                    For now this is the review I can give you but it's your choice n76 or 5700 but they are really both close to each other they have also the same processor and UI kinda looks the same.It's like fat and thin HAHA!!!
                    Well time for me to go..... bye I hope these wwill help you to buy your next month

                      • A
                      • Antti [FIN]
                      • pWL
                      • 19 May 2008

                      This is great phone! Display is nice size.
                      Im glad i buy this one.But one minus is main buttons.=( But this is best nokia N-Serie phone what i have been used.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • keI
                        • 19 May 2008

                        Re-linked. For fix. Looks awesome will plan on getting one. small stylish quadband all rounder mid/business.

                          • F
                          • Fix
                          • keI
                          • 19 May 2008

                          Nokia N76 New UPDATES FROM NOKIA.COM.Hk.
                          Don't Like the peel?? Than you can get the New Black Mocha N76. Not chrome Black on Black. [] Click on the Second colour of black.

                          Great new fix. Ebay has one seller of Mocha Black N76. []
                          Check it out!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PWY
                            • 19 May 2008

                            i hav had this phone for 5 months.apart from the peeling prob this is a nice phone.however it hangs a lot while using net. I recomend to buy n73 or 81 but never buy this

                              • m
                              • maverick
                              • nxM
                              • 19 May 2008

                              this model is very bad a christmas light..on and off...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 2SM
                                • 19 May 2008

                                this phone is an absolute crap the chrome starts peeling wihin a month for sure and the colour starts fading and even the battery dosent last for more than a day.

                                  • A
                                  • Aj
                                  • utk
                                  • 18 May 2008

                                  i have bought this phone recently and its just one word for it............. AWESOME...... this phone just rocks.......

                                    • A
                                    • Ali
                                    • upq
                                    • 18 May 2008

                                    I really liked the phone, but along with the others the chrome starts to peel off. I had the black on and it looked really bad once the half of the front and the side chrome was peeling off.
                                    Other than that it had everything from style to function.
                                    oh yea, occasionally the music player will come on due to the buttons being accidentally pressed while in my pocket.

                                    To those interested in the phone i would rec that you stay away. Unless use the clear plastic case or the nokia pouch that comes with the phone, it should delay the chrome from peeling.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • mAR
                                      • 16 May 2008

                                      so...i have the phone since 2007 and works perfectly ofc. the crome is getting off but if we consider this is a smartphone, it really rocks, good aspect and performance and it`s not fragille beside the look so i recommand others to buy it !;)

                                        • b
                                        • barbiee
                                        • 2W9
                                        • 16 May 2008

                                        this is a bad ph realy i am cryin after buyin ths 1...colours comes out,silver colour comez out,thn aftr every 1 month front glass gets broken...nvr do mistake to buy ths 1 frenzzzzzz