Nokia 808 PureView blind test: The sum of all pixels
- I
- 6D1
- 14 Jun 2012
From best to worst:
E - Olympus DSLR
F - Nokia 808
A - Nokia N8
B, C, D - mediocre cell phone cams
E has the smoothest gradients and cleanest overall detail, so it's gotta be the Olympus, followed closely by F which has to be the 808. A is the N8 since it's got the telling image signature if you know what to look for. B,C,D suffer from oversharpening, noise and noise reduction artifacts, typical of crappy cell phone cams.
- J
- Jark
- v0X
- 14 Jun 2012
I vote for
letter E
- a
- arawes
- srr
- 14 Jun 2012
I like B photos the most....think they are nokia 808
- T
- TruthSeekr
- vGj
- 14 Jun 2012
F is, without a doubt, the PureView 808!
A is also very good, so I'm thinking the Olympus.
- S
- Shain
- Hkq
- 14 Jun 2012
D - Nokia 808 pureview
- k
- kpl
- ut%
- 14 Jun 2012
- ?
- Anonymous
- vCE
- 14 Jun 2012
E is best, followed by F
- z
- zohaib
- U3x
- 14 Jun 2012
D - nokia 808
- ?
- Anonymous
- jZV
- 14 Jun 2012
1. E: Olympus E-PL2
2. F: Nokia 808 Pureview
3. B: Nokia N8
4. A: Samsung Galaxy S III
5. D: Apple iPhone 4S
6. C: HTC One X
- ?
- Anonymous
- pMj
- 14 Jun 2012
I think it is E.
I am pretty sure about that since
it shows definetely the most details, on page 1 not so easy to distinguish, but on page 2 in the image with the fence, pretty obvious!
it has quite an advantage over the other ones!
- D
- AnonD-50319
- 14 Jun 2012
A- N8
B- Galaxy S3
C- One X
D- Iphone 4S
E- 808 PureView
F- Olympus E-PL2
- D
- AnonD-59007
- X0%
- 14 Jun 2012
E - 808 PV
F - Olympus
E & F both are good.
- M
- Mike
- LB2
- 14 Jun 2012
my humble inexperienced observation:
E is amazing.
F captures quite detail rather well.
D bright images. (I phone?)
C the poorest of the lot, relatively unimpressive.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Ei
- 14 Jun 2012
Ya 808 is E.. def on par with the dedicated camera
So if you put this thing in 5Mpix mode.. it should be even better. This is amazing...
- J
- Joule
- p7H
- 14 Jun 2012
A, Nokia N8
B, HTC One X
C, Samsung Galaxy S III
D, iPhone 4S
E, Nokia 808
F, Olympus E-PL2
Best to worst: E F A D B C
- D
- AnonD-10547
- 7tL
- 14 Jun 2012
1) E
2) F
C is the worst camera i'v even seen.
- D
- AnonD-39574
- 6P$
- 14 Jun 2012
Definitely E. 100% crop shows the detailing from Supersampling. Or I could be wrong.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xBy
- 14 Jun 2012
A. N8
B. 4S
C. One X
D. GS3
E. E-PL2
F. 808
- j
- jgo
- Kht
- 14 Jun 2012
E and F are the best
E has natural color and less noise better detailing on the edges
F is little bit saturated like warm color tone and also good detailing and better shadows.
so my guess is E is Pureview and F is Olympus
- m
- mohican
- SdJ
- 14 Jun 2012
F nokia 808