Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570
- N
- Nick
- 2Aj
- 10 May 2011
benchmd-php, 09 May 2011Reg: SMS converting to MMS:
Yes, i've encountered the s... moreHi benchmd-php,
I did the same u told me & it really works...i had instaled the application before u told me...but i did not check that option to automatically change the SMS to MMS...but now i am able to send long messages in go...thankz to u...u really helped... ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 10 May 2011
Cassa Murphy, 10 May 2011Hi Nik,The same problem in my phone too -Long SMS'S are con... moreFrm: benchmd-php
Hi Cass. Like i said in my previous comment post, i encountered that same problem too. But i was able to solve it by installing another Android Messenging Application called HANDCENT SMS. For detailed instruction on how to do this, you may read my previous comment posted last May 9, 2011. But to be able to do this, you really need to be connected to the internet. In your case, a wifi internet connection would be ideal.
Hope this helps you. Good luck. :-)
- b
- benchmd-php
- t7X
- 10 May 2011
george, 09 May 2011uhm, just wanna ask... i saw some of its unboxing videos in... moreIm not sure where or what country you're planning to buy your smartphone but when i bought my Samsung galaxy mini in the Philippines, it came with an original Samsung Headset. So did a few other people I know.
On closer inspection, i saw that the Samsung Headset looked similar to one type of Nokia Headset (with the 3.5" jack w/ 4 segments).Although i havent tried it, i'm willing to bet that that Nokia headset will work fine with Samsung Galaxy Mini. Good luck.
- C
- Cassa Murphy
- 2Aj
- 10 May 2011
Nick, 12 Apr 2011Hi, i've bought samsung galaxy mini S5570 no doubt the phon... moreHi Nik,The same problem in my phone too -Long SMS'S are converting to MMS,One of my friend asked me to disable the feature,,but i wasnt able to.Also I tried to get the application thru net but i couldn't. Plz help me,
- g
- george
- wYE
- 09 May 2011
uhm, just wanna ask... i saw some of its unboxing videos in youtube and i was wondering if its true that there is no headphone included in the box.... i think the video i watched was somewhere form europe... does it means that it does not include a headset??? please help
- S
- Svn
- uNV
- 09 May 2011
Is this true that capacitive touch has less lifetime than resistive touch?in my practical xperience,my frnd's resistive phn has some prob with the touch in 2 months.
- S
- SadBoy
- snM
- 09 May 2011
I have a problem downloading the application from the Android Market! When you start to download the application writes normal downloading, and then transferred to download paused and so is not to transfer any application from the market! I hope someone will help me who had the same problem!
- i
- inserttripcode
- wr4
- 09 May 2011
nesu, 07 May 2011hi!..just want to know how to foward a message using this p... moreLong-tap at the message you want to forward, then pick Foward.
- b
- benchmd-php
- PxA
- 09 May 2011
Nick, 12 Apr 2011Hi, i've bought samsung galaxy mini S5570 no doubt the phon... moreReg: SMS converting to MMS:
Yes, i've encountered the same problem in my phone - the SMS converting to MMS after it reaches 3 msgs long. I tried disabling this feature but wasn't able to do so.
But i figured, hey this is an Android phone so there must a whole lot of other Messenging Applications available at the Android Market, so here's what i did:
- using my Samsung Galaxy Mini smartphone, i connected to the internet using wi-fi (or through your network's mobile internet service).
- open the Android Market application in your phone.
- download and install HANDCENT SMS application into your phone.
- go to Settings - go to Send Message Settings
- UnCheck the item which says "Auto-Convert to MMS (don't convert to MMS when length reaches 3 messages)
- then Click, you're done. Problem solved.
(did this comment help you? leave a reply or email to thanks. :-)
By the way, this phone totally rocks. Its totally worth the money i payed for it. Its not as expensive as the other high-end phones, but it has almost all of the features which matter to me. I even sent this Comment using my phone and it only took me a few minutes, using free wifi.
And to the Nay-Sayers I say to you. If you're not contented with this phone, then why don't you save your hard-earned money and buy that other Ridiculously Expensive phone which practically does the same thing.
Peace. :-)
- b
- benchmd
- PxA
- 09 May 2011
Nick, 12 Apr 2011Hi, i've bought samsung galaxy mini S5570 no doubt the phon... moreReg. SMS converting to MMS:
Yes, i've encountered the same problem in my phone - the SMS converting to MMS after it reaches 3 msgs long. I tried disabling this feature but wasn't able to do so.
But i figured, hey this is an Android phone so there must a whole lot of other Messenging Applications available at the Android Market, so here's what i did:
- using my Samsung Galaxy Mini smartphone, i connected to the internet using wi-fi (or through your network's mobile internet service).
- open the Android Market application in your phone.
- download and install HANDCENT SMS application into your phone.
- go to Settings - go to Send Message Settings
- UnCheck the item which says "Auto-Convert to MMS (don't convert to MMS when length reaches 3 messages)
- then Click, you're done. Problem solved.
(did this comment help you? leave a reply or email to thanks. :-)
By the way, this phone totally rocks. Its totally worth the money i payed for it. Its not as expensive as the other high-end phones, but it has almost all of the features which matter to me. I even sent this Comment using my phone and it only took me a few minutes, using free wifi.
And to the Nay-Sayers I say to you. If you're not contented with this phone, then why don't you save your hard-earned money and buy that other Ridiculously Expensive phone which practically does the same thing.
Peace. :-)
- t
- tolits
- MkR
- 09 May 2011
where can i get english owner manual of samsung galaxy mini s5570
hope u can provide me one copy
- g
- goendroid
- Kx2
- 09 May 2011
Nice phone. Fast,Thin,Awesome camera and game. Love Android so Much...
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftt
- 08 May 2011
I bought the phone recently and everything is fine except that when browsing the net through the wifi I can not access to any page although note that YouTube and facebook and Twitter are working well with wifi too. and does not know the reason for the inability to browse the Web through Google or Yahoo or Ping or any other browser , please help me, please
- J
- P$k
- 08 May 2011
mila, 08 May 2011Hai all.. ? need a help.. ? just bought an galaxy mini, t... more4-6 hours fast time charge will be ok for any L-Ion Battery.
- C
- Catalin
- 0Up
- 08 May 2011
hello ! i got this phone 2 weeks ago , it's great , all kind of features , and a lot of apps , the only downside is the battery and the fact that it doesn't support flash player !
it doesn't compare to galaxy s , but the price doesn't either. if you can't afford galaxy s , this is a great choice
- m
- mila
- Qxp
- 08 May 2011
Hai all.. ? need a help.. ? just bought an galaxy mini, this is my first android phone.. My question is, how long should ? charge this phone for the first time? Thanks! :)
- R
- Razenma
- w9D
- 08 May 2011
It is really a nice phone. But you cannot download skype on it. Sorry to find out.:(
- M
- Mir.
- uWJ
- 08 May 2011
Im having trouble with its internal keep decreasing.Even though i have all the Apps installed on SD card, im out of internal memory.Desperate help required!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 May 2011
Appreciate if you could teach me how to set songs other than the ones come along with the phone as ring tone.
- h
- hemant
- iws
- 07 May 2011
Padma, 04 May 2011I brought this phone last week in Samsung Exihibition Hall ... moreThe phone cover comes along with phoneitself in india.The suitable screen gauard is avaialble.