OnePlus Open shown by Indian actress Anushka Sharma

If you were wondering whether the long-rumored OnePlus Open, the company's first foldable device, would be sold officially in India, wonder no more. It will. This is clear given that the brand has started its teaser campaign for the Open in India - but not as you'd expect.

It's not a social media post announcing an announcement, or anything like that. Instead, OnePlus effectively gave an Open to Indian actress Anushka Sharma, and had her "inadvertently" show it to paparazzi left and right. This was caught by not one but two separate videos, which you can see below.

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Now, this is obviously staged. Sharma is holding the phone rather awkwardly, then she opens it backwards, and during the entire time there's nothing showing on either screen. Maybe the phone was off, maybe it wasn't even a phone, just a dummy. In any case, of course Sharma wouldn't handle her own phone like this.

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We have to give props to OnePlus for doing things a little differently than we might have expected, though celebrity tie-ins are, of course, nothing new. Not internationally, and definitely not in India. Anyway, this is our best "hands-on" video look at the handset so far, and it looks like the leaks were accurate - the circular camera island is huge, reminding us of the Xiaomi 13 Ultra's.

The most recent rumors said the Open would finally launch next month, after a delay from the initial timeline that was due to a change in screen panels.


Reader comments

  • K

You are right. That is the biggest reason I buy only samsung phones. But he is also right. By doing the gap (between the two halves of the fold) for too many years samsung made it easy for others to compete in foldables.

yeah because the competition sure has made it easy to repair said foldables eh? At least samsung has repair centers all over the world (regardless of the cost). Good luck repairing your oneplus foldable in Europe or the Middle east. Heck even i...

  • Anonymous

You do know it's not fake, right?