Samsung F490
- K
- 16 Jan 2008
This is a full touch screen device,
- p
- punk
- SkE
- 16 Jan 2008
remind u of the iphone dont it?
- g
- gehansw
- w9L
- 16 Jan 2008
Looks like a little copcat of Apple iphone
- ?
- Anonymous
- jg4
- 16 Jan 2008
How do you type on this?
- A
- Arber
- mc9
- 15 Jan 2008
I like Samsung very much.Only in my family we have 7 Samsung Mobile.I would like Samsung to do more Simple Software for use and to put in almost all expensive phone WLAN.Now everyvere you can use so i see that most of people only for that dont buy Samsung
- ?
- Anonymous
- MpU
- 15 Jan 2008
- T
- Toon
- ixF
- 15 Jan 2008
Positive comparison with LG Viewty:
1)It is a lot thinner and less weight
(in my view very important if you want to wear it in inside ocket of jacket)
2)it has a bigger internal memory
3)bit bigger screen (closer to iPhone)
4)can store more names and adresses
Negative however
1)no auto focus (heavy failure)
3) video (frames per sec) not as outstanding as Viewty or Nokia N95 or N82 (the best)
For business use however a proper proposal. Autofocus should however be on it, to make it the be outstanding.
- S
- Shahriar
- RsV
- 15 Jan 2008
I love Samsung but when it make somthing with a lot of lacks i hate it.It spoils F700 for making it.How about Flash UI on atomatic photo rotate on this phone?
- H
- HariGopal
- P}v
- 15 Jan 2008
What the hell it is... all the time copy from one or the other model. Do not have any innovative ideas.. either copy from LG or copy from some other model.
This is similar to Viewty , launched in the lastmonth. The samething was happend in the case of metallic series also. LG has launched Shine Phone. These bloody company launched MetallicSeries. I wont prefer this worst phone at all
- r
- romilux
- LAb
- 15 Jan 2008
i would like to know why it is way too similar with samsung f700? if this must be the advanced edition why don't it has wi fi? i just dont get it
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nxp
- 15 Jan 2008
video call?
- r
- robert
- j7c
- 14 Jan 2008
im a sprint customer and I"m excited that this phone is coming to the sprint network in the cdma version but they are calling it the m800. Does this phone have the full qwerty key pad?
- s
- samsung hater hater
- wHS
- 14 Jan 2008
did anybody know that... if i'm not mistaken... samsung actually owns LG...
thats why.. all their products looks kinda similiar...
- T
- The Don Perion
- mG7
- 14 Jan 2008
This looks amazing i have the prada and cant wait for the release of this.
this is certainly a phone for the Don's arround
- F
- Freek de Man
- RbH
- 14 Jan 2008
Hi guys, I work at the caphonewarehouse in The Netherlands. we always warn costumers about the Samsung models, because the battery life is way shorter. The Samsung F series have expierenced a lot of software-problems as well. So I don`t want to be pessimistic but I have my doubts...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sec
- 14 Jan 2008
I also work in a phone shop and we always found the samsungs were the least returned and very reliable phone bar the shocking battery life. Until the u600 came along.... had more of these back than any oyher handset
- j
- james
- 14 Jan 2008
I heard that this phone has Autofocus for sure.
- T
- Tim
- 2CZ
- 14 Jan 2008
Hi guys, I work in a mobile shop and for the past 2 1/2 years have been a strong campeigner of samsung phones. We have the least returns and faults with them by far. Much better phones, hoping this phone cane be a real break through, nice feature, clever design, nice looks and samsung simple user. Nokia of late and SE have had the worst returns, disgusting amounts as a matter of fact. Damn the N95, 6500 classic, E65 and W910i or making my life hell at work! Hope this helps some people out. I understand some narrow minded Nokia freaks will have an issue , but this is from my own personal experiences. I simply would not go for any other brand. Tim
- R
- Romeo
- 2S$
- 13 Jan 2008
i am scared of Samsung phones always had a bad experiance, dont know what to do, i like the phone but will Samsung be able to service it in India I dont think so so its going to be a screw up
- m
- mike
- p7K
- 13 Jan 2008
will this phone be Wi-Fi enabled like the iPhone?