5 megapixel face-off: Vox populi

05 December 2007
It’s been a while since our last cameraphone shootout and you know how much we love them. With all those 5 megapixel cameraphones around, our hands were just itching to make a grand 5 megapixel face-off with as many of the current 5 megapixel cameraphones as possible. The stars in this episode of our Shootout series...

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  • P
  • Pooyan
  • n}v
  • 06 Dec 2007

A's photos have more natural colors and they are sharper though macro's not so good.
B's photos' colors are not accurate and suffer from strong purple fringing BUT macro is superb!
C's photos have good details, macro is good and in most of them colors are perfect.
D's photos---> :-(
In my opinion:
C : Nokia
A : SE
B : LG
D : Samsung

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nY3
    • 06 Dec 2007

    From best to worst for me: C, B, A, D

    As I don't have any of these phones, I would not try to guess which one is associated to each letter. I will be very interested in discovering the results :-)

      • S
      • Simon SC
      • SuD
      • 06 Dec 2007

      C is the best in terms of overall image quality.

      Some of the images suffer from sharpening halos. B, C, and D all extract good levels of detail, but it's C that is able to extract that detail best. I wish they shot RAW :)

      C also has the best colour by far. B has a reddish tint that can suit some images but not most. C is the most accurate. D's reds seems wshed out from all the NR. There's colour bleeding in all 4.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 0yq
        • 06 Dec 2007

        A SAMSUNG G600

          • N
          • NEo
          • 0U1
          • 06 Dec 2007

          a=n95, b=k850i, c=g600, d=lg...b=the best imo, would have been nice a pic taken by a pro camera showing what we were supposed to see (colors etc)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0m@
            • 06 Dec 2007

            C is the best.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0Bq
              • 06 Dec 2007

              C first, then closely behind is A

                • K
                • KrL0$
                • Qui
                • 06 Dec 2007

                C is the best of all, no matter the phone, it did a great job taking those pics.

                  • U
                  • Umer Khayyam Khan
                  • Uq4
                  • 06 Dec 2007

                  First of all I find it slightly unfair to have compressed pictures placed for comparison. One doesn't get the chance to see the real information recorded in the pictures and cannot focus on areas one may find more focus worthy so as to be decisive. So whatever said here is based on “not enough information”.

                  Secondly, (based on what information we have) I think none of the devices could be said to be far better than the other in fact they only vary in terms of color and "digital enhancement" So its more of a matter of personal choice.

                  A&C – Results have WOW factor and since C has that more people have generally rated it the highest. I think C=KU990 and A=N95, I think!

                  B – Has a lot of red tint and is unfocused in the corners and has a tendency to distort images (it seems). I think it is G600

                  D – Has trouble with shiny metal, brightness and has signs of purple fringing. The results may look most unimpressive at first at many occasions but it seems to be closer to life and has a good potential for post processing of images.

                  I would request GsmArena to have a good review of all of them (with full size pictures) done by some good professional photographers to have their final say. Looking forward to the results.

                    • C
                    • Confused
                    • ix5
                    • 06 Dec 2007

                    If you compare this image taken by the KU990 - http://img.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/lg-ku990/camera/gsmarena_f005.jpg -

                    with this one - http://img.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/5mp-blindfold/003_crops.jpg

                    It's clear by the purple fringing on the white seat, that 'B' is the KU990. Which upsets me, as I just got my Viewty on Monday!!!

                    The oversharpening visible in crop 'A' in this image - http://img.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/5mp-blindfold/002_crops.jpg - suggests that this is the G600. Take a look at the images in the full review and you will see the same oversharpening.

                    'D' is Definitely the K850i. Compare this image taken by the K850i - http://img.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/n95-vs-k850/full/gsmarena_k850_002.jpg

                    with this one - http://img.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/5mp-blindfold/002_crops.jpg

                    And you will see that 'D' clearly shares the same washed out colours and reds appearing pink.

                    Which leaves 'C' as the N95.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Rud
                      • 06 Dec 2007

                      It should be A,C,D,B

                        • R
                        • Rohan S
                        • Uq9
                        • 06 Dec 2007


                        Liked C overall in all pics..

                          • D
                          • Deepak
                          • nvf
                          • 06 Dec 2007

                          c lg ku990

                            • s
                            • suresh
                            • nvf
                            • 06 Dec 2007

                            c - lg ku 990

                              • C
                              • Chetkara
                              • Tm8
                              • 06 Dec 2007

                              A - Has best colors. Others are either too red (B&D) or too green (C. Also on the photo with the building, It's the only one that gives a clear building.
                              C - Has nice detailed pictures, and on the last two photos it has best depth, but also very bad colors. The colors are great drawback IMO.
                              B - Too much red as I stated before, and a little blurry image.
                              D - I don't even want to comment this one...

                                • A
                                • Ali
                                • Uq4
                                • 06 Dec 2007


                                  • V
                                  • Vstolpner
                                  • kWN
                                  • 06 Dec 2007


                                  i think C is a first and D is a last... the middle two are close. Also it appears that C has autofocus, or better autofocus than the rest, but that's just speculation

                                    • G
                                    • GIZMO
                                    • mED
                                    • 06 Dec 2007

                                    i think

                                    c and a has the most colorful images
                                    but the autofocus and resolution of b is better
                                    d is the lowest in all....

                                    thank u gsm arena

                                      • V
                                      • Vishal Patel
                                      • 5%r
                                      • 06 Dec 2007


                                        • p
                                        • phonix
                                        • BLI
                                        • 06 Dec 2007

                                        @ anyone who think that D is K850i

                                        I can assure you that Sony Ericsson K850i is neither D nor C.

                                        It must be either A or B.

                                        lets wait and see