Samsung D900i
- ?
- Anonymous
- I6}
- 07 Oct 2007
just got the D900i and it does have a MS office document viewer.
- b
- bret hart
- U21
- 06 Oct 2007
In response to GasMcCloud-d908i is another name 4 d900i.they r da same thing.d900 does not have fm radio,d900i has it.on da other hand,d900 has document viewer,but d900i does solely depends on ur needs.if u want a phn 4 official purposes,go 4 d d900.if u want a multimedia fashion phn,i wud suggest d900i.also d900i cums wid a shiny metallic body,while d900 has da stereotyped black matt-finish if u ask me,i wud go 4 d900i.its gud 4 u dat they gave u d900i,lol.keep it.
- C
- Chloe Thurston
- mxn
- 06 Oct 2007
Well it looks great it is great but i have had both and i say D900 is the beter one .So what is hasn't got a radio i still like it better it has an document veiwer so if you think about it all you need to think about is what do you want radio or document viewer.
D900=Documeny veiwer
- ?
- Anonymous
- p3K
- 06 Oct 2007
in what resolution does d900i the video???is the same like in the d900 cif?because i see in the internet the d900i's resolution is 176/ that true?
- R
- Rajesh
- M@T
- 06 Oct 2007
Menchu, No way to make the phone contacts the default. And no way to install file viewer. However, you can find some solution to the first two issues in my d900 Tips guide. Enter 'tips' in the search box at the bottom, search and download
- G
- GasMcCloud
- kAH
- 05 Oct 2007
how do you change the language from chinese to english on the D908i?
Which phone is better the D900 or D908i.
- l
- lindsay
- nsT
- 05 Oct 2007
ive got the samsung d900i in pink and i literally think that is a great phone except that the battery goes flat within 24hours or using it
- M
- Misha Dee
- PAh
- 05 Oct 2007
Rajesh , thankyou for the Pan Focus advice - much better , even the so called help desk at Samsung couldnt tell me that !
- m
- milkynes
- 2G3
- 05 Oct 2007
How can you get different languages installed?? a friend with the same phone has about 15 i only have 8 and theyre indo, chinese etc language i cant use...
yes battery life is very poor.. and how can change the phonebook to not show sim contacts??
- ?
- Anonymous
- kbh
- 05 Oct 2007
i have one of de phones it great and all as a phone but mine jus blanks out and restarts at regular intervals...........has dis happen to anyone with dis phone?
- g
- gasmccloud
- kAH
- 05 Oct 2007
how do you change the language from chinese to english?
- Y
- Yan
- xn3
- 04 Oct 2007
Awesome, i tryed the digital camera is VERY GOOD ,real 3MP ,nice phone, MP3 player, the best i had since the D500 !
- G
- GasMcCloud
- kAH
- 04 Oct 2007
I bought what was suppose to be a d900 on ebay. They gave me a d908i instead. Did i get ripped off. which is better? what is the difference?
- m
- menchu
- w0Q
- 04 Oct 2007
anyone? how can i use the "phone"book as my default list and not to display the sim's contacts?
Howe can i disable the keytone?
also, same here, is it posible to install the fiscalviewer?
- t
- the Gr8
- Gfv
- 03 Oct 2007
i just got myslf this babe D900i, n discovered it dont hav no picsel viwer but it rcognises file types i save on the 4ne, i.e. word, pdf... & even displays the right thumbnails icon respectively. can it b possible to load a picsel viwer software in2 my 4ne or some unlocking code 2 activate it if its embeded somewhere with the 4ne...
- R
- Rajesh
- M@T
- 03 Oct 2007
Misha Dee, Would be better in pan focus mode
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Rf
- 03 Oct 2007
Can people stop complaining about the battery life please, Im assuming most of you are charging it over night hence the lack of charge it keeps. This is very bad for the battery as it is basically destroying it. Maximum charge is 1-2hrs guys. You have been told.
- M
- Misha Dee
- 2Ie
- 02 Oct 2007
A terrible camera lag .... does anyone else have this problem & if so can it be fixed.
Would appreciate any information.
- U
- Nxs
- 02 Oct 2007
Its a brilliant phone..I listen to fm radio and all my mp3's everyday for almost the whole day and my battery still lasts for up to 3 days..The only K@k thing is u cant change your msg tone to the tone of your choice....BUT IM HAPPY
- R
- Rajesh
- 2SR
- 02 Oct 2007
Start the camera again and press the volume keys on the left side of phone.
If you are seeing images left as right, press 'down' volume key
If you are seeing upside down, press 'up' volume key
And ofcourse, avoid pressing the volume keys by mistake while you use camera. They are shortcuts for 'flip image horizontally/vertically'. Pressing the same key again will reset.