Samsung G400 Soul

Samsung G400 Soul

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Rasman
  • Sjd
  • 14 May 2008

One Personally Feels this phone is top of the pops!. I will be first in line to get his phone what do you think?

    • b
    • brynn
    • nGx
    • 13 May 2008

    @ 5xrr,,well done, who needs wi-fi with 3g much more available just get good data plan..Wi-fi eats battery and in uk its £5 an hour and hotspots are still rare and for 2 hours in a hotspot i get 1 months data plan!!!I think from you putting dollars you are in america but i am in uk so release date may differ..

    This is clamshell plus 5mp plus 2 of samsungs usual vivid and colourful screens..if its out when you say we will get a gsmarena review perhaps a bit earlier..Samsung dont half squash in the electronics i suppose their using their SSMT in the g400 and lets hope the thinness is not at the expense of battery power...

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 5%r
      • 13 May 2008

      Exact Release Date June 12 at least thats when i get it to my store. It is between 400$ - 599$ depends on warranty amazing phone i have the iphone and switching to this as soon as possible. love it 5 mp and clamshell and two beautiful screens and 3g which falls in quad and who needs wi fi when u have 3g on your phone and you have the perfect plan with it

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • jF}
        • 13 May 2008

        I just want to know if this phone is durable since I'm clumsy with phones... I simply want a phone that has simple features and I dont care much for wifi... if you want a wifi go with blackberrys.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • wu4
          • 13 May 2008

          phones don't need wifi. . .

          what do you think is the use of computer and internet cafes huh!!!

          do you understand. . .??

            • b
            • brynn
            • nGx
            • 12 May 2008

            Some people are moaning that the g400 does not have wi-fi well heres my rant,,,,,,

            Wi-fi eats your battery,,

            In uk summer is on way and you cannot get wi-fi on beach and only at hotspots which will charge you £5 an hour and hotels still charge you

            If your using your home wi-fi connection who does that?? if your at home surly you would use your computer rather than piddling around on a tiny screen,,these are portable devices when you are out and about to keep you in contact..

            Gprs and 3g and rarer hsdpa is their almost every where so wi-fi not needed...

            There are also complaints about it not being quadband well in 850mhz countries their is little technology to support the g400 apps so its not intended to go to these parts of the world....

            I cannot believe people complain about silly things like the above or saying the fone will not sell because its only 3.2 mega pixel when 3.2 mp is the best for the camphone sensors at the moment and produces the perfect 6" x 4" photograph..or that the screen is only 262k colours!! in fact its 262k which produce the best screens as proved by comparing the d900i with the g600 screen,,the g600 is washed out at 16 million colours but d900i is vivid and in nokia fones the 16 million colours dims the screen ....

            Well most of the people look past these silly points,,my s/ew900i was only 2 megapixel and has produced most of the best shots of a camphone and samsungs d900 it pretty spot on too.
            Rant ended

              • D
              • David
              • M@T
              • 11 May 2008

              this is a soul clamshell so is the front touchscreen for the music controls ?? I hav just noticed how big the external screen is on the g400 ,i will get it if battery is good and i am a flip fone lover as well as samsung lover...

                • m
                • marc
                • x{@
                • 11 May 2008

                im just wondering if the buttons are hard or easy to press, because sum samsung fones really annoy me when the buttons are hard to press.

                  • b
                  • brynn
                  • nGx
                  • 10 May 2008

                  Cannot find any release date other than what gsm arena shows,,,about june..Samsungs website is useless most of info on handsets is 2 years old

                    • H
                    • Holly
                    • M3d
                    • 10 May 2008

                    Sexiest mobile of the year,i hope it makes it to uk

                      • S
                      • Stella
                      • M@T
                      • 10 May 2008

                      Stylish mobile and sophisticated too with a high megapixel camera and 2 samsung screens,we all know how lucid and colourful samsung lcds are

                        • b
                        • brynn
                        • nGx
                        • 09 May 2008

                        vga @ 30 fps is perfect,lets hope its true,now we have to wait for some battery power/talktime etc...I have been to my usual sites but it just TBA or unknown??LETS hope its at least 4 hr talktime 280 standby

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mvg
                          • 09 May 2008

                          I've read somwhere that the video specs are VGA and 30fps and it's someone whos says that in this thread to. Let's hope that's true. :)

                            • c
                            • chee
                            • xjL
                            • 09 May 2008

                            I find this phone rather attractive plus i'm looking for a flip phone. However the 256K TFT screen turns me off. Any suggestions of a better flip phone?? I will appreaciate it very much. Thanks

                              • b
                              • brynn
                              • nGx
                              • 09 May 2008

                              clamshell delight,,just waiting for battery details and video recording spec..I love clamshells but getting one with decent spec is almost non existant,obviously samsung are the clamshell kings,,,

                              5 mp with two glorious samsung screens,,just please dont let it down with bad battery and poor video recording

                                • n
                                • nvofevery1
                                • 0a3
                                • 08 May 2008

                                anyone know:
                                1) exact release date
                                2) the type of transflash card this will take?
                                SDHC or Microtransflash?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mX3
                                  • 04 May 2008

                                  Devmaster : hi there, yes this phone has flight mode, all new samsung phones have flight mode, none of them have it mentioned on the features, but they do all have them. It originated in the D900 with flight mode, so yes they do all have them, its just called offline mode.

                                    • A
                                    • Alex
                                    • m1u
                                    • 01 May 2008

                                    yes it is long time that you can change your Message Rington in Samsung's Phone!

                                      • r
                                      • rakeb
                                      • mnE
                                      • 01 May 2008

                                      samsung g400 beautiful ,more than all phones 5mp.ok samsung

                                        • s
                                        • shd
                                        • QKV
                                        • 29 Apr 2008

                                        WOW it is great.