Samsung F490
- A
- Adams
- Px4
- 19 Feb 2009
Can this phone play *wmv format??
Does it have auto focus??
How is the video player??
- m
- munaz
- uNV
- 18 Feb 2009
Anonymous, 11 Jul 2008does dis have an FM radio? .it dopes not have fm radio
- ?
- Anonymous
- w0Q
- 16 Feb 2009
Salman, 25 Jan 2009I think it's good the samsung f490 style is no good the mob... moreits up to you whether u buy it or not..
- d
- desram
- T4x
- 13 Feb 2009
it sucks because it doesn`t have WLAN....
come on what`s neccesary...
- t
- tajik
- ni1
- 08 Feb 2009
it's very good.
- S
- Salman
- ji{
- 25 Jan 2009
jamal, 26 Dec 2008i think the camera is not realy 5 MP , and there is no radi... moreI think it's good the samsung f490 style is no good the mobile is big i think the mobile is no good
- a
- andrew
- uZ9
- 14 Jan 2009
Is there a way to erase the phone numbers you send your sms too?
- t
- the phone jacker
- 0Br
- 13 Jan 2009
i thing its good
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3ia
- 05 Jan 2009
I want to buy this phone! How about writting a message? Does it easy?
- j
- jamal
- 26 Dec 2008
i think the camera is not realy 5 MP , and there is no radio FM in this phone.
- z
- zapatazuparta
- p@d
- 18 Dec 2008
I bought this phone 3 months ago and I had to sell it because it is dificult to use. And not quick responsive....
- k
- kaileah101
- 43P
- 13 Dec 2008
Anonymous, 28 Oct 2008my phone's touch screen didnt work because a bit of water g... moreIts ok i now how u feel i had a phone just like that
- ?
- Anonymous
- iWv
- 14 Nov 2008
It's hard to believe that a phone of this class doesn't come with a built-in flash player. What is worst is that when you try to look for the software to download it, nothing is out there that will work with this phone. So if you like to surf on the net and watch videos (other than you-tube, which is the only type of video you will see), I suggest looking for another phone.
- p
- paolo_91
- nXE
- 14 Nov 2008
the camera sux
- F
- FdkG57 yahoo com
- kx%
- 09 Nov 2008
panki, 22 Oct 2008Samsung f490 does not have that feature in it to leave the ... moreSomeone interested in this phone??I have 13 units and all are very cheap.
You can reach me at mail above.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 03 Nov 2008
Anonymous, 28 Oct 2008my phone's touch screen didnt work because a bit of water g... moreYour fault anyway...
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{Z
- 28 Oct 2008
my phone's touch screen didnt work because a bit of water got in it from the rain. im so mad, i hate this phone, i had it for a month and the people have been fixing it for 4 months til now. im so mad. but its an okay phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- nFX
- 23 Oct 2008
dont get this phone the camera is rubbish its very annoying that to answer and finish a call you have to unlock it on the side.
- p
- panki
- PP6
- 22 Oct 2008
Samsung f490 does not have that feature in it to leave the flash light on... :(
- m
- mohammed
- fuc
- 21 Oct 2008
how can i read arabic texts on the samsung f490