Palm Treo 680

Palm Treo 680

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Antti
  • pdc
  • 25 Oct 2006

No UMTS? 3G support in a cornerstone for a good smartfone.

    • h
    • harry
    • m25
    • 22 Oct 2006

    hi,Dude,i got a p990 as well as 650,but u dont know that its expandability is none at all.but i agree that it integrate everything in a tight and light handset.but u can only do things with ur builtin apps,and no more!while ur treo function is limited but u can install hundreds of apps(most r free) to make it even more powerful than p990.its interface is much harder to use and get use to than 650!

      • 6
      • 650
      • PFM
      • 21 Oct 2006

      The new Palm 680 may try to capture new entry PDA customers but are ignorance of the existing enormous Palm OS 650 customers base who expected to be upgraded too. The Palm loyalist may simply switch to O2 Cosmo or HTC S620 with better up to date spec e.g. Wi-Fi etc. Incidentally HTC manufactured for Palm 680 yet Palm choose obsolete spec. They could have get two big birds with one stone, now they needed two stones to get one tiny bird. I would not choose 680 with my money!

        • D
        • Dude
        • UDP
        • 20 Oct 2006

        You know guys
        I didn't change my treo 650 for another one like this...
        many friends already changing to P990 but, I didn't like at all.
        first of all not user firendly like treo but, unfortunatelly my treo become dinosour, is it going to extinction.
        I am thinking N95 or P990 for now...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • jkr
          • 18 Oct 2006

          i still have my nokia n93, a piece of rubbish, sitting inside the drawer. the lack of qwerty keyboard and touch screen just doesnt work for me ever after i used treo 650. and the noisy picures and defective autofocus. my p990 took its place completely now. i can only hope 680 will be up to palm's usually standards and replace my p990. but it won't be easy. no phone is perfect at the moment.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • jkr
            • 18 Oct 2006

            my nearly 2 year old treo 650 is still attractive to me, to be honest. i bought a sony p990 for a bit more than a week now, i can say i can be able do just about everything on it, including many functions that treo cant do, such as wap browsing, fm radio, 3g calling, i dont really need wifi coz wifi connection is so limited range and limited freedom, while gprs and 3G range is everywhere access and absolute freedom . but symbian uiq interface is not as easy to use as palmos, sometimes i get confused. actually, sony p990 is for those who want everything integrated into one tidy package and those who doesnt want anything else except builtin apps. its expandability is very very poor, only got 1700 software on the market for uiq 3, while palmos got 28000 softwares avalible and many of them are free such as a 'noah dictionary pro' which is a very complete package of dictionary for palmos,its worth more $25! symbian sony p990 is actually for normal user while palmos is for very very power users, simply because its very highly expandable capability with hundreds of softwares. no bluetooth stereo no worries,get a softick bluetooth audio gateway installed. no fm radio no worries,get a separate fm radio. no 3g no worries, who use video call everyday?who care about freedom more than speed! palm treo is not a phone , its actually a data centric device with builtin voice function! with uiq u cant do more than builtin apps. with palmos u can do every thing. still want my treo 650 back, its so sexy. looking forward to the release of this 680. i will buy one to fill in the gap between my 650 and p990 anyway.

              • 6
              • 650
              • F4p
              • 18 Oct 2006

              Back to the museum Palm 680! Nice for display.

                • A
                • AM
                • kCP
                • 17 Oct 2006

                No wifi? VGA camera? Why bother, this is barely an improvment on the 650 which is how many years old now?

                  • J
                  • JSON
                  • YgM
                  • 16 Oct 2006

                  This phone is palms atempt to move into the sidekicks spot. It's obviously not a phone that current 650 owners are gonna upgrade from especially since all it has over them is memory.

                    • R
                    • Rob
                    • xD1
                    • 16 Oct 2006

                    this is their sad excuse to replace the treo 650 on rogers

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4G9
                      • 16 Oct 2006

                      This looks like another way Palm is expanding their business by appealing to other generations. Since "Everthing" phones seem to be the next way technology is going, why not take advantage of this and start creating color phones with low end specs, for thoes who just have to have the latest and greatest toy. Not saying Treos are toys, but someone may adopt these color Treos as the next Sidekick killer! lol

                        • r
                        • ronyjarod
                        • 2Aw
                        • 15 Oct 2006

                        i own a treo 650 n expect much from new treo products but this is a stupid invention with lousy specs

                          • L
                          • Landry
                          • 2Wa
                          • 14 Oct 2006

                          this fone is simply a shame among business fones. this fone lacks wi-fi ??? how come can they make such a mistake in 2006????? cant believe it !

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wu4
                            • 14 Oct 2006

                            How disappointing!

                            The previous Treos rocked the gadget world! This one is probably a fake! It's features list suggests it must be a fake Treo!

                            What a bad joke! All they did was remove the blasted antenna. NOTHING ELSE!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • jkr
                              • 14 Oct 2006

                              this phone's advantage over 650 is faster bluetooth 1.2 and 60 mb memory, and slightly improved os and maybe native support for bluetooth stereo music(treo650 user can download softick bluetooth audio gateway A2DP profile software from its website,no worry at all mates!). camera stays the same, but who can trust those crappy phone cameras in most phones now, only those dummy do.and the same screen , which is very good for movies(u guys have to get a video converter called WINAVI, then go to to get its serials key.once u get it u open the software and convert the video at this setting:fixed 320x240 resolution or a bit higher[higher resolution will result in jerky unsmooth movie], 30 frame per second,xvid format[inside avi format],video bit rate is 380 or 580 or 760, by this way u can have smooth 1.5 hour movie which only occupy small amount of memory like 600mb to 1gb) .and the issue of how to turn off the backlight automatically with screen still on, u have to download software like DIMMER and POWERON, both paid software,try them out first..not much for me here, as a existing 650 user, but i think this time palm will reduce the price to make it more appeal to mass normal consumer market rather than organisational business market,because of its low end specifications, hence less cost involved for palm and more sales and get more customer awareness, and more chances to show it on some amereican movies and give it away for free to some famous celebrities. currently, still not many people in new zealand and many other country know about so happy to know that the new windows treo 750 has very short of supply from vodafone in europe in the first week, no matter vodafone already done a big order from palm.its ranked the best selling phone by vodafone itself.still there are so many people out there are interested in treo at this stage, not hp 6500,haha.i used windows 5.0, not really a fan of it. if palm os got the same function as windows and symbian, i still stick with palm os though, because its easy to use interface and easy to get thousands of commercial softwares for free at i-phone forum website and windows and symbian users can get some but not as easier as palmos , and UIQ 3 can get none software for free .i hope palm will improve the durability of the keyboard, coz 650's keyboard is not durable at all but still very usable for me, a mad txter. i hope palm will put the same quality screen as 650's, bright and very touch sensitive. its got a wap brower as well, good on palm, along with java midp 2.0 , not bad! tell u what, i still prefer palm over windows, partly because of the perfect screen,the best one to watch movie, and the easy to use interface, while windows is too slow, like symbian s60 and UIQ 3. i wish next year palm treo 800 will integrate everything that sony p990 has, such as fm radio,wifi,3g,videocam,usable camera(who use camera everyday?),durable keyboard and buttons(we really use keyboard everyday for writing txting and notes and important event ,right?),multitasking,less frequent crash,keeping the same traditinal slightly improved treo design which has won millions of treonauts hearted approval,keeping the same VGA screen and layout of keyboard,longer battery life but smaller battery size, maybe with Access linux platform(jesus!i cant wait to see its release!) built in with palm os emulator(and built in multitasking capability!,great!),until then this dream treo800 phone will again be the best of the best smartphone on this planet,palm's sale will be sky rocketing again. we pray.......haliluha.....(im not christian.haha!)

                                • s
                                • stronzo
                                • mIn
                                • 13 Oct 2006

                                palm treo 680 in red looks exactly like a calculator i got from a box of cereal 10 years ago, pretty funny hahahah.

                                  • c
                                  • cego
                                  • TjD
                                  • 13 Oct 2006

                                  no wlan?????u kiddin me!!!!still treo hasnt got wifi...:(

                                    • W
                                    • Wonderkid
                                    • n13
                                    • 13 Oct 2006

                                    Palm are making a big mistake launching this in Europe, where even low end phones include a 1.3MP camera, mid range a 2MP and the latest popular phones, 3MP (K800i, N80 etc). In the US, most phones still ship with low end cameras, and so the Treo 680 may well do well with the younger crowd over there, but I predict it will fail in Europe until Palm launch a similar device with at least a 2MP autofocus camera and WiFi. Where they may do well in Europe is pitching it against the Blackberry, where a camera is not the key value proposition. (The design of the 680 is lovel by the way, keyboard looks nice too!) I'm going to get a P990i, suffer is flaws, and then get what does not exist but is no doubt on the drawing board at Apple, Palm and/or SE for 2007.

                                      • i
                                      • idriss
                                      • x{r
                                      • 13 Oct 2006

                                      When companies like nokia are defying the rules of creativity, That's not the best gadget to come up with to win a market for PALM treo

                                        • A
                                        • Alejandro
                                        • PqT
                                        • 13 Oct 2006

                                        Why?, why?? The technology is already there, Nokia is coming soon with the N95, Sony has already the P990. What's the strategy? Why can we've a Treo GSM with a 5mp camera, WiFi, and a lot of RAM, say 512Mb... My last two words.... WHY? WHEN???? =o(