HMD Skyline review

05 August 2024

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  • Punit-onlin
  • X$n
  • 10 Sep 2024

These buggers have Pure View tech. But they are doing to use it.

    Even without Zeiss optics or PureView processing algorithm, I'm impressed with the photo quality. It leans on the realistic side with natural colour processing. I do see some degree of oversharpening effect here and there, but it doesn't do too much to hurt the photos. Just imagine how good it would be with Zeiss optics and the PureView processing algorithm.

      HeFixIt, 29 Aug 2024It is a shame they are putting out incomplete software at l... moreYes, I get the impression Skyline was already late to market. It's a common thing with HMD releases to ship with bugs or lacking advertised features and that shapes the entire reception of the device long after the issues have been fixed by updates.

        Xenotyro, 26 Aug 2024The latest update for the Skyline added 4K recording to the... moreIt is a shame they are putting out incomplete software at launch. They did the same with the exclusive Crest phones for India. They make good phones but their first impressions are bad. This is a huge letdown by the software department.
        If they want to play this game they need to step up their efforts. Hopefully they would have learned from their "first" effort and would be better prepared for their next product.

          • C
          • ClitoriousBIG
          • mFd
          • 28 Aug 2024

          Make a slider dumbphone HMD!!!

            The latest update for the Skyline added 4K recording to the selfie camera, and also enabled steady mode (hybrid OIS/EIS) in 4K 30fps across all of the rear cameras. A shame this wasn't ready during the review period as people won't read about updates.

              Well, sorry to hear this, i do not think it was a defect device, it probably had some software issues. The thing is, factory reset does not resolve the core issues, android is really not that smart in that criteria. So with big issues the resolution would be to rewrite the software on the storage, for that tough, you would need to send it in. But anywqy, why didn't you send it in? You said you had it for 6 months, i mean there is a lot of time to send it back...

                Carol-, 17 Aug 2024Sorry, my wife owes the device, and has no problem you just... moreno, i don't have sd card installed, i tried factory reset, problems not solved, not sure if it's a device defect but it's just bad experience for me. I bought nova prime to see any difference but no. I didn't tried other launchers cuz nova was my go to launcher. Another problem is Microphone and Camera privacy toggle keep missing after few days after factory reset... not sure if it's ALSO my device defect but after the June update it's still not solved, I've sold the device after owning for 6months (most of the time not using).

                  Vitaliano G., 13 Aug 2024And I'm stating that the strategy they have been execu... moreThey have enough market traction to survive, and as we can all see, they survived for almost then 10 years in a market with people that buy e-waste on daily bases and are proud about it, because the cheaper the merrier. I find it really smart that they gave up flagship fight, and concentrate on other means of business to differenciate themselves from the army of "brands" out of china, they have no chance against it anyway, i mean, they will NEVER be able to sell as cheap as the chinese, and they understood that. Well, not soon enough either, they should have concentrate on something else straight from the get-go, by now they would have had a more diverse fanbase. They lost contact with the fans exactly because they were trying to fight with chinese "brands" invasion, that today were xiaclonemi, tomoro micromimicx, after tomorrow, ciopix to dodge taxes. I really hope that now, they understood the problem better and develope in sustainable, repairable devices and invest time in optimising the software and usefull innovations, not 300watt charging and 300herz displays or 400mpx useless cameras. Anyways, it seems that you and most and others here have hard time understanding their situation, or maybe hard time understanding business. What is clear, is that they are on the right path and need to develope further in this direction. Definetly not entering the SoC and fast charging b.s.

                    deRykcihC, 13 Aug 2024I cannot verify those but i had nokia xr20, that device is ... moreSorry, my wife owes the device, and has no problem you just mentioned. If you have an SD card installed, take it out and see the difference, if it's working better, buy a better SD card. Double tap to sleep is not a basic frature, and sound quite annoying. There are a tone of apps that can put a sleep button on startscreen or Niagara launcher has double tap to sleep, still annyoing tough. Nova launcher is garbage this days in comparison

                      Xenotyro, 13 Aug 2024XR20 has double tap to wake screen...sorry, double tap to sleep, I was going to use nova launcher to fix it but it crashes

                        deRykcihC, 13 Aug 2024I cannot verify those but i had nokia xr20, that device is ... moreXR20 has double tap to wake screen...

                          Claudesp33d, 06 Aug 2024I would never buy hmd again, my experience with nokia 6.2 w... moreI cannot verify those but i had nokia xr20, that device is awful as well, cant use nova launcher otherwise the system will crash, very weak battery life, obvious bugs without fixing, lacking basic feature like double tap to wake up etc. I just have no expectations on HMD to do well in their software.

                            Xenotyro, 12 Aug 2024The problem with your logic is they get 'real sales�... moreAnd I'm stating that the strategy they have been executing for the last years, either with nokia or hmd brands, is conducting them nowhere. Maybe, the barbie phones will save the day for them.

                            I may not be right person to establish their route (they have people to do that). I'm just stating the obvious. They are not selling enough units, and what they have has no market traction.

                              Vitaliano G., 12 Aug 2024Well, whatever it is, they are failing in the strategy, whi... moreThe problem with your logic is they get 'real sales' from customers with their low-end phones that the bunch of geeks on this website constantly complain about. They are the market leader in Kenya for example, with local manufacturing that recently produced 1 million devices. Here in the UK their budget phones sell well, and devices like the G42 have been successful in India.

                              The strategy of moving away from higher-end phones, alongside re-architecting their logistics, direct-to-consumer sales and moving to a multi-ODM model, allowed them to survive following the lack of success with the 9 PureView. Android in general is losing out at the premium end to iPhone in markets where there are rapid expansion of the middle class, while in China Huawei has been resurgent.

                              I try and explain why a company makes certain business decisions and targets certain markets, because it is futile to demand they do something beyond their capability. Repairability makes sense as a USP when there is upcoming EU legislation and an ongoing cost of living crisis. I also don't believe repairability means built-in fragility, there is nothing to back up that claim besides lower IP ratings of repairable devices.

                                • b
                                • bryan
                                • XR1
                                • 12 Aug 2024

                                Thanks for posting this, I appreciate the information and the effort you put into your site.

                                  Xenotyro, 08 Aug 2024What is actually possible for HMD as a small player in the ... moreWell, whatever it is, they are failing in the strategy, while others that started smaller now are big players.

                                  The market is mercyless. The fact remains the same.

                                  If they don't produce a model that gets attention from the customer and real sales (not just a bunch of geeks writing), they will fade.

                                  And I go back to my first line:
                                  Offering a repairing kit is no real sales pitch. They are basically saying, hey there, buy a phone that will break, but fear not, you'll be able to fix it! on you own!... Come on...

                                  Fast processors, superb cameras, lot of memory, attractive design,. I think all here are able to write the list down. If they don't have enough money for it, their loss.

                                    DroidBoye, 08 Aug 2024"The point is,you are just talking not to shut up. No ... moreIt has a lot of substance...and deph too. You are welcome, i do not owe the device but i might, so thank you cause i will enjoy it for sure if i will buy it. For the moment i have though a pretty good x30, no need to change.

                                      Carol-, 07 Aug 2024It is actually not. It is quite well rounded and has good f... moreStill overpriced. If they can't deliver on update support, at least offer a Dimensity 8300 or Dimensity 7200 in there.

                                        Carol-, 07 Aug 2024The point is,you are just talking not to shut up. No matter... more"The point is,you are just talking not to shut up. No matter what SoC they would have installed you would probably still find someting to bash, complain, so get something call life, might help you with the issue."

                                        - Thank you Carol, this statement of yours has no substance at all. I'm really glad you're enjoying your new HMD Skyline. lol.