Pantech Vega No 6
- D
- AnonD-112401
- XNk
- 21 Mar 2014
plzzzzzzzzzz update 4.4 kitkat vega no 6...
- s
- shah8k
- 10 Mar 2014
AnonD-66795, 09 Mar 2014hahahaha now i have purchased Vega 860 only in 200 $ :-pbut still not update 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 :(
- D
- AnonD-66795
- 6PG
- 09 Mar 2014
hahahaha now i have purchased Vega 860 only in 200 $ :-p
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- shah8k
- 06 Mar 2014
why vega no 6 is not updated 4.3 JB and 4.4 kitkat
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- AnonD-233941
- 0fM
- 16 Feb 2014
aww man i would love to have this phone but its to much for me :( and i dont have that kinda of money...i been watching the reviews and i see and hear that is a great phone to have everyone that has this phone is super lucky..
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- AnonD-233586
- Yg$
- 15 Feb 2014
i have this pantech vega No 6 but my screen touch is not working properly can you please get a replacement for me?
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- Dzung
- 12 Feb 2014
mica, 06 Feb 2014May I ask how long does it takes for the phone to be fully ... moreMy A860 need 4 hours to fully charged, that's a really painful time. But then I replace the cable, it takes only 1h30m to charge. Yeah, that's the truth, 1h30m.
So I recommend you to buy a good cable, you even have to try several cables to choose the best ones.
Good luck!
- D
- AnonD-232186
- P%%
- 10 Feb 2014
My hotspot is not working. I mean when i am trying to make my phone Hotspot the device connect with my phone getting ip bit not getting internet. does anyone faced this problem before. or have any solution?????
Please help//......
- c
- clary
- 9xH
- 08 Feb 2014
Rinu, 31 Jan 2013card slot upto 2000 GB !!!!!!wath
- m
- mica
- Kg{
- 06 Feb 2014
May I ask how long does it takes for the phone to be fully charged when using the original charger? need your answer please my fone takes longer before it will be fully charged.
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- sanjay
- t6$
- 29 Jan 2014
This phone is superb but sometimes hd videos r not played until the phone is restarted.can anyone solve it?
- f
- fifi
- IUa
- 20 Jan 2014
I have been using this phne for more than 6 months and it was super, but suddenly it has develop a problem it has stopped taking screenshot by pressing volume and power together.previous the application was ok but now it has stopped can someone help plz
- T
- Tuan
- 2IK
- 19 Jan 2014
AnonD-225273, 18 Jan 2014I am using this phone . This is a superb phone. but i am fa... moreTry to turn on flight mode, then turn off. Then turn on your data connection
- D
- AnonD-225273
- XN{
- 18 Jan 2014
I am using this phone . This is a superb phone. but i am facing one problem with this. and the problem is if i stop my data service and again start data service a few while latter, data service doesent work. does anyone face this problem or have any solution on that. I found a solution of this problem and that is restart. but each time restarting phone is so much difficult. Please help....
- v
- vgchris
- i8w
- 14 Jan 2014
some serbia, 28 Dec 2013Man tell me where can I get it, put some link in here for m...
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- AnonD-51745
- 9yc
- 11 Jan 2014
How to output phone to tv
- P
- Philip
- 9yc
- 11 Jan 2014
What cable should I use to output to tv
- s
- some serbia
- 9CB
- 28 Dec 2013
nauman1284, 26 Dec 2013you have to install custom rom to use such features, outsid... moreMan tell me where can I get it, put some link in here for me and another peoples I have to root my phone as well, thanks in advance :-)
- s
- shoka
- KI3
- 22 Dec 2013
Plz add the new phones of pantech like 870 iron, 880, 890
- 👍