Samsung C3050 Stratus

Samsung C3050 Stratus

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Simon
  • 0Em
  • 04 Mar 2010

d, 04 Mar 2010How do i get rid of the noises when i press numpers and cli... moreturn the volume down using the left side buttons - there is no profile where you can preset this. Good thing is it wont affect the ring tone volume :)

    • d
    • d
    • wgQ
    • 04 Mar 2010

    How do i get rid of the noises when i press numpers and click the arrows ..?

      • E
      • uWC
      • 02 Mar 2010

      Janice, 31 Jan 2010I want to receive images by bluetooth but sender cant find ... morehi brother
      go to your blutooth settings and check the bluetooth visibility may be it is turned on visiblity hidden make it sure to make it SHOW,hope this work


        • E
        • uWC
        • 02 Mar 2010

        becca, 26 Feb 2010I have just put in my SD card and it won't format it, also ... moreBrother its nothing to say your self stupid,,,no problem if u dont know the abbriviation of VGA its good that u are keen 2 know it and u want to increase ur knowledge
        well let me tell u
        VGA stands for VIDEO GRAPHIC ADAPTER,gernaly VGA is used for some thing wich displays any out put for you as u can see your GRAPHIC CARD wich u insert in ur PC its purpose is to show u the out put so its similar in mobile phones.hope u uunderstand now.and please comment me on my email address if u like to it is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3C9
          • 01 Mar 2010

          Graemerz, 19 Feb 2010Anyone know how to stop the stupid noise from going off aft... moreyeah.. we have d same problem.that thing really sucks. i wish some1 will have an answer 2 that.

            • r
            • rhed
            • 3C9
            • 01 Mar 2010

            how do i get rid of that annoying sound alert everytime im sending sms? im talking about samsung c3053. thx

              • K
              • Kaygee
              • Na@
              • 01 Mar 2010

              becca, 26 Feb 2010I have just put in my SD card and it won't format it, also ... moreVGA is a Standard Camera that a phone uses, it has nothing to do with GPRS and Edge

                • b
                • becca
                • PTY
                • 26 Feb 2010

                I have just put in my SD card and it won't format it, also what is VGA? and the difference between GPRS ans EDGE?
                Call me stupid but I really don't know what the abbriviations stand for.

                  • b
                  • becca
                  • PTY
                  • 26 Feb 2010

                  does anyone know how to get rid of the custom option on the home screen please, I would like it to replace it with message instead.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Nhm
                    • 25 Feb 2010

                    I just got this phone for 3 weeks, and now this thing brakes, not even my fault, The ribbion that slids the phone up and down gives up. I was told to fix it myself at the cost of R900.00 WTF..... will always stick to a NOKIA.

                      • J
                      • Jacky
                      • n5G
                      • 20 Feb 2010

                      The Wife...., 02 Dec 2009My wife has one of these phones and had it replaced 3 times... moreYep just got this fone after years of nokias well nokia here i come as soon as the shops open battery dont even last 24hrs only has one free ring tone if you can find that in the stupid menu, instructions booklet one sheet!!!!!!!!!!! looked up online and its the same. terrible terrible fone wish my old one hadnt got WET.

                        • G
                        • Graemerz
                        • m5U
                        • 19 Feb 2010

                        Anyone know how to stop the stupid noise from going off after sending a text message? Its not practical for work with that noise going off after i send a message. It appears the only way to stop it is if I put the phone on silent but then you can't hear your phone ringing and there appears to be no way to override it so that you can make it ring.

                          • M
                          • Muddler
                          • 2Ie
                          • 18 Feb 2010

                          A VGA camera has a picture of 640 by 480 pixels, which amounts to 840x480=307200 pixels which means 0.3 Megapixels, good enough for computer screens.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mxa
                            • 15 Feb 2010

                            Anonymous, 14 Feb 2010This phone is extra, but I do not know where the USB PORT .... moreWhere the charger/headphones plug in.

                              • W
                              • Welshie
                              • nFR
                              • 14 Feb 2010

                              Fed up!, 10 Jan 2010 I bought the C3050 for Christmas and find it far more ... moreI too am having problems when texting - keep hitting the wrong buttons because they are to sensitive and close together - also does anyone know how to turn off the stupid "sent a text tone", which plays every time I text someone. Its so so so so annoying, infact it is now annoying any of my family that maybe in the room at the time. What is the point of this Samsung? I am at the point of accidently dropping it in the dogs bowl so I can get a new phone!!! To think I got rid of my motorola V6 for this!!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • srp
                                • 14 Feb 2010

                                This phone is extra, but I do not know where the USB PORT .. if someone knows let me tell you .. please ..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Re2
                                  • 11 Feb 2010

                                  what is the fake call all about?

                                    • E
                                    • Emmanuel
                                    • vG0
                                    • 09 Feb 2010

                                    Hi ,

                                    Im planning to buy Samsung C3050 Mobile ..... how is the mobile functionality . Is it good and is the Camera resolution ie VGA Camera . Is it good or atleast reasonably fine ......

                                    And can we add tracks say if i have a 2 GB Card and have around 400 songs can i add all 400 songs to the playlist .

                                    Please reply asap to help me make my decision


                                      • A
                                      • Andy Robus
                                      • p6u
                                      • 08 Feb 2010

                                      I have managed to record a phone call with this phone. When on call go left softkey button options and go to menu go to voice recorder and record away!

                                        • A
                                        • Andy Robus
                                        • p6u
                                        • 08 Feb 2010

                                        Just got this phone in silver and it was very cheap with a lot of features. Dont let the camera put you off only being VGA when the norm is 1.3mp and more these days, even though its VGA its very clear sharp pictures especially in daytime (theres no flash on this phone) and will be Ideal for casual snapshots. The instruction leaflet in the box is rubbish. I had no DATA cable in my box but the phone has Bluetooth so you might find you dont need a cable just buy a cheap USB dongle for your PC. Loud & Clear eirpies/speaker - ringtones loud and Clear.
                                        Now onto my gripes (maybe my information is not right because I only just got the phone but to me it looks like you cannot assign your own ringtone to the calendar alerts, I don't think the phone has any email facility just SMS & MMS, looks like you cannot hear the inbuilt handsfree speakerphone unless you slide the phone out! (er Why what is that about???), I don't think you can keep keypad unlocked when phone is closed up (auto keypad lock keeps coming on) I don't know if you can add your own themes on the phone or just only use the pre-installed ones, the left softkey is weird it just says custom and you cannot seem to change it, there looks like a facility to add the calendar to the home screen its there but its always greyed out. When you set alarms for calendar the alarm symbol/icon stays on the screen permanently so it makes you think you have set a wake up alarm or something, the fonts like sms writing and call notification are awful (zeros have a line through them like the old computer digits of years ago), no dedicated camera key, Voice recording is amr quality and not wav (even though the phone can play back a wav file surprisingly!)
                                        This phone is nice size to hold and put in pocket, has an alright screen (a bit blocky/pixalised in places) but I have seen better, slide mechanism feels good quality. paid 40.00 Euro for mine - now comparing other makes at around 40 and more they havent got as much of the features that this phone has got thats why I consider this to be a value for money phone! - well done Samsung!