5 megapixel face-off: Vox populi

05 December 2007
It’s been a while since our last cameraphone shootout and you know how much we love them. With all those 5 megapixel cameraphones around, our hands were just itching to make a grand 5 megapixel face-off with as many of the current 5 megapixel cameraphones as possible. The stars in this episode of our Shootout series...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • fvC
  • 07 Dec 2007


    • S
    • SamsungLover
    • ixr
    • 07 Dec 2007

    for me its A, D, C B...hope you release the result the soonest..im thinking of getting one of the four feature celphones.

    great idea!

      • b
      • boutchi
      • ntC
      • 07 Dec 2007

      boutchi's rating :


        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • w0Q
        • 07 Dec 2007

        Oops... wrong again ^_^ C has more vivid colours than A.. Oh boy...

          • M
          • Modris
          • MM6
          • 07 Dec 2007


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • w0Q
            • 07 Dec 2007

            Its so confusing... I thought B was K850i because of the violet over exposure. Well it turned out that the LG Viewty has more violets than k850i (From the LG Viewty review).

            Also I thought C has more over vivid colors. But that's when you look at the cropped images. The individual images tells me that A actually has more vivid colors than C.
            Its so weird.
            People here may end up actually choosing SE or LG for what they think is Nokias or Samsungs, or vice versa (or rather vice versas)^_^.

            So interesting.....

              • E
              • Essymond
              • q}j
              • 07 Dec 2007

              1) C
              2) B
              3) A
              4) D

                • A
                • Adam
                • iDb
                • 07 Dec 2007

                In my oppinion the C. phone takes it all, well not everything but most of it!

                My rating:

                1. C
                2. A
                3. B
                4. D

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • w0Q
                  • 07 Dec 2007

                  OMG! I figured out that B actually is k850i. The third set of photos (The train) show similar photos taken between the N95 vs. k850 shootout. (The violet exposures over white photos)...

                    • M
                    • Max D
                    • Tr8
                    • 07 Dec 2007

                    C has the best over-all quality but it's colors are bit OTT so it has to be A - true colors and very good sharpness. D and B - both below average but D seems to at least keep the colors real. So:

                    Let's see what you guys came up with :)

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • ib4
                      • 07 Dec 2007

                      well..lemme guess C is a nokia n95 8gb..i think so because nokia usually produce pictures that more saturated in color..

                        • p
                        • pinkpanther
                        • p3G
                        • 07 Dec 2007

                        C, A, B, D
                        ("C" being the best quality images, "D" the poorest)

                          • K
                          • Kuku
                          • w4Y
                          • 07 Dec 2007

                          My Review

                          1 - A is the sharpest of the lot followed by C. B and D have bleeding edges. Order: ACBD
                          2 - C has the best contrast and colors followed by A. D has a lot of noise. Order: CADB
                          3 - C has the best contrast followed by A. B has a lot of purple fringing. Order CADB
                          4 - C is again the best followed by D and A. B has purple fringing while A has blown(overexposed) hightlights. Order: CDAB
                          5 - A looks the best followed by C. B and D look washed-out. Order: ACDB
                          6 - C is very crisp followed by B and D. A looks pretty soft. Order: CBDA
                          7 - C looks very clean while B has the best detail. D has a lot of noise while A has lost all details. Order: CBDA

                          A - Close-up images are soft at full crop although landscapes and brightly-lit images look quite sharp. This is mostly due to high noise reduction and hence many of the finer details are lost. The camera has a good image processor and probably has the faster processing times of all the cameras.

                          B - Clearly visible purple fringing. Images are very soft and very low on contrast. Whereas this camera has very good macro capabilities - probably the best among the lot.

                          C - Rich colors and very good contrast levels. The images are brilliantly detailed and very crisp. I suspect that this camera has a good auto-focus with a shallow depth of field. There also tend to be a lot of bleeding edges.

                          D - I noticed a lot of bleeding edges in this camera too. Noise reduction seems to be absent. Hints of purple fringing in some cases. An average performer with nothing great to write home about. Nothing bad going for it too.

                          My Rating

                          1st -> C
                          2nd -> A
                          3rd -> D
                          4th -> B

                          C is undoubtedly the best among the lot. All-round performer. Photographers will love the depth of field that it offers though amateurs will wonder why many details are not shown. Brilliant looking photographs and there is really nothing bad that I can find about this.

                          A is the best bet for casual mobile-phone photographers who want a photo that looks good on the screen. Great daytime camera if there is a lot of sunlight, but you might also get some occasional blown highlights. Low light photography is best avoided on this.

                          D is an average camera with nothing great nor any disappointing shortcoming. If you like the phone and don't care much about the camera then this is for you. Beware of the noise though. Crops and printing are best avoided on this one.

                          B is more or less the worst camera here. Its just something that you would need to use in an emergency. You would be better off using it as a phone than as a camera.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P4E
                            • 07 Dec 2007

                            can't believe how you guys have the courage to say that C have the best colors... it's so unreal!!!

                              • S
                              • Sheikh
                              • PB2
                              • 07 Dec 2007

                              1.C, 2.A, 3.B, 4.D

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mJe
                                • 07 Dec 2007


                                  • Z
                                  • Zetep
                                  • mZ1
                                  • 07 Dec 2007


                                  'C' has the least amount of noise and distortion in picture. Colours are good as well.

                                  Be interested to find out which is which?!

                                    • j
                                    • jason
                                    • mXx
                                    • 07 Dec 2007


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ib7
                                      • 07 Dec 2007


                                        • C
                                        • Confused.com
                                        • ix5
                                        • 07 Dec 2007

                                        Come on Admin...392 comments!!! I think it's time you revealed the answer!!!

                                        I personally would like to know as I have the KU990 Viewty and am unhappy with the image quality, so considering sending it back in exchange for one of these other phones depending on results of this experiment!!!
