Samsung D880 Duos
- j
- jam
- utr
- 19 Sep 2009
can i manually lock my phone without opening the slider
- j
- japoy
- wYA
- 15 Sep 2009
how can i install softwares in my fone? help pls
- M
- Mike
- N7D
- 13 Sep 2009
Hello to you all.
I would like to purchase this phone but I have one Crucial Question please:
Is it possible to BLOCK a particular and specific number? This includes ANONYMOUS number.
Thanks in advance
- k
- katindustries
- t75
- 07 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 31 Aug 2009 Dear friend, I also have the same problem starting y'day... morethe d880 is quite a sturdy phone. the problem is that after some time, the flex ribbon inside breaks and this is the one that causes the problem with the screen, the keys, auto on and off etc. replace the flex and it would it be back to normal.
- k
- katindustries
- t75
- 07 Sep 2009
the d880 is quite a sturdy phone. the problem is that after some time, the flex ribbon inside breaks and this is the one that causes the problem with the screen, the keys, auto on and off etc. replace the flex and it would it be back to normal.
- g
- gneap
- P@c
- 07 Sep 2009
i've been using this phone for almost one year now.. been having problems on arrows and whenever i tried using the camera, been getting "preview error". had anyone experienced same problems? what did you do? thanks guys!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbM
- 06 Sep 2009
anthony, 25 Aug 2009can someone help with the solution to my D880 which I just ... moreYour strip of the slider has stopped working, thats the reason 4 ur display going off when you slide the phone, get a new strip installed, it will cost around 1000 rs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbM
- 06 Sep 2009
SHAHRUKH, 27 Aug 2009antony your mobiles slide is internally damaging show it 2 ... moreYour strip of the slider has stopped working, thats the reason 4 ur display going off when you slide the phone, get a new strip installed, it will cost around 1000 rs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbM
- 06 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009i want to have a phone like this, but i dont have any idea ... moreBetween 7000 - 7500
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbM
- 06 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 31 Aug 2009
Dear friend, I also have the same problem starting y'day... moreYour strip of the slider has stopped working, thats the reason 4 ur display going off when you slide the phone, get a new strip installed, it will cost around 1000 rs.
- D
- Drumil
- vbM
- 06 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009I got my Samsung D880 about 9months ago. It's good. But lat... moreYour strip of the slider has stopped working, thats the reason 4 ur display going off when you slide the phone, get a new strip installed, it will cost around 1000 rs.
- r
- razim
- MsN
- 04 Sep 2009
how to apply the themes
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYJ
- 03 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009I got my Samsung D880 about 9months ago. It's good. But lat... moreit's a very common problem for slide and flip phones. this is because of the flex. i suggest you take it to a technician right away the flex might already be damaged.
- l
- l33xta
- vxB
- 03 Sep 2009, 15 Jul 2009after writing your message, press option key, then select s... moreSurely there must be a defualt option of doing this rather than having to select that all the time?
- l
- l33xta
- vxB
- 03 Sep 2009
Hi there, has anyone figured out how to change so that text messages are saved in sent folder? Your feedback would be appreciated. Many Thanks
- k
- keshav
- uti
- 02 Sep 2009
what is the battery condition how much time can we use once charged full.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYB
- 02 Sep 2009
i want to have a phone like this, but i dont have any idea on it...whats the price in peso?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PSk
- 02 Sep 2009
I got my Samsung D880 about 9months ago. It's good. But lately I'm experiencing faulty on my screen. When I switch on, It's ok. But when I slide down or up the LCD display is gone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- i8w
- 31 Aug 2009
anthony, 25 Aug 2009can someone help with the solution to my D880 which I just ... more
Dear friend, I also have the same problem starting y'day. have you received any solution, plase sher with me if you have any.
- g
- guran
- 28 Aug 2009
toni, 25 Jun 2009looks that it cannot use two cards in countries with 1900gH... moreOnly primary SIM will support 1900MHz. Secondary SIM needs 800/900.