Over one million safe Galaxy Note7 units are already in the wild

Vlad, 29 September 2016

Almost one month after its official announcement regarding the global recall of all Galaxy Note7 units sold, Samsung is today revealing that its replacement program has been going quite well. In fact, over one million safe Note7 handsets have already made it into the wild, as replacements for fire-prone handsets that people had purchased.

The scope of Samsung's global voluntary recall of Note7s has been estimated at around 2.5 million units, so there's still a way to go before every single Note7 out there is of the safe kind. Still, Samsung expects to have replaced 80% of the faulty units in South Korea by Saturday.

After a significant portion of (or all) fire-prone phablets have been swapped for new and safe ones, Samsung will resume sales of the Note7 across the world. So far this has happened in the US, and it's going to occur in South Korea soon, as well as in Europe from October 28.



Reader comments

  • AnonD-259152
  • 04 Oct 2016
  • fu%

I think they have done a good on this one otherwise, it will mark the beginning of their down fall

  • AnonD-312515
  • 02 Oct 2016
  • Y7u

Can any company promise you that 100% of their phones will be 100% safe and foolproof?

  • AnonD-312515
  • 02 Oct 2016
  • Y7u

LOL very true, most of them are probably bootleg Chinese Notes.

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